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Marinebiologists 12g Nano Cube


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This thread is a riot. Message boards and fish through the eyes of a tenacious 13-year old and his friends :D I almost died during the racist and "mow sand" parts.


You're doing a great job getting things started marine, and you have a decent eye for photography as well. Let me give you a piece of advice though. There are people here who have been in the hobby for a long time and generally speaking these guys have the pulse of the hobby. Scott is one of those guys and continues to take time to give you advice and teach you things. People willing to tell you what's right and wrong in this hobby are... well, almost everyone. People who are willing to do so and actually know they're talking about is rare. There are others like Scott here and you'll learn who they are over time.


If someone like him tells you not to get a fish and cites credible sources, you shouldn't get it, if they give you a piece of advice, take it very seriously, do some further research and discussion and implement it. Sometimes it's going to mean making hard decisions. My tank is only 8 months old, and in that time span I've gotten absolutely terrible advice from people at fish stores, websites and even message boards. I've wasted time, money and have had some heart ache because of it. Once I started to listen to guys like Scott and a few others, in a very short time span my tank has done a 180. Some of the things I had to do was get rid of fish that didn't belong in my tank, like a very small Foxface and a Lader Goby who just didn't belong in my 24g.


When someone like him says, "get rid of the Hawk" or "acclimate the tank for your new fixture by doing x" you really need to listen to them and not decide to do something different because it suits your immediate gratification better. You will always get people who are telling you what you want to hear, especially in this hobby, the trick is to filter that crap out, move beyond your selfish impulses and find out what's really best for your tank. Be patient and keep up the good work, hope I didn't come off as too preachy!

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thanks for all of the comments.

i have learned to listen and ask before you buy.

what do you think is wrong with the shrimp?

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the shrimp is starting to move a little bit so i got a breeder box that i used for my fw and put it in there and then put the shrimp in there. hopefully he will recover. fingerscrossed

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you can do it shrimpy! go buddy go! :lol:


and excuse me. im 15, thats a diference! :P


I'm rootin for the shrimp. I hope he makes it. Hey clownfish, I might have to have you make me a sig here in a bit when my tank gets up.

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he eats.

i dont think the hawkfish hurt him because he lets the shrimp clean him and usually just ignores the shrimp.


he moves his legs but cant move around like he use to.

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