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Clownfish14's Nano Cube HQI


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tank looks amazing!


maybe you should send me some of that xenia! (: i really like that tank

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marinebiologist- i am making frags of it soon and i would ship it to you but ive never done anything like that before so if you wanted we might be able to figure out something where you could pick it up or i could meet you somewhere. if your intrested shoot me a pm.


Bouch2010- i would send one to you but like you said you r in the uk i got the idea off of this video i figured i would make a ton just in case somebody else wanted to buy some and also so that i would have enough food for a long time lol. it was farliey cheap to make i think like 100 bucks or so. so go a head and give it a try its not that hard the only thing that was hard was to try to plug your nose so you dont breath in the awllful smell of it and trying to chop up the food at the same time lol.



sorry guys for the spelling errors its late and im to lazey to go back and fix any of them lol.



As for an update on the tank i got a tuxedo urchin and emerald crab the other day i also got a magnesium and iodine test kit just to find out that they r both low so i went back to my lfs and bought some alkalinity buffer magnesium buffer and iodine buffer or whatever its called. so ya im slowley bringing those levels back up to where they r supposed to be. the urchin is awsome he slready tried to steal a piece of kenya tree that the mother colony let fall off and use it for camoflage lol. the emerald is cool but only if you find him at night he just hides during the day <_<


thats it for now i will updat with pics as soon as i can get a good shot of the emerald when the lights r on :lol:

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  • 5 weeks later...
nice acan, i had the same one. Lemme guess....fantastic frags? LOL


good to know there is another local hangin around!


ya i did get it from fantastic frags. paul is great he has lots of great info.

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so i took some new pics hope you like them!!!


my urchin carrying a pice of my xenia





my awsome stickers B)









my newley organized stand :D





























im not sure why this one has algea on it :huh:





hope you liked them

plez comment :happy:




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looks like bubble algae.....water changes water changes emerald crabs like it but they are not consistent with what they will eat


you can try to suck it out with a small hose like one for an air line just dont pop them they will spread... check ur water parameters

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ya i do have a slight algea problem but i have been running gfo and doing a ton of water changes and i think i got rid of it or at least most of it.

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Yo yiggity yo! :) Another teen reefer, I see :happy:

Loving the set up so far :lol: Nice acan, btw :D


hey waz up ya im 15 B) . thanks for the comment on the tank :P . im glad you like my acan its my favorite too :happy: in fact it has gotten like 4 new heads on it in the last 4 weeks which is awsome :D . anywayse as an update i got a grren slimer the other day and its doing great so i need to take some pics i will try to find time tommrow to do that.


Nick B)

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Its super cool :lol:

Imma steal that acan!!! Like a ninja :ninja: haha :)

Awhh thats beast! The only lfs I have is practically in another city <_<

I might order from him in the future :)

I don't have a saltwater tank yet :tears: but I think I might be getting one for Christmas omgomgomg

Coral wise, I'll probably be getting all my shtuff from mr.corals 10 dollar section ;D

No offense to your friend though :P

Waiting for those pics soon! :happy:


~ Julie (:

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ya mr coral looks cool i might order some stuff from him soon too. not sure how the stuff would do getting shipped across the country but theres only one way to find out lol. what type of tank do you want for christmas? pics are coming tonight i hope i just got back from waterpolo and i have a ton of homework lol

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