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Seabass's 17.4 Gallon (taken down)


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wow seabass your tank looks great, really unique too. definitely following. just curious though do you know how sea grass interacts with corals/anemones? probably a stupid question :lol: but can they grow around each other in peace or would something happen?

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this tank really starting to look like a little under water medow. good work.
Thanks, I'm thinking I'll need to add a baby manatee soon. ;)



wow seabass your tank looks great, really unique too.
Thank you Brian!


So far, the coral and anemones seem alright with their neighbors. The longer shoal grass brushes the rose rock flower anemone and it doesn't react to being touched; however, it will retract immediately when food touches it. I'll have to shoot a video some day.


I'm a little more worried about the plate coral. While it also seems unaffected by the grass, the oar grass is definitely encroaching on the coral. I doubt that it would be able to move around like it used to. So far the coral seems to remain healthy. I'm prepared to move it if that changes, but (like you) I'm interested to see what happens.

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Wow! So much positive feedback. :) TY ~LadyBug~, Rehype, altolamprologus, SoCalDude, and gabe3eb!

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What you were expecting negative feedback? Okay I'll give you some! Um........well.......ah.........oh never mind can't come up with any. ;)

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Thanks TMG!



just curious though do you know how sea grass interacts with corals/anemones? probably a stupid question :lol: but can they grow around each other in peace or would something happen?
They won't sting each other, chemical warfare shouldn't be a problem, and they wouldn't compete for food; therefore they are just competing for space and light. Here's a pic of the Fungia just after being fed.


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Sometimes I see the anemones with seagrass in their mouths. Occasionally I pull it out, but they are able to clear it on their own (they don't actually eat it).


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Thanks Dasani!



You think it is the clowns trying to feed them?
Nah, she's pretty much indifferent to the rock flower anemones. I figure that some pieces of shoal grass get cut off by the MP10 and drift into the anemones. The grass doesn't trigger a strong feeding response. Maybe that's just a method to clear away the loose grass. :unsure:
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I'm using my Bubble Magus NAC3 to achieve a very wet skim for a water change:



I set it to skim out a couple gallons of water in less than an hour (which I replaced with freshly mixed saltwater).

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How is the overflow working? Is the water noisy? Any worry about floods? Is that a 1" drain and a 1/2" return with MaxjiJet 900? How many gph do you think is flowing?


Do you think this would work on a 20 gallon (with only 1-2" sand bed) with 10 gallon sump? Thanks!


Great tank and awesome stand. One of the most unique setups on the board!

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Thanks syncro!


I have no worries about the overflow; and because I'm not pushing its limit, it is virtually silent. I figure that the return pump is producing less than 100gph, but that's plenty for this setup. A more powerful return pump was causing waves to approach the tank's rim and was stirring up the sand bed.


Yep, it is a 1" drain and a ½" return. The overflow, sump, and return would all be fine for a 20 gallon tank. For oar grass, I'd probably keep at least a 3" sand bed. I think they recommend at least a 4" bed for shoal grass.

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I did another round of Flatworm eXit today. I used this siphon setup to remove the flatworms:


The mesh end goes in the sump. If your return pump pushes more water than the siphon's capacity, you can siphon out flatworms as long as you want.


My return pump couldn't quite keep up, so I had to kink the hose from time to time so the pump could catch up. Hopefully one more round of treatment will take care of this problem.

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Thank you racechase! Yeah, they can be a pain, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. My other tank had more, but now they are all but eradicated from that tank. I'm going to quarantine better in the future.

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