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Coral Vue Hydros

Hypes 39 gallon LED Powered Cadlight


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Thanks alot spencers I use imovie for the small vids. You can check my flickr photostream(theres not too many photos on there) by searching for rehype on Flickr


Thanks! I haven't used iMovie since it originally came out back in 1999. I fired it up today, and wow, its much more powerful!

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I added a medium aquafuge to my tank about a month ago. I love fuges almost as much my display tank. Theres about 7 or 8 species of macroalgae in there. I also threw in my two largest hermits that were being a bit of a pain in there. I had to remove the tail spot and the sunburst because the mckoskers was harassing them non stop. I think i may have to remove him soon hes a bit more aggressive than i was expecting. Anyhow heres a pic of the refugium.. I added it to the monthly contest i doubt it will win though



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I added a medium aquafuge to my tank about a month ago. I love fuges almost as much my display tank. Theres about 7 or 8 species of macroalgae in there. I also threw in my two largest hermits that were being a bit of a pain in there. I had to remove the tail spot and the sunburst because the mckoskers was harassing them non stop. I think i may have to remove him soon hes a bit more aggressive than i was expecting. Anyhow


sorry to hear about that. benny was a nice-looking fish.


why remove the sunburst/blenny when it's the wrasse that is instigating?





heres a pic of the refugium.. I added it to the monthly contest i doubt it will win though




that is some awesome stuff going on in there. question for you on your diverse macroalgae -- it's very visually interesting, but do different species provide different benefits in your experience? and, how do they deal with the ULNS setup you're running? seems like that's not ideal for macro growth. great picture, in any event.

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sorry to hear about that. benny was a nice-looking fish.


why remove the sunburst/blenny when it's the wrasse that is instigating?







that is some awesome stuff going on in there. question for you on your diverse macroalgae -- it's very visually interesting, but do different species provide different benefits in your experience? and, how do they deal with the ULNS setup you're running? seems like that's not ideal for macro growth. great picture, in any event.


I know it doesnt make sense but i really like the wrasse and the other two were alot easier to catch. Although hes really skating on thin ice at this point if he begins harassing anyone else then im taking him out.



As far as the macroalgae i find only a few species are really good at quickly exporting nutrients and reducing nitrates and phosphates(such as caulerpa and cheatomorpha) The rest are there to just add diversity. At the moment they seem to be doing fine since my nitrates are still higher than they should be. I know once my nitrates reach 0 i will have to remove most species of macroalgae. But upon doing research it seems that calcerous macrolagae(such as neomersis,halimeda, etc) Tend to do just fine in ULNS systems.. so the plan is to replace my current macros with only calcerous macroalgae when i detect they are no longer thriving.

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Yep i figured id give it a try. Someone in the town next to me is selling one on craiglist for its the red sea aquazone ozonizer (50mg) with the controller built in,drier, and an orp probe. Im going to go pick it up in the morning :D


Thats cool we can all share our results B)


Another ozone club member! haha, nice! Your blueberry gorg will thank you :)

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Your tank is amazing


I think its pretty mediocre but thanks for the complement.


Another ozone club member! haha, nice! Your blueberry gorg will thank you :)



I was on the fence about doing it but after reading your thread i decided to go through with it. Not to mention the price was too good not to buy it. I havent actually set it up yet but i will in a week or 2.

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I think its pretty mediocre but thanks for the complement.


if you think your tank is "Mediocre" then idk what to call many other nice reefs on N-R.com


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Question: So, you have the medium aquafuge hanging off the back of the Cadlights 39? So, what do you have in the fuge area?


I am wondering what you think of the 39 signature in general as I think it may be a good upgrade. Any insight?

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i read that users DeMartini and Scottyreef were both getting the 50g artisan -- anyone have a thread going for it? i'm very interested to see how they look.

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Demartini already has a thread up check through the first few pages


found it! so, how soon are you moving again so we can see this 50g in action??

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At what % (approximately) do you run your mp20?


The reason I ask is, I hooked up my new mp10 last night, and I'm running reef crest at 100% (so, 1575+ gph). I'm trying to figure if, given the amount of rockwork I've got in the tank, it might be worth it to go mp20 instead for the extra 425gph. Strictly speaking in terms of GPH, I'd have to be running the mp20 at at least ~80% to equal the mp10's GPH running at 100% (obviously, flexibility for future upgrades is a consideration with the mp20, but that's not a goal for me at this time).

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