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Coral Vue Hydros

Opy's BC29 Upgrade!


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Thanks! I am fixing to frag my orange digi since one part is growing straight out the side and it's growing fast. My blue/green tennius is growing pretty quick too. I am mostly excited about my so called "superman" monti but it is a slow grower probly because the high flow.


I am looking forward to my vacvation next week but I am nervous about my tank. The one at work will be fine but I am scared the one at home will have problems. I will do a good cleaning on it this next wekeend cleaning the fish saver in the overflow real good and making sure my floats are perfectly clean. I just hope that the 11 days I am gone it will be ok.


Any tips for a guy fixin to leave his tank for the first time?

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Woah! post pix of da worm :o

Here is the wierd worm. It is one long worm, not multiple ones and its hole was a pile of sand that looked glued together. You can barely see it but it looks like its lots of segments instead of one long piece like a peanut work.





Here are a couple more recent pics of my office tank. Stupid algae will be resolved by a tail spot blenny and some stomatellas.




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The tanks is look great! The cruise sounds like fun! I am sure all will be well as long as the person you are training to care for the tank is not a dumb ass lol like over feeding.

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Thanks guys (and gals)!


I have frozen food for the fish and it is already devided into days of the week using a weekly pill organizer. I will have extremely detailed instructions on everything and I use mesuring spoons for the Roti-Feast and Kent Nano 2 part dosing. He is pretty compitent so with all my instructions and safety measures it should be fine. I just worry about my overflow and pump.

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happy turkey day ope!



do you care if i wait to ship tha snails and stuff till you get back?


I'm gonna ship you a GANG of snails and frags.

the holidays are nuts!



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happy turkey day ope!



do you care if i wait to ship tha snails and stuff till you get back?


I'm gonna ship you a GANG of snails and frags.

the holidays are nuts!



It's all good :happy: . I will pm you when I get back on the 14th. Have a fun and safe holiday weekend :D .

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Well this was an eventfull holiday of death! Our gerbil died Saturday night. He was about 3 years old and long overdue so we were glad he lived that long. We were also greatfull he died while we were in town instead of waiting till we left for the pet sitter to find. Now he only has 5 animals and my home tank to take care of lol.


When I got back to the office this morning I found my ATO ran out of water, my GHA is worse and my red mythrix crap was dead. I changed a couple of gallons but tomorrow I am doing a 4 gallon water change in hopes that the GHA will clear up while I am gone. I was feeding the tank Phyto Feast but since it is all zoas and shrooms and GSP I can just let it feed off the light. I find I have better growth with feeding the tank but until I get the GHA under control then I will just not feed at all.


I only have one more day after today till I head to Florida and then to the Eastern Caribbean to go snorkeling in a not-so-nano reef. In theory there is supposed to be some really good snokeling in St Thomas and Tortola so hopefully I will get some good pics and video. I will be gone for 12 days so I pray that all my animals and coral make it and there are no horrible misshaps.

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Good luck with your trip, hope everything is cool with your tank until you come back.

It isn't just theory, it is fact, the snorkeling can be very nice in St. Thomas at least.









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Yea, I have a Canon Powershot SD630 with an underwater case and I just got the new Canon D10 (waterfroof down to 33 feet without a case). I was thinking about the Ikelite housing for my 40D but $1,500 for an underwater case was a bit much for my right now lol. Of course $1,500 is on the low end since you have to buy adapters for different lenses plus a flash.

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Thanks, he was a good little gerbil.


Someone else said that either a page or two back or in another thread (about the tech-M, not the gerbil lol). I got some and I am dosing accordingly now (when I am here). I also cut both my fuge light and main light back to 6 hours a day so that may help while I am gone also.

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opy01, I know it seems cheap, but they make nice pvc cases that are more flexible and fit an assortment of lenses and cameras. I bought one for ~$120 and it fits my D40 just fine. I wouldn't go more than 10 feet down with it, but it's more than adequate for snorkeling and I've never had any leaking issues.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok guys, I'm back! I had a wonderfull time and saw all kinds of cool stuff. Here are just a few of the pics from my snorkeling at the 3 islands I went to.





















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