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Cultivated Reef

Jacob's Aquapod 24g Almost Gone


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Sweet. I like the non photosynthesis stuff, but they can get to be a pita when you have a 44hr+ week ft job and are dead tired when you come home. As long as you feed em good, they should be happy.

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Sweet. I like the non photosynthesis stuff, but they can get to be a pita when you have a 44hr+ week ft job and are dead tired when you come home. As long as you feed em good, they should be happy.


Ahhh yea. Thats why I wonder how you people with Jobs can do this. Then again I was able to with school and sports and HW. Next year is gonna be super tough, I will be in all IB (International Baccalaureate) and sports. Which means an average of 3 hours of homework (no joke) plus tennis, so school at 7 till 3, sports from 3 to 6, dinner, then homework till bed. Repeat.


Gonna be horr...amazing!

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You basically need to make a schedule and really keep to it and don't miss if you can help it. Also mixing your water for changes and top up ahead of time really helps.

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Yea! Water changes was the most difficult part haha, I am going to have to really plan ahead haha.

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I keep 4 5gallon cleaned out kitty litter containers filled with mix and reg water at all times. I makes it sooo much easier, especially when I come back to my tank after a weekend away.

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I fill mine up from the faucet in the bathtub then keep them stacked by twos together in the living room. Not sure you could find space in your room with all those tanks though.

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My tank is looking better! Did two water changes and cleaned out the algae, I should do another soon though lol.











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Thank you :)


Yea they are really starting to grow! I need to do an interceptor treatment to the tank though.

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cheryl jordan

Beautiful tank, I love the duncans and the acans.


Are you repeating the interceptor treatment or is this the first treatment ? ;)

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Thanks! Yes the duncan is one of my fav members of the aquarium, it just keep growing and growing! Acan are nice, and feeding them is fun haha.


Nope first time, I have had enough of my bleaching SPS in the back, they are actually starting to hurt some now, makes me angry.

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Jacob your tank should be TOTM no boubt about it at all!

It is amazing... Absolutely amazing!!!!!!



What lens do you have?

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Jacob your tank should be TOTM no boubt about it at all!

It is amazing... Absolutely amazing!!!!!!



What lens do you have?



Haha thanks! I dunno about that, but thanks :)


I am using the canon 18-55 (stock lens really), it is the only lens I have at the moment.

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Cool. I want the 100mm Macro Lens pretty badly. I really like the 18-55mm though.



In all seriousness this tank is TOTM worthy.


I'm going to read the entire thread soon :)

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Cool. I want the 100mm Macro Lens pretty badly. I really like the 18-55mm though.



In all seriousness this tank is TOTM worthy.


I'm going to read the entire thread soon :)


Yea a macro would be nice, yea this lens is okay, not really a macro though haha.


Meh, I dunno, I can still add a few more things, do my interceptor, more water changes haha....


Ahhhh fuuuuun haha. Good luck!

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Nice Update.. your tank is really coming along.. friggin awsome pics!


Thanks! Yea it has been an interesting experience so far, time to keep going! Thanks, they are ok haha


Thanks! The only way to use that rule is to frag, frag, frag, frag, and frag some more!!


Ahh that makes sense. The problem is I want colonies, not little frags of everything :P

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Nemo Niblets

HURRY and do the interceptor treatment. THe sooner the better. I did FWE and interceptor and killed half of my SPS.

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