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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

Ten Gallon Contest Thread *Finished*


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This is the Official (sorta) Ten Gallon Contest. Good luck everyone!




-Total tank volume should be basically 10g. As in no sumps, but a HOB filter is allowed, also converting the tank into an all-in-one is allowed.


-Refugiums are allowed, but should be no bigger than an AquaClear 110.


-HOB filters are allowed but the largest size is an AquaClear 110.


-Budget of 350$


-The cost of the equipment is taken from the budget, so spend wisely. Prices for equipment is based off the lowest online price.


-All live stock can come from anywhere, sponsors, LFS, whatever. You go by the list below, you do no deduct shipping if buying online. Livestock such as fishes and crabs would be 75% of the Live aquaria pricing


-You can mod all you want as long as you keep your total volume at 10 gallons.


-Not deducted from the budget: The cost of a normal ten gallon tank, if it is not a typical ten gallon you deduct 10$ from the cost. Building supplies, eggcrate, stand/canopy materials, plumbing, sand testing supplies mag float, heater, thermometer, salt, water, supplements, food or CUC (only including snails and hermit crabs + certain other crabs PM me if you want to add something to the CUC that I did NOT mention)


-Budget is done on the honor system since we all know what its all worth.

In short, you've got 6 months to make a sweet tank on a limited budget.


-When something dies it does not count toward the budget.


-Begins November 15th, post your tank thread in the Members Aquariums section please.


-There will be monthly required photos of your aquariums progress.


Livestock pricing:



No names- $ .30 PP

not really colorful at all

Common- $1 PP

EE, Whammin' watermelons, red skirts, dragon eyes, pink panthers etc.

Nice- $5 PP

Nukes, PD's, Tubbs blues, Bam Bam's,AOG's, RPE etc.

Rare- $20 PP

Magicians, PPE, Hornets, Captain America



Fungias- any color $30

Brains- $35

Frogspawn/Hammer/Torch/duncans- $5 per head

Trumpets any color- $3 per head

Blastos- $10 per head

Micromussa -$30

Favias up to 4" -$25

Gonipora up to 5" -$15 <- Poor Survival rate

Dendros- $15 per head

Sun Coral- $25 up to 5" frag


--Common -$5 per head

--Nice -$10 per head

--Rare -$20 per head


--Common -$5 per eye

--Nice -$10 per eye

--Rare -$20 per eye



Mushrooms - 5$ per polyp

Ricordea 10$ per polyp

Yumas- 10$ per polyp

GSP- 5$ per 3 inch square

Kenya trees- 2$ per frag


--Pom Pom -$5 per stalk

--Blue xenia - $8 per stalk

--Anthelia up to 4" - $5

Other leathers up to 4" - 5$

Clove polyps - 5$ up to 3 inch square



Any Morph- branching, encrusting, caps etc.

1/2" -1" -$5

1"-2" -$10

2" - 3" - $20

3" - 5" $30



Small- $30

Medium - $40

Large- $50


Other inverts-

Feather dusters (not hitchhikers)- 8$

Conch - $3 each

Nudibranch/sea hares- $5 each

Assorted Sea stars- $ 6 each

Coral banded shrimp- $5 each

Skunk Cleaner shrimp- $20 each

Harlequin shrimp- $20 each

Sexy shrimp-$10 each

Fire shrimp- $30 each

Peppermint shrimp-$3 each

Pom Pom crab- $10 each

Porcelain crab- $10 each

Emerald crab- $5 each

Coco worm- $15 each

Pistol shrimp- $9 each

Gorgonians, sea fans, sea whips, sea rods- $3 each

Sponges-$2 each




Mini Nems-

Any morph - $10 each



Hitch hikers are free

Any Macro - $2 a sandwich bag

Mangroves- $1 each



Base- 2$ per pound

Live- 4$ per pound




---70w 80$

---150w 171$




Prizes awarded for:

- Best 10g over all

1st prize- 100$ Gift card from Ocean Gallery II!

2nd prize- 50$ Gift card from Unique Corals!

3rd prize- 25$ Gift card from Your Reef!


-Best Aquascape

1st prize- 25$ Gift card from reefcleaners!

2nd prize- Two chemi-pure (6.5oz) floss + 5 units of inTank special floss from InTank!

3rd prize- Mystery frag from Lawnman!


-Best DIY

1st prize- $50 Gift card from Reef Gardener!

2nd prize- 25$ Gift card from Your Reef!

3rd prize- "Nano Variety Pack" from Coral Morphologic!



1st prize- 3 mini nems from claygirl13!

2nd prize- Mystery frag from lajz9!

3rd prize- Zoa pack from chazde3!

4th prize- GSP and Caulerpa from Zachxbass!



Please delete your posts in this thread, it makes it easier for everyone else. Thanks!













Damsels R Cool





Our AMAZING Sponsors!!














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this is a very cool idea... i would definately join if i could. gotta baby coming so i'm getting rid of all my 10's... can't wait to see what this "first item" is.... i kinda like that little twist. so even from just an observer's standpoint it's kind of exciting....


I will also donate a prize, second and third place can take all the green star polyps they want. and i may even give away some FREE caulerpa prolifera (sp)



All prizes are for pickup only. The caulerpa is free, but the GSP must be traded for something. Anything;zoa's, flamethrower, rubber gloves i should have worn when palytoxin made my skin peel off, big new 65gl tank, new shoes, new lights, superglue, dust mask so i don't catch swine flu(or eat palytoxin). you know, anything

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okay okay add me in too... but im warning you guys i might have to drop out -- between work and life i am on the verge of a nervous breakdown :wacko:

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We're happy to be a part of this contest. I really do like nanos and look forward to watching this thread over the next 6 months.


Good Luck to All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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That's including 2 drivers, power supply and a heat sink?


yup, the whole system. everything was relatively cheap(er) because I got the LEDs from DX and the other stuff wasn't took much either.


Mind you, this is my first LED build and my first reef build, so shelling out $160 for lights still seems like a lot for me.

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Yeah, budgets not deducted for standard 10g's. Hex, custom rimless, or whatever else goes against your budget for anything spent over $10.




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As much as I wanted to do this, I finally found a MH deal I couldn't pass up. A 150w Aqualight Hang-on tank for $125. But because of the way the rules are, (which I agree with btw) It would take up almost the entire budget.


In decided that, I bought my rock and put my tank together with the aquaC nano I already had collecting dust from 3 years ago when the first came out.

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For you 70w Sunpod users

As far as the contest goes as long as a agreed upon price decided by the OP or Jacob is fine with me.



why the OP and Jacob? i thought Damsels was in charge and he agreed on the prices of the sunpod. 70 watt for 80 and 150 watt for 171.

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Ok, I am going to go with what damsels said. I actually bought my 150w sunpod off here for 140 shipped haha.


Ok Maria, please don't leave :flower:

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Here is a suggestion out of left field. It doesn't matter the price is set anyway, but I just did a butt load of researching so there :P


Price of Aquapod with a 70w Sunpod - $349.99

Aquapod model 7048


Price of Aquapod with crappy worthless pc lighting - $242.99

Aquapod tank only


Therefore it is safe to say that a 70w Sunpod costs $107


And if you want to can do the same thing with the 150w but only if it is needed because it took a whole lot of searching to find that.

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I just think that is a fair assessment of how much a 70w sunpod costs. But if the price is $80 for the 70w that's fine with me. Seriously I have no hard feelings toward anyone I was just trying to make the contest fair. G to the E if it was up to me I would drop the budget to $200 and charge for corals only.

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