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Plainrt's breeder build.Version 2.The waste of good water


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Ok i added 30lbs more sand so im not around a 2.5 inch sandbed now and figued out how to add some more lr and then made a few minor changes to the scape and i really think i like it now.Will have pics on tuesday of version 2 of my breeder build.

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Glad to hear you like the look with the added sand. I know how you feel about trying to rescape your tank as it can be highly frustrating. When my tank cracked and I had to start over, I just about chucked the whole thing off my back deck :rant:. I know you loved your 30B but the 40 looks very good for just getting it up and going. If you don't mind me suggesting something, it looks like you tried to mimic the 30B in the way you placed your rock and corals. If that is what you wanted then ignore what I am about to say but I think trying something completely different is what make a new tank "new". You might be disappointed simply because its the same and therefore you don't see it as an upgrade/improvement (not that your 30B need any improvement :bowdown:). Ok, I will stop the pschoanalysis now. I will send you a bill for the therapy session later (the third acan from the left will suffice :happy:). In the meantime the rest of us can just drool over our keyboards!

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Glad to hear you like the look with the added sand. I know how you feel about trying to rescape your tank as it can be highly frustrating. When my tank cracked and I had to start over, I just about chucked the whole thing off my back deck :rant:. I know you loved your 30B but the 40 looks very good for just getting it up and going. If you don't mind me suggesting something, it looks like you tried to mimic the 30B in the way you placed your rock and corals. If that is what you wanted then ignore what I am about to say but I think trying something completely different is what make a new tank "new". You might be disappointed simply because its the same and therefore you don't see it as an upgrade/improvement (not that your 30B need any improvement :bowdown:). Ok, I will stop the pschoanalysis now. I will send you a bill for the therapy session later (the third acan from the left will suffice :happy:). In the meantime the rest of us can just drool over our keyboards!



Yeah new tanks suck at times.I didnt change much really as i really like how the 30 was scape wise.I added few rocks and moved some things a tiny bit but nothing major.Now i just need this new rock to color up some cause it looks like crap.All and all i was just looking for a bit more height then my 30 had so i could view tank better and that is why i went with the 40b.Lol ill send the acan right out



thanks much

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I know how you feel. I change around my scape way way way too much. Every other month it seems like I'm finding a reason to place something in a different spot, and then ultimately changing everything around. :angry:


kinda funny how tanks can be such a joy but such a pita all at once.

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I know how you feel. I change around my scape way way way too much. Every other month it seems like I'm finding a reason to place something in a different spot, and then ultimately changing everything around. :angry:


kinda funny how tanks can be such a joy but such a pita all at once.



Right this thing has really made me mad last week or so but now that been up and going for about 2 days now im little better now so ok here is the new gay 40b that has been a pita to get setup right........I added a bit of lr and moved the scape a bit to make more of a valley in center also.Im now using a 6 bulb tek over the 40 compared to the 4 bulb i had over the 30.If too much light ill just use 4 bulbs again.









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Looks great!! I am sure that the coris is loving it!!



Thanks i hope him and the christmas like it.


I'm loving the upgrade. What type of jawfish are you thinking of adding?




Not sure still looking into them.Thanks :}

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Leaving the nano group? How big you wanna go?



At times tempted to get a elos mini and sometimes wanna go bigger like a 3ft shallow cube.The new 50 cad is looking damn good also.I guess im just bored with the breeder and really wanna a cube.Just not sure on size yet.

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Is that what your post about recommendations for a 48" fixture was for not too long ago? Oh man, I see a non-nano TOTM in the future :happy:. Can't wait to see whatever it is!

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Is that what your post about recommendations for a 48" fixture was for not too long ago? Oh man, I see a non-nano TOTM in the future :happy:. Can't wait to see whatever it is!





lol no no just thoughts in my head right now.Will see what happens in next few months though ;)

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some recent pics of the 40b.....






One of the zoa gardens



Right side shot



straight view from right side glass



nukes and pd's



new chalice



new blastos




angled fts



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hey idk if I asked you this already but how are you liking your mp10? I've been thinking about getting the MP20 so that I can use it when I do upgrade one day but i'm wondering if it would be overkill on my tank.

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I have a mp20.It works very well but think needs something on other end breaking surface as i seem to have some film on surface nowdays lol.I try to place my higher flow stuff on the end closer to the pump.

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Beautiful... I think the 50g Cad sounds amazing too, I'm just not interested in a cube. I had them quote me on a tank with the same dimensions but 1 foot longer.

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Beautiful... I think the 50g Cad sounds amazing too, I'm just not interested in a cube. I had them quote me on a tank with the same dimensions but 1 foot longer.




thanks yeah that would be a sweet size tank.I really dont know what i want right now so im just gonna hold off till im really set on something and think i will be happy with it for more then a year lol

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I decided to get a 90 gallon if I an afford it, instead of the 58g, so I can be satisfied for a long time too... I love your avatar by the way... it cracks me up. :D

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I decided to get a 90 gallon if I an afford it, instead of the 58g, so I can be satisfied for a long time too... I love your avatar by the way... it cracks me up. :D





yeah i should go big so i can be happy for more then a year lol but im scared how much money i would spend then..........Oh and thanks my son and dog love the wagon.He gets lazy on his walks and gets in with my son.I have never seen such a lazy dumb dog :{

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I dunno i still think it's a beautiful tank :) I can understand wanting a cube though i would love to have a 3ft shallow cube too.



Thanks.I guess will see what happens in next few months.

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