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1/4 Gallon Open Top SPS Cube


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yea. i think the frags i got were crap. cuz they all had something wrong with them. the setosa all but melted away. theres a few polyps and its slowly regrowing tho

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they did indeed all come from the same system, same fella sold them to me.


needless to say, last time i buy from him

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Good to know the animals are alive after that! You would think that wouldn't be the case...., but I am beginning to think these animals are a lot tougher than some make them out to be.


Good Rescue Effort!


I might have thrown in the towel, if something like that had happened to me, gives me a higher bar to shoot for.



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phew, good to hear nothings dead! When i read the part about white water pouring out or something, I though everything just melted into pico soup >_<

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Good to know the animals are alive after that! You would think that wouldn't be the case...., but I am beginning to think these animals are a lot tougher than some make them out to be.


Good Rescue Effort!


I might have thrown in the towel, if something like that had happened to me, gives me a higher bar to shoot for.




i too belive that the organisms we stock are lightyears stronger and more resilient than people make them out to be. for f***s sake, i have acros living and growing in my 1/4 gallon "Tank" haha.


phew, good to hear nothings dead! When i read the part about white water pouring out or something, I though everything just melted into pico soup >_<


that white water was a nasty product of burnt electrical components marinading in water haha. the aquatic equivalent of "white smoke". never a good thing haha.


but overall this event is nothing a little bit of re-soldering and some silicone tape wont fix. just gotta wait for the new thermostat to arrive is all. reintregration is as simple as some connections

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  • 2 weeks later...
das awesome

Very nice setup so far! I was curious what you do when the temp gets too high? I had a sub gallon setup a few years ago and this time of year, everything died cuz the temp got up to 94!!! Never tried again after that

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Mr. Microscope

Yikes! Good save!


We haven't seen a FTS in a while. I hope to see one soon after everything recovers.

Edited by Mr. Microscope
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Sorry about your losses.

Just as a suggestion using an arduino as a reef controller can help you fail-safe wise,

it's not really hard to do and you can get free samples for the temperature probes and such.

Coding is super simple if you want it to turn crap on and off when whatever gets too hot, cold and such...

Edited by jm82792
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  • 1 month later...

So i took a whole bunch of pics today....most of them totally suck. i cant get a good shot of any of the corals. and my blue boa and a few others look totally white/dead in the pics :( maybe its time for a new camera.


i think im pretty much stocked atm, maybe a few more zoos or something.


imma try for better pics tonight again, i wanna try and get the colors right....


















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you really packed them in there looks awesome you should take a pic with a coffee mug like in the begining to get a better idea size


good idea :)


thats another thing about the pics....the depth of the tank gets lost and it seems like theyre all really close together when theyve really got lots of space to branch/table out.


the plan here is kind of to see which start to grow the best and then thin the stock a bit. i just wanna be sure that theres a good diversity of acros to demonstrate the viability of the system....




Edited by thesmallerthebetter
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The last 2 pics look pretty good :happy:


Tanks coming along. Pump looks like it's still working well. I like it all B)

Edited by c_k_kuehne
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The last 2 pics look pretty good :happy:


Tanks coming along. Pump looks like it's still working well. I like it all B)


thank you :)


yea, the pump is still chugging along. almost silent now that is run in a bit. sometimes i get scared that it stopped haha :o

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it's amazing that something THAT small, can actually look that big.


If the coffee cup wasnt next to the tank i wouldnt believe that it's .25 gallons.

Same! Amazing tank!

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very very nice, really hope the best for ya! I can't wait to see those frags start to take over and really cover things up. Its gonna be awesome i know it!!


Keep up the good work!

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