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squirrel's 16 bow


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traded some crap stuff in today and scored this gorgeous yuma and a semi lackluster zoa frag, though im hoping that the zoas are gonna color up nicely. $8 bucks for the pair, quite a steal for a trade of some xenia, some yucky brownish green palys and a chunk of hammer.





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traded some crap stuff in today and scored this gorgeous yuma and a semi lackluster zoa frag, though im hoping that the zoas are gonna color up nicely. $8 bucks for the pair, quite a steal for a trade of some xenia, some yucky brownish green palys and a chunk of hammer.


awesome deal! and that's a very pretty yuma.

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thanks lou.


my jaw 'bout hit the floor when the guy told me 55 bucks for the junk i layed on him. lol. :happy:

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well folks the yuma isnt looking so hot. i stuffed it back into the shade where its getting more indirect light. im hoping that will help it a bit. the guy at the lfs had it in complete direct light on the second rack of their tank. all my params are good, so im hoping with a little tlc it should bounce back. wish me luck. :scarry: ive heard that these color morphs are hard to keep going. so this should be an adventure. the last yumas i had didnt even make it more than a week. but then again i was such a noob at that time that i had no idea what to do to keep em happy. fingerscrossed ill get it right this time. its so dern purdy.

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little update bout the yuma,


seems as though its extending a little more, and its not so scrunched up on the one side. however, i did notice a small hole near its mouth where the major scrunching is going on. eeek! not a good sign, though im still hopeful. ive heard that generally once they get that hole its sayanara yuma. any one have anything to add?

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so ive past the two month mark with this guy, and that is certainly promising. at first it looked as if it was going to have a rapid decline but now it seems as if its making a comeback, and perhaps a little new growth. i have a feeling my success with these demanding filter feeders is in conjunction with my pistol who is constantly excavating behind my rockwork there by stirring up the tank. and my constant broadcast feedings, of rotifers, phyto, and detritus.

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i just had an epiphany of sorts....


not that any one will probably read this, but ill post it for the sake of throwing it out there. lol. i wonder if my partial success with the worms and the gorg is due in part to my stomatellas, they breed like wild fire, every couple of days or so i have a spawning event. ive got a rather large population of them in my tank. which means intern that i have a rather constant supply of fresh, live food being broadcasted through out the tank. once i notice that the stomies are spawning i turn off the filter and skimmer and let the stomie soup float around the tank.


is it common for stomatellas to breed with such frequency?


watching them spew their eggs and sperm into the water totally made me wonder if thats why my filter feeders do so well. hmmm....

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heres the new goodies!


muh first chalice! nuffin special but i like it.




the new leptastreia, i just love this one! too bad i cant seem to capture it clearly. its pretty neat lookin.




and the monti. nodosa? capricornis? heck if i know. but it sure is purdy.





sorry for my crap photography skills. im still working out the kinks. :lol:

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thanks pyro!


much appreciated. it hasnt been set up that long either. just about 7 months or so. for some reason i seem to be having pretty decent growth for it being lit by a 20k. go figure.

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fanks envy!





no real news on the yuma, it dosnt look any better. but! it dosnt look any worse either. so i guess thats a plus. -_-


i guess its just up to the yuma gods. :lol:

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well folks. no real interesting news.


i did chisel off the mystery lps off that zoa rock, it seemed like it was getting a bit crowded out up there. i think its really pretty and i didnt want it to get smothered. plus i have a feeling it was getting waaay to much light up there. ever since it moved into my tank its color has gotten much ligher. so i moved it down by my deep water lobo.


im wondering though, should i try and remove the remaining zoas off of its skeleton, a few of them have bored/grew into its tissue. will this harm it? will the lps's skeleton just grow out and leave the zoas behind? should i just leave em ? questions questions questions.


edit: ill have to take some pictures later.

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and now i have pictures!


shoddy pictures, but pictures none the less. :lol:


i managed to get this one pretty clear but i got the aperture all wrong. i think i need to read the manual for this camera again.







they were totally taken on the go before work this morning, so ill have to try again tomorrow.

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i was goofing around earlier with the camera and the clown was feeling photogenic, and managed to snap this shot. imo its got to be my best shot to date!



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ive seen other people do this and thought it might be neat! the tanks been running since octoberish..








im kind of missing a chunk after nov till march, so its only partial. such a bummer cuz i dont really remember what happened between then and march. :lol:






till now. ill have to keep up on this fts journal and see how it progresses. i did some rearranging today to try and create a little more space and make places for things to be happy.






urrggh. pardon my crap crop job and pitiful images. gotta work on that....

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  • 3 months later...

been a while.. so here she is a few months later. enjoy.





































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Hey squirrel!!


This tank is def TOTM worthy...just breathtaking!!!!!!!


You must hang around NR more often for more pix :)

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aw :wub:


i am simply honored. fanks envy. ive been poking around nr a bit today, and stumbled across ur macro tank, i just love it. i kno.... i so need to update more often and try to hang around a little more.

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gee thanks guys.


cheryl im just using a 150w sunpod with a 20k ushio. nothing special really. lol.

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very nice reef.

I have a 16 bowfront that I want to replace my 12 gallon nanocube with.

Following you for inspiration :)

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