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Coral Vue Hydros

Daves Shallow SPS 35g


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Awesome job dave. I remember when you were first starting this tank up after your hiatus..I cant believe its been two years already. Have you won totm already?

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Oh yea pictures! I love this tank. I have thoughts of upgrading then downgrading then this and that, then I come home to this little guy and just cant get rid of it. I am battling this odd clear slime that is in my sump but I am not to worried about it. I plan on switching to ESV salt and adding ozone sometime. Meanwhile I have been slammed with LED builds and working on my commercial pendant. i plan on making a custom super efficient fixture for this tank ( 90 LED's running at 350mA with dual Ryujin controllers, 24"x10 "x1/2") but that is still out in the future. Anyways the corals are growing big, fish are loving life and I'm pleased to say its been two years!


Right Side : War Coral has officially taken over.



I like to call this Icy Island



PPE : I may die before these grow in to a full colony


Setosa : Best Coral Ever



Hope you enjoy!






Thanks David!

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Theres no way you've had this up for two years. is there. really... damn it man, that went fast.

Regardless its always kicked ass, like its all out of bubble gum.

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Dave, the tank looks great! Any chance you could send me pictures of all the LED fixtures you've built. I love seeing pictures of that stuff and gathering ideas.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Dave, what's your bulb combo for those latest pictures you took on pages 64-recent


The colors are amazing and i really want to replicate that color on my tank if i go T5. How are the colors on your zoas? Do you notice them morphing to their best colors?


Thanks dude. :)

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