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new Canon stuff announced today.


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Memory is Memory...ther eis no different type thats for vid or still picture. I like the Sandisk cards..ULTRA II, Extreme III and IV are all good. I think the 5DII does only a limit of 4gig of video thats like 12min

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So the Canon Prime Lenses are called the L series, and then there are the Zoom series?

false. the L-series lenses are canon's professional level lenses. they come in both fixed and variable focal lengths (prime and zoom). similarly, there are fixed and variable focal length non-L lenses as well.

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I got it now, the Prime lenses are ones that are a fix mm, no zooming...right?

So you have Prime and Zoom. Then there is the L series in both kinds?

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all lenses are either a Prime or a ZOOM...the L is just a designation of Luxury series..Its the Pro Grade..just like the EF is the standard Canon AF lens..and the EF-s lenses are the ones only made for the 1.6x crop cameras.

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sandisk, manfrotto, crumpler. I don't use flashes.


Do you think the 5D Mark II can be used in a way I wouldn't need a flash?

I know the faster the lens, the better it handles the lower/natural light.

So if I got a f/(1.8 or 1.4) lens, I probably wouldn't need a flash either?


Also, the Manfrotto tripods, what is it that you all think is important in a tripod?

Weight? what its built of? How fast it breaks down? What do I need to be aware of with tripods?

I see they have some for photo and video, I'd guess I want photo, as the video is a secondary purpose.


I never knew there were so many different kinds of tripods...



Of course the one bag that holds both camera and laptop is the most expensive one!



I want one that holds a 17" MacBook Pro and the 5D Mark II.

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Do you think the 5D Mark II can be used in a way I wouldn't need a flash?

I know the faster the lens, the better it handles the lower/natural light.

So if I got a f/(1.8 or 1.4) lens, I probably wouldn't need a flash either?

that really isnt a question that can be answered..that will change everytime from place to place you take the pics and what your shooting.

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that really isnt a question that can be answered..that will change everytime from place to place you take the pics and what your shooting.


I get that, but I guess what I was asking was how jeremai gets away with not using a flash.

I'm sure there will be times when one is needed, was just wondering how long I could go before I bought one, but I understand your point, its kind of a dumb question for me to ask.

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I'd say I do about 50/50 on the flash issue. I am perfectly capable of taking some photos without, but I may choose to create artificial lighting by bouncing my flash or modifying it in some way. Sometimes it yields nicer results, sometimes it doesn't. It's nice to have the option though.

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Tenba shootout medium






watch the vid on there too


Wow...nice find! I dig this bag...awesome man, Thanks!

Tenba is the style I was looking for, that video shows you everything you need to know.


It sounds like I can get away with shooting without a flash for a while with certain situations, while learning the camera settings and get a flash sometime down the road.


I'm also interested in something like this; http://www.stabilizerflex.com/

This one has a good price.

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I dont personally use the tenba medium


I use a Dakine MIssion Photo


the notebook capabilities of it are null, even though it says it can, it is just a strap that would offer no protection whatsoever and would only hold a computer that is the exact perfect size

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well i prefer backback type bags

first bag was the Canon 200eg...it was a pretty darn good bag for a while for me..held decent amount of stuff and got it off amazon for 30bucks.

I have had the LowePro Phototrekker II AW..WAY WAY WAY WAY to big...looks like I am gonna climb the rockies in it.

I got the LoweProVERTEX AWII after..it was smaller but still to big to just use everyday and look silly.

I had a Crumpler 7million dollar home..it wasnt bad but it sucked with the way you had to stack gear to fit everything. Plus it looked like a diaper bag.

I now use a LowePro MiniTrekker AWII...it is PERFECT..looks like a normal size backpack. fits all my gear perfectly. well if I had anymore it wouldnt fit.

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I wished there was a place local here in OKC that had some of these brands of bags to see in person...its hard to tell what you want/need from an online picture.

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I didn't like any of the laptop/camera combo bags. Plus, my camera bag is extremely heavy, add in the 8 or 9 pounds of my aging laptop and I'd barely be able to lift the thing. Maybe check Newegg?

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After looking at all these brands online, I think the Tenba has won. I just love those.

Ok, time to order the camera...lets go talk to the wife.

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I got the Burton Zoom Pack last week. Holds all my cam gear plus some and my netbook, plus a billion other pockets I'd never find enough uses for. Good for the winter sports enthusiast as well - comes with snowboard tie downs. REI has it on sale for 50% off + member discount (last year's model and end of snow season). It's a bit heavy, but it's a large pack and you'd want the extra padding if you took a fall snowboarding.

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I get that, but I guess what I was asking was how jeremai gets away with not using a flash.

I'm sure there will be times when one is needed, was just wondering how long I could go before I bought one, but I understand your point, its kind of a dumb question for me to ask.

I shoot almost exclusively outdoors, with natural light, and of subjects that generally do not move. I prefer reflectors and other light modifiers over flashes, and therefore I've yet to find a situation for myself in which a flash unit is essential. But like 05X said, everyone has differing requirements based on what you normally shoot.

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I <3 my crumpler bag. It's great for traveling if you know you don't need to take all your equipment. They're great if you only need to carry your camera+lens and an additional 2 lenses or so with you. Even if I had a ton of equipment, I seriously doubt I would lug it all around unless I felt that I had to.


Plus it doesn't scream camera bag, so I'd like to think it's less likely to be stolen.


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Nice looking can you add a 17" notebook too?


I know at the Crumpler store itself you can get the bags custom to fit whatever need you want, but if you aren't near a Crumpler store I'm sure you could e-mail them and ask them to modify a bag to suit your needs.

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