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JoeD's 10g Mantis Hold


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So, picked up my custom 10g today.... time for a thread...


Awesome build by WAMAS member NAGA.....


FTS 12-15-09


Current FTS 12-28-09



tank 10g custom $79 less $10 allowance for standard tank....... $69

Mantis (hitchhiker) free

CUC... tbd glad it's free.... see above :) free



Remaining................................................. $281


Lame, but started

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Wow nice tank!!



Yup... it's built out of 3/8" "scraps"... he builds big tanks for the most part.... Passes the savings on to people that want smaller tanks... I'll post more contact info for him later... he will ship :)

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Sunday fun.... setting up 10g and 20l frag tank... gonna be a busy day.... if I want to stay married, the laundry room has to be tidied up a bit....



oh, and a 12" contest fts... fun stuff...

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Looks good. Pretty similar to what I'm working with perhaps. What are your dimensions?


15x15x9, with 12x15 display.... just looked at your thread, and noticed the offset returns... thought about that, curious to see if you are happy with it. My tank is very overbuilt :) no complaints, I was intending to have a toothed center.... we'll see how the full length overflow works.

After my "Jacob is the best shot", tank gets wet.

FWIW 2xmj600 for the returns.

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Nice. I'm going to try to skimp a little and am getting the 150gph Azoo pumps from DrsFandS. They are about halfprice of other powerheads. Hopefully they hold up.

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Wish I had known about this earlier I would have been in on it for sure. Good luck all I created the most complicated 12 eclipse I could possibly make lol

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Short story... diatoms (surprise) Not happy with the LR i purchased for the tank... think furniture, and how nice it looked in the big showroom, but when delivered............

Not overly concerned, esp considering the talent in this contest.. I'm just along for the ride.... hoping to have pics worth sharing by weekend.

Happy Thanksgiving to all..

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Current FTS 11-30-09



The rock on the right is the one I was unhappy with, having added a bit more and rearranged.... not so bad.

Have to update prices later, but current equipment is:

2 x mj600

36w nova extreme


plumbing stuff

vinyl to black out the fuge


acrylic top for fuge area




Not very willing or photogenic :(


Needs a name... something epic like THE DESTROYER or scary like Cthulhu..... H.R. Giger inspired? Thoughts appreciated..


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ID? I'm calling it mantis food.




4 of these tiny mushrooms, rock is from the Gulf of Mexico. Anyone want to save me some research time?

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