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Quick's 40 Breeder


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Great tank! That hawk really stands out from the blue.


What's that coral on the top left, right in front of the protein skimmer?

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Thanks for the compliments.. That's one of the main reasons I got the flamehawk was for the great color.


As far as the coral that you are asking about, that is my xenia which was all shriveled up because I had just turned the koralia pump next to it off and then back on.. It is usually much fuller.

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So I'm pumped.. Just ordered a new reef keeper lite and the new ATO kit from digital aquatics. I can't wait to get them and hook them up. I am going away for a 2 week vacation next month and I don't have anyone that I can really rely on to not screw something up with the tank while I'm gone.. So hopefully these 2 things will give me a little more peace of mind..

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Thanks for the kudos on my build Quick. The ATO should solve all your problems on vacation. I've left my fish without food for 2 weeks and came back to a healthier tank! Depends on species of course. But you're very right: trust no one. I work in an LFS and I hear daily horror stories of the "genorosity" of house sitters. Especially at meal time for your reef...

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Yea, it will make me feel much better being away. I agree with you to trust no one, the only people I would trust would be fellow reefers, but I don't have any in my area that I know real well..

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Here are a couple of shots I just took to show how many cerith snails I ended up getting from reefcleaners.org... I placed an order for 10 nerite, 10 nass., and 20 cerith.. I received 10 nerite, 10 nass., but not quite 20 cerith..







And that's not even representative of how many there really are.. I counted 200 and there must be at least another 100 or so I didn't count..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Grat tank, love the Peacocks and I really like that frogspawn! Did you you get that at a LFS or online? I have one but I really like the pink/purple tips with the fatter tentacles. Love the hawk too. I want one but I have a fire shrimp and I'm worried that won't work out so well.

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Thanks, I got the frogspawn from stewartsfragfarm.com.. I picked up locally. I think they have it labeled as a torch online though.. Definitely not a torch. And yea, I wouldn't tempt any hawk with a shrimp.. When the hawk decides he wants that shrimp, thats the end of things haha.

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Couple of new shots from today....


Blasto.. Slowly growing


Vegas Ho's




Right Side (SPS/LPS)


Left Side (Softies)


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Pink Stylophora


SPS garden


Garf Bonsai


Tri-Color Valida (really starting to encrust and color up)


Fruity Pebbles, color keeps getting better on these




Electric greens which have really started to spread


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I need to ask you quick question about a T-5 set up for a 75. We love the color of your tank and I want to get your suggestion on bulbs would I need to get for a 6 bulb or the 8 bulb Tek T-5 to achieve your color or a 20K look(cool blue). I plan on our 75 being sps/lps for the most part with a clam or 2. Since I am asking questions I may as well get them all out on the table.


T-5 what brand name? I was looking at all kinds but I need to stay under $700. I was also thinking about the coral life MH as I can get it in my price range.

If T-5 6 or 8 bulb?

What bulb?



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I need to ask you quick question about a T-5 set up for a 75. We love the color of your tank and I want to get your suggestion on bulbs would I need to get for a 6 bulb or the 8 bulb Tek T-5 to achieve your color or a 20K look(cool blue). I plan on our 75 being sps/lps for the most part with a clam or 2. Since I am asking questions I may as well get them all out on the table.


T-5 what brand name? I was looking at all kinds but I need to stay under $700. I was also thinking about the coral life MH as I can get it in my price range.

If T-5 6 or 8 bulb?

What bulb?





That's a tough decision. I really like T-5's due to the unlimited possiblities with the bulbs, but metal halides provide you such a crisp look which is sometimes hard to capture with T-5 lighting. Since you are looking at TEK fixtures, you will have nice individual reflectors which will really help the light penetrate your tank. For a 75 gallon, I would honestly think a 6 bulb would be fine. With those individual reflectors and good bulbs, you are going to be getting a lot of strong light into that tank. Even with SPS and clams, I think it could handle it fine.


My favorite bulb combo that I have seen in person for a 6 bulb set up would have to be:

2 ATI Blue+

2 ATI Aquablue Special

1 Fiji Purple or a UVL Super Actinic (The fiji purple will really bring out reds)



Sweet tank! :D


Thanks man.. :D



Nice tank. I really love the rock work. That thing will look sick when everthing grows out.


Thanks, hopefully things start to take off soon.

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Thanks so much Quick.



My favorite bulb combo that I have seen in person for a 6 bulb set up would have to be:

2 ATI Blue+

2 ATI Aquablue Special

1 Fiji Purple or a UVL Super Actinic (The fiji purple will really bring out reds)


2+2+1=6 :huh: Lol

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Hahaha, sorry add another blue+ to that list.


Another nice combo I have seen is:


2 blue+

2 aquablue

1 uvl super actinic

1 Fiji purple

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Definitely a nice fixture. Probably what I would get for an 8 bulb fixture. I have heard nothing but good things from TEK users.. If you go with that 8 bulb fixture, you would definitely not have to worry about lighting at all. That would light up your tank very nicely ;)


Even then, you could get the fixture and bulbs for ~600 before shipping. Maintenance would be cheaper on that fixture then MH unit as well, the bulbs will cost less to replace and you shouldn't have to replace them as often.. Just one more advantage for T-5's.

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Thanks so much. I also post this same question with your 2 suggestions in the T-5 lighting thread as I did not want to hijack your thread. I have a local place that can hook me up with very good deals.

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