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Mr.corals coral.


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I have to disagree (again) that it's the stores fault you got a pest. Once again, that's what a quarantine tank is for. Anyone really serious about this hobby has one. Also, do you blame the store for your tang getting ich or some other disease after you put it in your tank?


True, if you got a pest from a store's wild coral tank then you should've qt'd. Prop tanks, on the other hand, are for farming and don't have pests, since you can't captive raise corals if pests are eating them. Your tang example works for wild corals, but would you expect a TR clownfish to have worms, brook or flukes?


Anyway, what bothers me about this thread is that the majority of people complaining haven't ordered from him. If you don't have direct experience, why are you complaining?


Remember back when Toyotas were faulty and the media reported on it? You should've called them and been like "hey, if you don't own a toyota then why are you complaining, why not keep it out of print and just call them".


I've sen a ton of new people get the smack down when they ask a question because a lot of people on here feel like they need to show them how inferior they are.


Did you even read your post before this one? You just gave a ton of people a smack down when they asked some questions because you felt a need to show them how inferior they are.

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I am a local and have had 100% survival rate, and yes i do understand its because im local and the pack i got was only shipped an hour away. Also the stuff i have bought from the in the store obviously didn't need to be shipped. So it seems that the problem is his shipping method. However, with the "healed" frags i don't see how they would be attached to the frag really, since most of his frags have a small piece of rubble that the polyps are attached to. So in that case the polyps were never really removed from the actually rock. So he is only gluing rock to the plugs. Therefore, its quite understandable that they could easily fall off. Now this was the case with my frag pack and all the other zoas and palys i have gotten from him. So it could be completely different for someone else. But generally i have seem his packs in the stores waiting to be shipped and it looked like every single one was attached to rock and then the plug. Where usually you have frags that are just polyps on a plug where they would need attach to the plug to be considered healed

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yes, white, hairy, and blue eyed. I bought the acrocrab pair and he sent me the bad crab... def. caused me some grief.


Say WHAT? So he sent you a hairy parasitic acro crab, which he well should've known the difference on, and then didn't do a thing about it? Wow, this thread just gets more and more informative...


Is MrCoral's shipping method comparable to other vendors?


No, there are no other vendors that feel it's appropriate to put more than one frag in a bag.

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Blah, Blah, Blah... However, with the "healed" frags i don't see how they would be attached to the frag really, since most of his frags have a small piece of rubble that the polyps are attached to. So in that case the polyps were never really removed from the actually rock.... Blah, Blah, Blah


WTF are you talking about? Doesnt even make since to me... Someone please translate for me cause I'm a dummy :huh:

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Didn't think it would be that hard to understand... I'll post pics.

First pic shows to frags that have just polyps attached to the plug. The polyps were scraped off the rock and glued directly to the plug.





Next pic is a frag from mr.coral. "blues clues palys" these were cut off a rock with a dremel and never were actually removed from their orginal rock. So for the most part the polyps go through a lot less stress when you cut the rock they are on instead of scraping/cutting the polyps them selves off the rock.




Coloration has not been altered besides white balance. Bulbs are different though and i went bottomless as you can see from the first pic.

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Didn't think it would be that hard to understand... I'll post pics.

First pic shows to frags that have just polyps attached to the plug. The polyps were scraped off the rock and glued directly to the plug.





Next pic is a frag from mr.coral. "blues clues palys" these were cut off a rock with a dremel and never were actually removed from their orginal rock. So for the most part the polyps go through a lot less stress when you cut the rock they are on instead of scraping/cutting the polyps them selves off the rock.




Coloration has not been altered besides white balance. Bulbs are different though and i went bottomless as you can see from the first pic.


Ummm... It was a Rhetorical question ;)

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Ok I didn't want to add to all this but after coming back and reading all the new posts on this thread, I just have to say my experience.


Back almost two years ago when I started in this hobby with a 2.5 gallon I wanted to order corals online (my very first corals ever) and saw something about Mr Coral that made me want to order but I can't recall what now. Regardless I did, told him to make me a zoa pack, few polyps each and like 4-5 frags. So ok, it was a cheap order $40-$50 bucks with shipping (tho like littlelacho, I'm a stay at home mom and money is tight)


So they come, bagged together, one fell off the plug but the others were ok. Put them in the tank and 3 frags never opened at all, turned white and looked "moldy". The other 2 frags of about 5 polyps each, had one polyp open on one and two on the other. Nothing else ever opened, so I got 3 polyps for my money.

Oh but I should also add that those 3 polyps ended up melting away too.


So ok I was upset, went back and forth in email with sonny updating him. I got the same "next time you order I'll make it up to you". Well no, I didn't want to order again, as it was I coulda taken the 50 bucks and thrown it out the window and got the same result. So I said never again!


To try and make this story shorter lol - I thought it was my tank and all, but then ordered some zoas and mushrooms from someone on here, shortly after this incident ( I was determined to get corals in the tank). They arrived and survived fine in my tank and I still actually have them all today! So yeah, it wasn't my tank as I had thought.


So I saw those deals he's been having and I was very tempted but I stuck to my guns on it because -


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!


Hope this helps you all to know. These are not even recent issues but this goes back a looooong way.

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so it looks like this is a rather null topic seeing as how some members on here have had the sam issues never been fixed for years now... hmm.

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LOL!!! O man you fooled me!


Whatever... Doesn’t matter what the frags are attached to, how they are attached etc...


Let me give you a visual... take a baggie... place a bug in the bag along with two rocks or marbles, whatever,

now shake the bag... The bug is either mortally wounded or killed immediately


So... B)

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Did you even read your post before this one? You just gave a ton of people a smack down when they asked some questions because you felt a need to show them how inferior they are.


Which one? I don't see where I gave anyone the smack down for asking questions. If it's regarding the quarantine, I don't feel like I was smacking anyone down, just providing a "best practice" to avoid pests. I also followed up with I'm just as guilty as anyone in this regard but I blame only myself. I just started using a QT after having an aiptasia, zoa eating nudi's and red slime problem. And no, it's not Mr Corals fault. I had these problems before I ordered from them.


Moving forward, as I said, I'll keep you guys posted with how my order goes. I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt. There was several complaints about having several frags in one bag. This appears to be resolved because all my frags were in different bags. Also, the heat wave thing may be legit. He wanted to wait on shipping my first order due to heat. I even looked up the weather in his town and he was right, it was going to be over 100 degrees. So, he may have learned a lesson there. He also emailed me before he shipped to make sure I'll be home when they arrive to avoid leaving them in the heat.


Now, in regards to stuff falling of the frag plugs. I bought a nice zoa colony once that did this. It was not due to not letting it heal since it had grown over the frag plug. One thing I can say though, the frag plugs these frags are on are very new looking so I'm not sure how long the plugs were in his tank.


I hope everything with the latest order does good. Everything looks fine but time will tell. If I have problems, Mr. Coral will be the first to know and you guys will be second! ;)

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Also, the heat wave thing may be legit.

It *may* have been somewhat legit, but read the other posts about this guy. This has been the same for YEARS.



Anyway, keep us updated. If I see real proof that things are turning around I'd order from him. Until then, no chance.

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It *may* have been somewhat legit, but read the other posts about this guy. This has been the same for YEARS.



Anyway, keep us updated. If I see real proof that things are turning around I'd order from him. Until then, no chance.


Well, like I said, he seemed very concerned about the heat. Also, a local buyer said they haven't had any issues. Just a guess, who knows.

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Which one? I don't see where I gave anyone the smack down for asking questions.


If you don't have direct experience, why are you complaining? Saying "OMFGZ! I saw another thread about this three months ago!!!" doesn't seem very productive. However, saying "I ordered something from him and it was dead or didn't look right" is valid. Do you often write reviews on things you have no experience with? "OMFGZ, Dell computers suck because I read another review saying they do! Must be true!"


One final note, has anyone that has had an ACTUAL problem tried calling them? If so, what was the outcome?


This one. You know, the part where you told everyone that hadn't had a direct experience or called him to stfu and berated them. Of course, you were also the one berating us on qt before you'd even had a direct experience with him.


In all honesty I don't trust anything you've got to say about his shop or your order. I've never seen an uninterested party be such a huge supporter of someone from whom they've just gotten corals, and no one gets "about 16" corals. Every reviewer on here knew exactly how many corals they got, but not you. Before you'd even gotten them you were already his biggest fan on this thread. It reminds me of the "pick a card" scam on the street where there's always the one "bystander" that goes up and happens to win so that people think it's legit.


I'm sure you're going to go off again, but I don't think I'm the only one that sees you're lighting up red flags like it's going out of style.

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I'm sure you're going to go off again, but I don't think I'm the only one that sees you're lighting up red flags like it's going out of style.



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My point was that i don't think the healing time is the problem you guys are having. B)



I'm not picking on you... You had a good experience with him :thubsup:



The problem I have had and others have had with Mr.(censored) are his for sale threads(pictures of named zoa's) and what you end up with, his methods, from propagation to the end user and everything in between...

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So Organism you are saying this is not a customer that just got 16 corals from me? I just want to be clear on this. Who are you to say people don't order 16 corals. I find it funny how you jump on the negative comments and when someone is postive you make up stories.

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At the end of the day I think it is just simple economics. If he is selling them at such a low price, he must be "cutting corners" somewhere. I believe he has a business model based on volume and not quality. And there are folks without the patience or the funds to get high quality corals from high quality vendors. So they take a chance with him and he is more than willing to supply. However, I think these organisms deserve more respect than that - they deserve our best. I think beyond the money lost and frustration, there are living organisms perishing here due to a lack of care. That sucks. This is just my opinion based on reading this thread and as a "potential" buyer who has kept a close eye on his deals in the past(no longer the case). I have never owned a coral selling business, so I don't pretend to understand how hard that job might be, but I do think that there are way too many customers saying too many organisms die, in these pack deals - and somebody should get him to slow down for the sake of the corals.

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However, I think these organisms deserve more respect than that - they deserve our best. I think beyond the money lost and frustration, there are living organisms perishing here due to a lack of care. That sucks.


Most true comment in the entire thread. It's not even so much about losing $20, $30, or whatever you've lost as it is more about the animals dying. It's like we've found the puppy mill of the reef world.

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I can hold any coral for months for any customer. That is up to the customer. We do not ship any corals unless they have been sitting for 2 weeks at least and happy.

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hey Mr. Coral did you completely miss the several posts i made from pages 12 and 13 about the few that survived the transit? would it be too much trouble to have these corals that didn't make the trip reshipped over here with an ice pack? to make up my over 50% loss? without me having to shell out more money to get what i paid for? i don't really think its fair for me to have to buy another pack or more corals to get back all of what i lost...

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