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new Canon stuff announced today.


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I just don't think I need or want to watch 30 - 60 min videos, I always skip to the meat of the video, and in this case, I could just have the meat ready.


I'm pretty sure this is the discussion Vivid's marketing executives have when they're deciding if they should make another plot based movie, or just one of those "clips" movies.

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I'm pretty sure this is the discussion Vivid's marketing executives have when they're deciding if they should make another plot based movie, or just one of those "clips" movies.



But :D

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I see your point 05XRunner, the MP20 is the Camera, and the flow of the MP20 is the picture taking of the camera, and so the wave feature is like the HD video of the camera...I see what you are saying.


But I keep my stance and think this is the perfect match for my wants and needs.


The camera is the MP20, and the video portion is the wave feature. It's a cool idea that turns out to be a gimmick that you won't really use in the end. At least that's how I translated it.

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The camera is the MP20, and the video portion is the wave feature. It's a cool idea that turns out to be a gimmick that you won't really use in the end. At least that's how I translated it.

yep..was cool for about 5min dont even use the feature anymore.

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And thats how I understood him too, but I think I'm going to use it more than he's saying he does. Regardless if I don't, I still have an amazing FF camera right?

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He's done that in a couple of threads. <_<


i think it's kinda funneh. cause every time, he gets this vvvvv


wtf? mp20 is awesome.



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And thats how I understood him too, but I think I'm going to use it more than he's saying he does. Regardless if I don't, I still have an amazing FF camera right?


Yeah apparently I skimmed your post and missed like half of it, my bad.

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My head is just exploding with possibilities with this Camera, the software I have on the Mac, and the HD Video and the Awesome stills...the IQ...I'm so stoked.


I still think 05XRunner still wants me to purchase the 50D. :P

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Yeah apparently I skimmed your post and missed like half of it, my bad.


No biggy at all.

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I still think 05XRunner still wants me to purchase the 50D. :P

the 5DII and the 50D are completely 2 different cameras..so you have to look at it in that way. They shouldnt be compared. The 5DII has the best resolution and high ISO noise out...Yet it is made for more of the wedding, landscape type shooting for its HIGH res, slow FPS and ok AF system.

The 50D is geared more towards action shooting, The 6.5fps, the AF system in it is much faster and would be more accurate then the 5DII since all sensors are cross type with 5.6 and faster lenses and 2.8 is cross and diagonal with 2.8 and faster glass.

So it comes down to the right camera for the right type of shooting.

I wouldnt base it on video or not.

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So are you telling me that the Canon 5DM2 will not shoot action shots well?

I understand the FPS is not as fast as the 50D, but, its fast enough to take action shots right?

I mean 3 seconds of burst shots is fast enough to get some fast action shots? Right?

Surely I shouldn't make a decision between the two based on which one has the faster FPS...should I?

Over all the 5DM2 is a way better camera, FF, great ISO, I can get the shots I want in most any kind of style can't I? I understand what you are saying, and what I'm trying to tell you is I want a wide variety of styles of shots, aquarium, kids, family, dogs, macro, artsy, etc...and throwing in the video I love is just even sweeter.

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of course it will shoot action. I am just saying the 50D is more geared towards it..it has a faster AF system so it will be able to track better, and the faster burst rate will help you catch more frames of moments you want to capture and more reach over the FF with the 1.6x sensor size. Any camera can shoot action, weddings, landscapes..Just others are built more for one application then the other. Like the 1DMKIII I am getting..its pretty much a Sports camera. built for speed and more reach with the 1.3x crop..now the 1DsMKIII its designed more for studio work that needs high resolution photos and things of that sort..since it has a slower burst rate and a lower ISO ability then a 1DMKIII. The right tool for the job but they will all have the ability to shoot everything.

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Thanks, you're helping me understand how the different camera's and features intertwine. So what is it that people like about the FF camera's why are they revered so highly?

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So are you telling me that the Canon 5DM2 will not shoot action shots well?

I understand the FPS is not as fast as the 50D, but, its fast enough to take action shots right?

I mean 3 seconds of burst shots is fast enough to get some fast action shots? Right?

Surely I shouldn't make a decision between the two based on which one has the faster FPS...should I?

Over all the 5DM2 is a way better camera, FF, great ISO, I can get the shots I want in most any kind of style can't I? I understand what you are saying, and what I'm trying to tell you is I want a wide variety of styles of shots, aquarium, kids, family, dogs, macro, artsy, etc...and throwing in the video I love is just even sweeter.

i'm not necessarily trying to talk you out of buying the 5D2, but i'm just not sure that you are skilled enough to use the camera to its full capabilities. you can put the world's greatest camera in the hands of an inexperienced shooter and the pictures they take on that body will still suck. in fact, the images may turn out worse on the pro or semi-pro body because those bodies will accentuate any photo mechanics errors on your part. when, for instance, are you going to need the capability to shoot cleanly at 6400ISO when you're basically just taking snapshots?


all i'm trying to say is, just because you've got the latest and greatest body in your hands doesn't guarantee great shots. i've taken some of my favorite pictures on a point and shoot camera, which also shoots video, fyi.

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I totally agree, but I'm also fully confident in my skills with electronics, I used to sell retail cameras so I know some of these photography terms, I've also had a college course in photography where we had to use a fully manual camera, got an A in the class, so I have heard a lot of the basic terms, and just need a refresher. I plan to take some more classes, and I feel good about growing into this camera for sure, that doesn't worry me at all. My father was a shutterbug, great with the electronics and techy stuff, I've followed in his footsteps, good with computers and most electronic stuff, so again, I don't plan on going at this totally uninformed, I will do my studying and reading and learning...and then let my creativity take over too.

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