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Evilc66's Oceanic 30g Cube


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Well, I do have something that I'm working on Jedi, but I might need to hang it from the second floor ceiling for it to be practical. Maybe I'll shoot you a sneak peek ;)

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Yup. Been working the kinks out of the custom 2.1A driver that I made. All working now. Haven't had a lot of time to tinker with projects in the last year due to my daughter, which is also why this tank got the way it did. Damn dependent children!! :)

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Damn 14 month old is still unemployed. Slacker! :)


**insert obligatory "back in my day.... uphill both ways..." comment**

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Decided to throw caution to the wind and ordered a pair of WP-10's. If they don't work out, I still have the Korallia's. Hopefully they will be here before the weekend. There's a place on Amazon in Illinois that had stock for a good price, so provided they get off their ass and ship today, I should have them by Friday (IL to MI is pretty quick, usually).

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A little bummed that I haven't seen a shipment confirmation yet. Oh well. It's not like I needed them immediately, but the quicker I can get them, the quicker I can get the tank set up. Still waiting on sand anyway, so it's going to be a slow and steady march to the finished result.


Speaking of slow and steady, I got a few minutes last night to clean the skimmer. The vinegar bath is working well at breaking up the coraline algae and the tube worms. Didn't take much effort with a toothbrush to get everything looking good. Tonight, return pump and sump. Might even play with some rock structures. Who knows...

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Why toothless on the overflow? My overflow is built like that on my frag tank. I always wished it was...toothed.


What's the reasoning on it? I've never looked into it lol

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Yeah I guess it does grab more crap off the surface than my other tank does. It just appears less efficient because on the toothless tank, the water just runs down the other side of the baffle whereas on my tank with teeth "launches" the water into the overflow.

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Why toothless on the overflow? My overflow is built like that on my frag tank. I always wished it was...toothed.


What's the reasoning on it? I've never looked into it lol

I've used the toothed GH overflows on my other tanks, and wanted something a little more stealthy. The little sucker really does blend in with the background without teeth. Teeth or no teeth, there should be no change in efficiency, for whatever that's meant to mean. It's quiet, surface skims, and gets water into the sump. What more is there?

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Damn compromises!!! LFS got sand in today, but no dry sand :( Got 40lbs of live sand though, ready to get things started.


The place that I bought the WP-10's from apparently considers expedited shipping to be USPS, with delivery next Wednesday. Little dissapointed by that. I can only imagine what their standard shipping is like.

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I set my tank up today and am a little dissapointed by the wp-10 it doesnt seem to making waves even on w1, s1, and the knob turned all the way to the right

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DAMN IT!!!!! Just realized that I had the pumps shipped to work and not home. Guess I'm waiting till Monday :angry:


I set my tank up today and am a little dissapointed by the wp-10 it doesnt seem to making waves even on w1, s1, and the knob turned all the way to the right

Well, how big is the tank? I'm not really looking for it to make waves. More just looking for random water movement, and enough flow. My overflow is only rated for 300gph, so I can't really rely on that for decent flow in the tank.

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Ok, post weekend update time! I got some stuff done, with pictures!!!!


While my daughter was down for a good 3 hour nap on Saturday, I managed to get some work done on the aquascaping. I loved working with the dry rock versus the live rock which I have typically used in all my previous tanks. It's just easier knowing that I don't have a limited amount of time to work with the rock out of water before I get excessive die-off. It gave me lots of time to play around with positions and shapes so that in the end, I got exactly what I wanted.


This rock is very porous, with lots of large holes going through them allowing for zip-ties to easily pass through. It was nice to be able to use zip ties rather than epoxy just from an instant gratification standpoint. Apologies for the less than stellar phone pics. I didn't feel like getting the Nikon out.








It's a little difficult to make out some of the features of the rock work just due to the uniform color of the rock, and the piss poor lighting in my office, but if you look at the top structure, there are two overhangs that are fairly prominent. The whole upper section does shadow the main column slightly. There's still plenty of space between the rock and the glass on all sides, even the back, and a good amount of area up front for sand bed bound corals. There should also be a good amount of swimming space for fish, which I'm planning on adding more of this time around. I've always been a "coral first" kind of reefer, but I'm getting the itch for some fish other than the usual clowns.


Sunday was the day for the fixture arm.




It's not 100% finished, but I wanted to give it a dry run to make sure it fit the way I wanted it to. Still needs some minor tweaks, and a coat of black paint.


It's made from 1/2" EMT conduit, and stands 6ft tall. My local Ace Hardware was nice enough to let me use their bender instead of forcing me to buy a $50 bender from the likes of Home Depot (I know you can return it, but still...). Even though the picture doesn't show it, I did actually bend everything square. The fixture was a little heavier than I anticipated, so the arm sagged a little. I will add a little pre-load to the arm so that when it's finished and the fixture is in place, the arm will be horizontal.


It might be sitting a little too far forward on the tank though. I had to put a 2x4 between the stand and the arm to space it back some due to the 6" bend radius that I had to work with for the bender. I have the fixture pointed slightly towards the back of the tank so that the peak intensity is still on the center of the rock-work, but I'm not sure if I'm going to leave it that way or not. I can always add another 2x4 (or replace it with a 4x4) to move the fixture back a little more.


Holes were drilled for the hanging kit and the cable pass through, and worked really well. I have a hole towards the base of the stand for the power cables to come out rather than going through the end of the conduit at the floor. I actually made some caps for both ends to finish off the look, as well as to protect the floor from the sharp end of the conduit. Seeing as you can't really get plastic caps to cover 1/2" EMT, I made some out of 1/2" CPVC end caps with the ID bored out slightly to fit. They will be painted black along with the arm, and should look the part.


So far so good.


And lookie what I got today...



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The WP-10's just disappear in this tank. With them behind the rocks, you would have to look pretty hard to find them. Perfect!

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Love the rock work, tanks looking great! I'm guessing you had someone build your light, seeing as your a little lacking in that skill set. LOL

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