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GirlGoneAqua's BC14 (NEW PICTURES Actinic 2/10)


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I know I havent posted in awhile, but alot has changed in my tank since my last post.


I decided that my black ocellaris male was very lonely without my female so I took him back to my LFS to be reunited with his mate and they are happily together once again. I thought to myself I would not want to buy another clown until one day I was snooping around the LFS at some cool corals and saw this beautiful perc swimming around.....now hes mates with my yellow clown goby :wub:


I also decided I was going to start doing zoa frags and help them grow nice and big.





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rack 'em! :happy:


i like the bar pattern on that clown. why not keep the black with the new regular ocell? or was that different days/tanks?

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A little late, but +1



Plus 3.........crazy.Whats your next plan of action with your livstock? Seems like every other day your switching fish.What ever floats your boat i guess.............




beautiful video

very clear tank

percula is pretty and in good health :wub:




yeah for another day till she trades it in or kills it or whatver she is really doing with her fish

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well first off, atleast im not "killing them"

second, they are way better off going back to the (my) LFS then somewhere on craigslist.

and 3rd, yes this does float my boat making sure my inverts and other fish dont get shredded up


EDIT: and if you dont like the way I run my ship, then get off it now.

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Im thinking your not on a boat and instead your on a short little bus wearing a helmet and licking snot off the windows...........




good luck with everything

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eh, smart move to tell u the truth, here in florida people sometimes release their fish or flush them or send to the stomach to larger fish. Back to the store is much better. Its the responsible thing to do. A switch of the fish is just fine once in a while.

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cool clown and plate I myself have been searching for a purple plate with a green center.


Don't worry about the previous people posting. They don't like to lose. Do what you like. Point of these boards is to offer advice, and opinions. Sometimes it goes to far.

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Thanks Rocket, I appericate your thought there.


well guess what board


& he lives in my frogspawn

whatcha gunna do?! :ninja:

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more pics or ban



btw, dont be bothered or pay any attention to people who have mean spirits & say dumb/ mean things to & about you. It's the internet & everybody can act like a tough guy

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Yes sir.







btw I gave my YCG to my friend with a pico and he gave me this cutie instead.



Nice trade.




I have one myself, hopin to find a pistol locally.

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Yes sir.







btw I gave my YCG to my friend with a pico and he gave me this cutie instead.



I like the pics, they look great!

Is he a fun fish to watch?

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I like the pics, they look great!

Is he a fun fish to watch?


yes so far, He comes out of his hole and harrasses my hermits if they get to close

Sometime he picks up mouth fulls of sand and spits it out

and when you feed him he comes flying out of his hole and trys to eat all the shrimp.

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I have a BC 14g and I was thinking of getting a bicolor... would you say the guy you have is more fun?


I have a BC 14g and I was thinking of getting a bicolor... would you say the guy you have is more fun?

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