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Nick's 40 Breeder

Nick's Reef

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Dag that is alot of flow...I had a AC110 and 2 Koralia #2's in a 40 and it was plenty :P


once you Vortech there is no looking back


Lani zoos are waiting :D

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Nick's Reef
Dag that is alot of flow...I had a AC110 and 2 Koralia #2's in a 40 and it was plenty :P


once you Vortech there is no looking back


Lani zoos are waiting :D

Maria, I have close to 100x turnover in the ap24, What I'd have with those is no more than 75x turnover, my sps like a lot of flow. The vortech is just a tad to expensive for me, if it was about $120 then yeah I'de get one but $300 no way jose! Can't wait for lanis zoanthids! :D

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Are you happy now... I finally made it over here! :lol:


Looks amazing bro! This is already a sweet looking tank. Be proud of that rock wall, it looks awesome!!!

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Nick's Reef

Are you happy now... I finally made it over here! :lol:


Looks amazing bro! This is already a sweet looking tank. Be proud of that rock wall, it looks awesome!!!

Sure, Im happy.....Thanks man, you should see the rockwall in person. There are a few places I missed with the foam that make sweet lil' caves!

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Nick's Reef

Day 4 Water Parameters


Ammonia: between .25ppm and .50ppm, probably closer to .50 as it looks closer to that

trates: 0ppm



I only bothered to test those 3 as I'm just checking to see how the cycle is moving along as I don't think that anything else is going to change at all.

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Man, that rock wall looks even better underwater.. I'll be checking back a lot on this one.. I'm very interested to see this thing come together..

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Nick's Reef
Man, that rock wall looks even better underwater.. I'll be checking back a lot on this one.. I'm very interested to see this thing come together..

Thanks! :)

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Nick's Reef

Well I just got back from a LFS and bought some spirulina brine for my mandarin, she ate it like candy! I'm so glad, for those of you who folled my ap24 thread you know that she was earing Rod's but decieded to stop last week, I'm so glad she's eating again and hopefull in a week will be back to her normal fat a$$ self. :) Going to find her a boyfreind and pair them up in this tank. I keep going back and forth on fish too, I think a bunch of small rare/unusual gobies, basslets, wrasses/hogfish, and a dwarf angel or two would be neat and probably what's going in the tank.

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Well I just got back from a LFS and bought some spirulina brine for my mandarin, she ate it like candy! I'm so glad, for those of you who folled my ap24 thread you know that she was earing Rod's but decieded to stop last week, I'm so glad she's eating again and hopefull in a week will be back to her normal fat a$$ self. :) Going to find her a boyfreind and pair them up in this tank. I keep going back and forth on fish too, I think a bunch of small rare/unusual gobies, basslets, wrasses/hogfish, and a dwarf angel or two would be neat and probably what's going in the tank.


Yes good call

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Nick's Reef
Yes good call

Yeah, all my LFS's get a bunch of neat trimmas/evotias ever now and then and I just love them. Plus most are CB by ORA so that's a plus. Looking into assesors and candy/swissgaurd basslets. Deffinatly NOT getting an atlantic candy basslet as I can't afford a $500 fish, maybe one will magically appear in 10ft of water and I'll catch it lol. There are a few people who've caught them locally and made big bucks off them.

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Honestly Id pass on the royal gramma. A jawfish pair would look so cool. Have you thought about some anthias?


Anthias? Really?

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Thats really cool, i pretty much had to beg my LFS to get some green banded gobies in for me. I wish they got in the smaller gobies and Caribbean fish. That would be dope if one swam up to you whule you were snorkeling.

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Nick's Reef
Anthias? Really?

Maybe kray, I want a sunburst if any of a baby borb. Most likely the sunburst as I've had them before and they can esily live off one meal a day. Plus at the LFS I'd get one at I know the owner very well and he makes sure they're eating flakes before he sells them since they can be finicky. I Geometric Pygmy Hawk with is technically an anthias is also a possible addition.


Thats really cool, i pretty much had to beg my LFS to get some green banded gobies in for me. I wish they got in the smaller gobies and Caribbean fish. That would be dope if one swam up to you whule you were snorkeling.

Well ORA breeds them and almost all the LFSs buy from ORA so they have the smaller gobies. As for carribean fish alot of the large angels I find in LFSs are wild caught by people with tanks that will catch them, qt them for months then sell them. Every week I see atleast 50+ cherub angels come in at various LFSs and royal grammas and blackcap basslets are always cheap and plentiful.

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Nick's Reef

Day 6 Water Parameters


Ammonia: 0ppm

Nitrates: 0ppm

Nitrites: 0ppm


Tank appears to be cycled , going to the LFS today and will take a sample of water to get a second opinion. If all is well will wait a week to be safe and test probably every other day. Then if no signs of ammonia, trates, or trites will add a cuc and do a wc.

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Nick's Reef
Nice man that seemed like a fast cycle. It will be nice to get some life in there.

Seems to fast imo, that's why I'm waiting a bit longer.

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Nick's Reef

Ok, LFS's tests says.......


ammonia: 0ppm

trates: >10

trites: 0ppm


I think that it's cyled, why? I just came home to a light dusting of diatoms on the sand and most of the rocks are coved in golden brown algae! :) Goin' to get snails this weekend, forget waiting, I wanna play it safe but heck if I've got diatoms it's ready for a cuc imo.

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Nick's Reef

I went out and caught a bunch of ceriths and nass and they're acclimating right now, I have ton left over, only put in 80 ceriths and 20 nass. I have both florida and dawarf ceriths both are tiny so I used a lot. If anyone local needs some free snails pm me.

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Nick's Reef
Must be cool to go out and catch your own stuff. Do you need a license for that?

Yeah, just a sw fishing liscence and I'm under 16 so i don't need one. Conchs are off limits though, if the ruls on being caught with them are same as underslot or overslot fish it's $250 per.


Oh you're so lucky to be your own snail hunter.

Yep, saves me a good amout of money. I gotta go out later to get netrites at a spot John told me about, i always knew about it for damsels and blue crabs for bait but never noticed there was netrites there.


I just tossed them in and they quickly burried under te sand, some landed on rocks and got to work. :)

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Nick's Reef
Damn 250 bucks, is your tank gonna be primarily wild caught stuff?

No, fish round here are notorius for carrying nasties like velvet, fluke, and brook. Plus most of the pretty fish are aggressive, to big, or out of snorkeling range. So only thing that I'm catching is the snail portion of the cuc. My finalized fish list is this:


trio of threadfin carinalfish (cb from ORA)

Pair of ORA Occy's

Royal Gramma

Pair of yasha gobies (going to get them from liveaquaria instead of the LFS to get the gaurantee)

Pair of Mandarins


Just remembered, might get some zoanthids from a spot I know of, my dad has some in his 75. He was happy I came with him on that snorkeling trip since he'd dove the spot many times but I pointed out the zoas, we got a few nice frags but only one survived cause a french angel that was in the livewell with them thought they'd make a nice snack. :angry:

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Nick's Reef

Day 12 Water Parameters






No Spikes, parameters are stable. Going to the LFS today to get water for a water change and hermits since I can't find bluelegs anywhere to catch them. The snails did an ok job on eating the diatoms but they haven't erraticated them, hopefully the hermits will take care of them. I might pick up a fish or some hardy softies while I'm there if something catches my eye, might not and just err on the side of caution and get something next week, who knows.

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Nick go to Dubouis Park..in the tidepool in the back and to the left I caught a ton of blue legs by the rock wall :P


post up dem pix!...I need snails..I only saw the black footed snails that climb outta the tank <_<

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