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Cultivated Reef

17g Green Leaf Rimless


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Yeah but this is Vic we're talking about...


What's that supposed to mean? :P


and don't ask me for any advice on marine sciences, I was only in it for 3 years


does anyone have a link to got2envy's tank with the boxfish? I try to get as much info as I can about them. There's little enough of it.

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Looks like he had ich when she first introduced him, which is typical. Then their power went out, the temp dropped and he released his toxins, killing all the fish. That goes along with everything I've been able to read, in that their toxins only affect fish and not corals or inverts.


It still sucks to hear though :(

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No apologies needed and you're not jacking the thread at all. Heck, I could talk about marine science and technology all day!!


With regards to courses or specific subjects that you could focus on in prep for a degree in oceanography, you will certainly want some kind of background or a basic understanding of biology, chemistry and if you can take a decent physics class that would be a start. For me, the calculus and upper-level physics classes were what gave me a shot in the pills and made me call the library home for a few semesters. ;)


I found all of the marine science and oceanography classes so interesting that studying and retaining the material came pretty easily.


Also, you may want to think about what specific aspects of oceanography you like, or don't like. Do you like to learn about the currents and physical aspects of the ocean? Or are you more interested in the critters?


Feel free to ask any questions. I'm sure Mono, Vic, and others are happy to give you feedback. You're definitely setting yourself ahead by asking these questions and thinking about it now.




Thanks! I'm just about done with Biology 1 which has definitely been my favorite subject for the past year! As I stated earlier I'm going to take marine biology for this upcoming semester. People may think me crazy for saying this but I can't wait to get to physics! It sounds so cool! Haha :lol: ! I really like calculus, though I'm in geometry, I'm working on getting there... I really like the ideas of graphing waves and such.


I've always been really fascinated with the ocean so really all aspects of oceanography appeal to me. Though I really want to explore the bottom of the ocean and help descover new species, which would obviously include marine biology. Do you ever get to do that?


I'm also interested in the technology that is used to research and explore the ocean. The subs and camras and stuff like that. Would you happen to know what a sub's top speed is? :happy:


Thanks again for all the support!


P.S. I want to see some more picks of your tank! ;)

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Sounds like you're off to a great start :)


I actually picked up a really nice Cali Tort and Green Slimer frag from PodRod this past Friday. Both are absolutely stunning and the Cali Tort looks to be really happy where I've placed it. I'm starting the Slimer a little lower and will be working it up into the rock gradually. I'd rather not bleach the crap out of it not knowing where SPS will be happy with the pendant/LEDs.


I have all-day workshops this week at work so in all honesty, it will probably be Friday before I can get any pictures up :(


Why does work always have to get in the way of reefing ;)

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Didn't someone say "Pictures on Friday"??


Got busy unfortunately. Hopefully these will do :) Most of these are actually from last Friday, right after I added the frags from Karen so polyp extension is minimal at best.


Green Slimer

Under Royal Blues



The rest of these are RBs/NW/Cool Whites with some fill flash (really get to see their natural colors)



Cali Tort





Bommie Beginning (excuse my reflection -_- )



Hopefully I can take a few more today or tomorrow.



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...mowing the lawn, taking out the garbage-- stop it- yur killin' me!! :haha:


Oh, man that's funny stuff right there...



I agree with Eugene, sweet shots of some sweet stuff Adam!

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Is that an orange lined cardinal?


How many do you have? Any issues?


I like the scape!


Thanks!! Those are indeed orange-lined cardinals. I currently have 2 in there now and I'm contemplating special ordering a few more to round out a nice solid pack of them.


Absolutely no issues with them. They are quite active, eat like there's no tomorrow, and couldn't be better model tank citizens :)


Mmmmm chalice. Is that from Karen, too? I want one!


That's actually a blue/green war coral that I snagged from MrCoral a while back. It's slowly starting to get settled and spread down the frag disc.


Nice pics adam.


Nothing compared to yours E. I've been slowly stealing some time here and there to catch back up on your thread...which is amazing!!!


I agree with Eugene, sweet shots of some sweet stuff Adam!


Thanks bud.


Glad its all looking good Adam. Hows everything else going?




Other than coming down with a sinus infection and double ear infections yesterday morning :rant: things have been going great. Still battling a little bit of diatoms in one spot of the tank but I think it's mainly due to the fact that my wife has been throwing open the curtains on our main window and letting the tank bathe in natural light for a few hours each day. I told her just to partially open them from now on ;)


Hopefully I'll be adding some more zoas/palys soon.



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Thanks!! Those are indeed orange-lined cardinals. I currently have 2 in there now and I'm contemplating special ordering a few more to round out a nice solid pack of them.


Believe it or not, Tideline had about 6 of them in last week.

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Believe it or not, Tideline had about 6 of them in last week.


-_- Glad to hear that he's getting them in more consistently. I might have to call and see if they still have one or two.

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Hey, just wondering how many fish you plan to stock? You have 3 now correct?


I currently have two false percs (which I've had since I started reefing) and the two orange-lined cardinals. I only plan on adding one or two more cardinals and then call it a day :)


Nice pics! I like your green slimer. Is it an SPS or an LPS?


Thanks. The Green Slimer is a species of Acropora, so SPS.


still having a Cyano issue?


Just in that one spot. I did finally soak/clean the entire skimmer setup this past weekend and it's skimming like new again. That should help keep things in check.

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hope everything is doing good again! So giving the skimmer a good cleaning helps skimming good again.


i should try this. lol

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Found one of my Cardinals dead as a hammer and stuck face-first in my MP10 this morning. Either it was trying to get a quick shave and got too close or was trying to ride the flow and wiped out. Either way, it blows :(


On another note, I was messing around and moving a few things on Saturday and as always seems to be the case....an hour later and I have a new scape. The rocks on the right are now completely gone and the overall structure has a little less height. I'm letting things settle in, waiting for the diatoms to clear up on the sand and hopefully I'll take some pictures soon.


In general, I seem to be having issues with finding the right amount of flow and overall placement of the MP10 in the tank. I seem to be getting a few "dead spots" in the tank causing that o-so-beautiful rust colored sand.


I'm starting to wonder if I need to lower the pump closer to the sand and turn it up a bit. It's currently a little above 1/2 way up the glass on the right side and running on Reef Mode at around 50%.


Thoughts or advice? I'm actually really starting to get frustrated with the cyano/diatoms. So much for a simple setup <_<

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Why move the power head, why not just turn it up to see if you get flow to the dead spots?


Good question Henry. I'm wondering about placement because I've always been one that has placed my MP10 and MP20 closer towards the surface. I've always been more concerned about surface agitation than flow to the lower reaches. Just wondering if I need to think about it differently.


I also just ordered some more Nassarius, dwarf and full size Ceriths, and some cheato from Reef Cleaners. I think my crew needs to be beefed up as well.

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