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Innovative Marine Aquariums

My water isn't wet


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did you try the Sea Monkey Method?? :D



Yeah..... this has been sudgested, and it worked for a few seconds! But then my clown pounded one and it got dry again.


i've been supplementing my tank with dihydrogen monoxide, seems to be working great in keeping the tank nice and wet looking.



300zx, my dream car in HS

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he isn't busy trying to find out why my water is frozen and not wet instead of melting from the warming?
I told him to put it on the back burner. Pun intended.
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At some point Stevie, you are just going to have to come to terms. You see some times a tank just doesn't like a guy and no matter what he does he can never get it wet. I know you like this tank. It's apparent that you've spent a lot of time, money and energy on it. But it just can't reciprocate. It's not fair to you or the tank. You can continue to live this charade and act like nothing is wrong or you can set it free. If it truly feels for you it will come back. Otherwise it's better off with someone that can keep it wet and you can move on to the tank that's right for you. Remember Stevie there's a tank out there for every one.


Yes Stevie....


I MUST agree with Pickle (even as much as it kicks me in the figurative balls to agree with Pickle).... :P

You need to come to terms with letting the tank go....I will send you my shipping information in a PM...


Just let it go....bag it all up, box the hardware and set it free....to me.... B)



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Hey Stevie....I think you have discovered the undeniable truth.....It's those sneaky insurgents from the North....I bet the slipped you the dry water and stoleall your nice wet American water to put in their beloved LaBatt's.....mmmmmm....on second thought a six of Blues would be good right now.....but, I digress....


Do you have access to the Interwet? If so I could send you a link to my RO/DI and upload a file of real, genuine , Southern, FLORIDA RO/DI water....That ought to flush out all that hateful "It's a dry cold" attitude....

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Yeah, that whole "Takeoff hoser, hey gimme another kruller" stuff was to get us off our watchfulness and then they drop their diabolical dry water infiltration on our reef water supply....


I have been trying to get people to invest in the Interwet for years. I am even performing experiments in water file compression. I find that boiling is a very effective file compression engine, but there are never good results in the expansion of those files.....


Just one of the myriad issues that support from investors like you could help overcome....


The INTERWET....The "Wave" of the Future....

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if you can import mexican water, i hear its as wet as it gets and its not all infected with diarrhea.



it only gives you diarrhea

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I tried a little bleach and it did wonders. Algae was gone, watter looked and felt wetter, LR looked clean, pink coraline turned purple, sand and snail shells a glossy white, floss did not need to be changed and it renewed the purigen.


Kids complain of feeling dizzy but they probably spin in circles when I'm not looking.

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I dont know if you chould be using bleach it full of so many atificial chemicals... Ammonia on the other hand is natural and the main cleaning agent in bleach. If you use that it would be like any other natural reef additive! :happy:

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  • 3 weeks later...
I dont know if you chould be using bleach it full of so many atificial chemicals... Ammonia on the other hand is natural and the main cleaning agent in bleach. If you use that it would be like any other natural reef additive! :happy:


I have been dosing an experimental 2-Part Nano Reef Additive in which Part A is Bleach (high grade synthetic, 100% pure) and Part B is Ammonia (organic, all natural, hydroponic).


Come to think of it, have you tried taking your lights off your tank for a few months and using them over a strictly organic hydroponic system? This may in fact increase your water wetness, and I've heard that it will intensify the color of most corals. Unfortunately there may be side-effects, including a lack of motivation to tend to your tank's needs.


Anyway, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, the 2-Part additive. This is some highly dangerous stuff when mixed together, that's why it's 2-Part. You probably shouldn't try it until you do some more research. But my tank is as clean as a swimming pool, which is definitely wet. (I know, I've been in one before.) And it smells like a swimming pool, which reminds me of girls in bathing suits.


Ooooh, look... sparkles in the air...

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