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Opy's BC29 Upgrade!


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Deleted User 6

woot for the wife being impressed by the macro! just remember to give it high flow and it should grow like crazy. I can't even tell that I cut your piece off now, lol.

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yea its right in front of my k-nano in my bc14 and her bc29 has the rio blowing out the normal jet and then another rio blowing out the lok-line thinngy Weetie told me to get. Plenty of flow? lol you bet! I even think mine has grown since Friday!

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Militant Jurist

Haha gotta love His and Hers. Of course, it makes me think back to a stand up routine from a few years ago.... dealing with nipple piercings and his and hers towels. :P

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I dont know about the towels but the nipple piercings were fun :naughtydance: . lmao Yea right. She could barely get her ears pierced without crying.



But really, it looks pretty cool now with a biocube on each side of the couch. Of course you know who is going to be taking care of them both dont you lol.

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Haha gotta love His and Hers. Of course, it makes me think back to a stand up routine from a few years ago.... dealing with nipple piercings and his and hers towels. :P

What, no Prince Albert?? :huh:



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Militant Jurist
I dont know about the towels but the nipple piercings were fun :naughtydance: . lmao Yea right. She could barely get her ears pierced without crying.




But really, it looks pretty cool now with a biocube on each side of the couch. Of course you know who is going to be taking care of them both dont you lol.


Yeah, that's the downside to your endeavor!


What, no Prince Albert?? :huh:




Shh..... that was Queen Victoria's Secret.

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Ok I hooked my RO/DI up to my sink and it takes about an hour+ to fill a 5G jug. I mixed 10G of SW last night but the pumps werent good enough in one batch of 5G to mix it well so this morning I swapped pumps to mix it better. Now I need a good bucket so I can mix more at one time. I still havent tested it yet but I followed the instructions on the bag of salt so it should be pretty close. I'll check it this afternoon when I get home.


The diatoms seem to be finally receeding for good. Things are opening up more and more each day and more of my stuff looks happy. I am shipping some stuff out Monday so I will have a little more room in the sand. Its way crouded with all those frags I have. The biggest suprise is how different the duncans look and how fast they grow in low flow. The double head I cut off for Pismo is now growing out 2 more heads and the 2 spots where I fragged it now have new heads there too. In a couple of months they will be ready to frag again. I need to glue several of the frags Pismo sent to the rock in their final places and it wil be good to go.


The fuge is doing great now and the cheap overflow I made works wonderfully. I drilled a hole in the back ov my cabinet a little higher than the ATO jug and ran a small black hose through it from my dosing pump and it works so much better than my 300+ gph pump. No priming, no noise and no rist of flooding... so far lol. Now other than feeding and dosing daily and weekly WC the coral in this tank is pretty much on its own to thrive and multiply.

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Thanks for stopping by MJ. Since my wife is out of town I think I'll spend the evening taking pics... that is if I can get past the stupid bowed front of the tank. That thing makes taking front side shots almost impossible.

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Militant Jurist

The wife's out of town and you're taking tank pictures?!?





You should see what kind of suggestions DH might have for you. He's the man with da lens. And Lani; she da woman wit da lens. ;)

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L came to my thread! omgomgomg


Thanks for that L. If I am too close to the front it is horrible but if I am far enough away it isnt bad as long as I am pointing directly at the coral and not at any sort of angle. The fact that I bought a $600 macro lense specifically for my corals is a bit frustrating now but I will make it work.

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Thanks L, I'll check it out.


ok so I Iied, no pics tonight. But I have had a very productive evening. I got my RO/DI installed under the sink and plumbed, made 10G SW, did a WC on my BC14, fixed the dimmer on my LEDs, attached several coral that have been on plugs forever and fed everything in my BC29. For the first time since the upgrade every single LPS ate. Even both stars were begging. Now all I have to do is a WC on the BC29 in the morning and then I can relax... well after cleaning the house before my wife gets home. Maybe tomorrow I can get some good shots. Thanksfor stopping by and have a good weekend.

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PICS! omgomgomg


Let's start out with the classics








Looks whos peeking over the edge



baby nano conch omgomgomg











and the newer guys


















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Thanks MJ! I am still kind of battling the diatoms. They dont seem to want to fully give up. Maybe I'll do another lights out for a day. I should do that today when I go home for lunch. It's been a while since I've done anything stressful so they should be fine.


I also switched salts. The LFS I was going to uses Tropic Marin but I always had a problem keeping the Mg high enough. I am now using Instant Ocean. We'll see how it does. I also am going to switch from Kents Nano Reef to B-ionic since I have read tons of good things about it. We'll see what happens.

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Thanks reefrook. Getting past the bow front is a pain but if you dont get too close they turn out pretty okey dokey :happy: .

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