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Coral Vue Hydros

Podpimp's SPS SOLANA


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I had to make some sacrifices :(. I had to get rid of a few corals to make room for some nicer colored smaller ones. It's hard to tell from the photos but the corals are pretty close to the front glass. The flow is not that great in the tank anymore so I ordered and additional MP10 to replace the tunze 6025 in there. I kind of destroyed the tank at the moment but in a month or two I think it will look much better than now......hopefully :). I'll post some update shots this week.

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Nemo Niblets
I had to make some sacrifices :(. I had to get rid of a few corals to make room for some nicer colored smaller ones. It's hard to tell from the photos but the corals are pretty close to the front glass. The flow is not that great in the tank anymore so I ordered and additional MP10 to replace the tunze 6025 in there. I kind of destroyed the tank at the moment but in a month or two I think it will look much better than now......hopefully :). I'll post some update shots this week.


I hate making sacrifices. :P


It's only uphill from here though? Updates? :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't updated in a while. I've been extremely busy with work and had major problems with the tank. After using Brightwell aminos the tank had a severe cyano outbreak. More than half of my acros started to STN from the base up. I tried everything but I couldn't fix the problem. After a while I became frustrated and just left things alone. I added a ghetto food container refugium, fresh phosban, clipped off any receded parts of the colonies, and let nature run it's course.

After about a month the cyano disappeared and the recession stopped. The SPS have a healthy look again. Fast growing a good polyp extension...... hopefully things stay that way.


Here is what the tank looks like today. It's not what it was but in a month or two I think it will be better than ever.









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Nemo Niblets

Man, that sucks. How many colonies did you completely lose?


To be honest, I think it looks better now than it used to. The coral placement looks awesome.

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Hey Nemo, I don't think that I completely lost any colonies. I periodically kept clipping off the recession and re-gluing them which seemed to stop further recession for a while. Now I see the colonies growing over the glue and the polyp extension has increased 2x. Hopefully I am done with this problem.

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Nemo Niblets
Hey Nemo, I don't think that I completely lost any colonies. I periodically kept clipping off the recession and re-gluing them which seemed to stop further recession for a while. Now I see the colonies growing over the glue and the polyp extension has increased 2x. Hopefully I am done with this problem.

That's brilliant! Well I sure hope so too. This is my favorite nano.

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"Sometimes neglecting a tank can lead to some unexpected miracles" that's el fab said..

I think it work for u ;)

But, it would be better if u use mag float to clean ur glass :P

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I hear ya :) Cleaning the glass is the last of my worries at the moment. Once I get everything 100% recovered I will give it the polished look ;)


Thanks for the support Nemo :)

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Yea...scolys bring great color to the tank. Enjoy yours!


Nemo, I actually did lose a colony, one of my favorites too :(

My blue turaki. I was able to save a 1" frag from it though so I have to re-grow :)


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Beautiful tank, it does look better than before. I'm subscribed :happydance:



Thanks dude :)


Here is a shot from today after I cleaned up a little. The tank is starting to get that zeovit look because I haven't been feeding the fish as often. I reduced feedings to every other day and the water quality has greatly improved. The fish are still fat and happy :)


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Thanks rehype.


naswa312, I am not worried about them touching. They don't have sweeper tentacles. They can grow very close with no harm. If they are about to touch I will have another frag to trade or sell :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very nice! How is your sand fairing with both MP10s? I'd like to get whatever sand it is if it stays still.

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Thanks Clavius :)


Nacl, the sand is holding still. I am using a coarse caribsea aragonite. It's the grade smaller than crushed coral. In the past I had problems with fine sand blowing all over and I swapped it out for the more coarse grade.


I took a few pics the other day, might as well update :)





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I finally got to the point where the large table corals began to touch other corals. I re-aquascaped the right side of the tank. Do you guys think it looked better before or better now?


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Thanks Clavius.


Steely I was thinking the same thing. Would you leave it now since I can get more growth or put it back the way it was?

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