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17g Green Leaf Rimless


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Wow...super cool invert. Would be awesome to see them exhibit their natural cleaning behavior.


Where are you looking to get the flower nems from?


Wow...super cool invert. Would be awesome to see them exhibit their natural cleaning behavior.


Where are you looking to get the flower nems from?

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I had one of the pedersons before they are really cool shrimp although mine never got anywhere near my flower anemone...might have been because it was so huge and hungry all the time :lol:

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Saw that last week and I'm still drooling. Not only amazed at the quality of the video, but the critters featured are out of this world.



I had one before they are really cool shrimp although mine never got anywhere near my flower anemone...might have been because it was so huge and hungry all the time :lol:


That would definitely be my luck....it did take my clowns about 5 years to host my Hammer. They spent the first 5 years hosting maxi jets and the back corner of previous tanks :)

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Deleted User 6

the pedersons (and the other small shrimp they have on the site) will both host ricordeas. they're only about an inch long (tiny) but it would be awesome to have a group of them living in a ricordia patch.

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Get in the back in the line D :P I think Dave is going to have plenty of business once he releases the first few of these. Tons of flexibility in his design with all the right bells and whistles.


On another note, I'd really like to get some cool inverts for this tank. I was thinking about a porcelain crab and possibly some sexy shrimp but I'm wide open really. The only concern I have is I don't have a ton of hiding spaces, other than under the left rock and behind the right rock island. I might hold off until I have some more coral and macro in there to provide more hiding space but wanted to do some research now. Inverts were lacking in my 20H and I remember how cool they were have in previous tanks.



Read my thread in the invert forum. That will help you a ton.


I want one of these so bad:




I'm waiting until I can get a couple flower nems for them though.

They host Ricordea just as much as flower anemones. Some people think they host Ricordea more.

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Thanks for all of the suggestions guys. Getting ready to head out of town for a few days but can't wait to get back and start adding some life to the tank.

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under the sea

more pics. i want to upgrade to this tank. want to do all leds and am trying to figure out a good set up for zoas and lps. i have an acrylic tank for over 5 years and love it and am somewhat worried going to glass. how strong is this tank? i'm looking at the mr aqua which i guess is the same as the gla tank.

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Back in town and the tank looks better than ever. Almost all of the diatoms have cleared up on the sand bed and everything looks no worse for the wear.


more pics. i want to upgrade to this tank. want to do all leds and am trying to figure out a good set up for zoas and lps. i have an acrylic tank for over 5 years and love it and am somewhat worried going to glass. how strong is this tank? i'm looking at the mr aqua which i guess is the same as the gla tank.


More pictures are coming very soon.


Is there a particular reason why you're concerned about the strength of the glass? Are you more concerned about it being rimless or are you also concerned about the seams?


Although the glass and seams are incredibly thin, I've never had any concerns considering there are several 100g tanks that are rimless with low-iron glass.



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under the sea

just nervous in general. the nice thing about acrylic is it will never break or leak. my 5+ yr. old acryilc is 99.5% free from scratches. of course i have to be careful wiping down the interior. one thing that i thought would be nice is to finally be able to use a magfloat for cleaning which would make maint. easier.

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I definitely understand your trepidation. When I first pulled the tank out of the shipping box, my first thought was "wow...how the heck is this thing staying together." Then I realized I was just so used to standard AGA glass tanks with the usual thick black rim and sloppy silicone seams.


I've never owned an acylic tank so I don't have anything to compare it to other than previous tanks. I definitely like the flexibility of knowing that it's practically impossible to mar or scratch the tank when cleaning or doing maintenance.


I'd say the Do!Aqua and Green Leaf tanks would be on par with one another.



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Just a couple of updated shots....looking forward to wandering over to the LFS this week to see what they have and can't wait to get DFason's first uni-body LED over this bad boy in the coming weeks.


Full Tank Shot



FnF Sunset Acan



Green Favia




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Thanks D. I think the tank is finally starting to settle out, which I couldn't be happier about. It was a getting a little old staring at a tank covered in diatoms weeks on end. I need to get some fish in there post haste for the macro...the colors are starting to get a little bland on the Flame Algae. Fish poop is needed :)

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fish poop, super high flow, win.


True that...I might just hold an open ziploc in my 20H and tell the clowns to "do work." :lol:

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Deleted User 6

I found that mine gets more rigid and compact with the really high flow and starts to develop those bright orange tips. When it was in the other tank, the "leaves" were broader.

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I found that mine gets more rigid and compact with the really high flow and starts to develop those bright orange tips. When it was in the other tank, the "leaves" were broader.


Great information to know D!! I might move it to the backside of the rock it's on now so that it's in more direct flow. That and it will open up space in the front for future frags.

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