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Gulfsurfer101's AP12g 150wMH


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Just thought I'd post some more pics of this tank.


My 1 and only fish


ORA Borealis


Borealis frag


ORA Borealis, ORA marshall island blue bottlebrush,ORA indo purple tip stag and rbta


Latest FTS


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Worked about 18 hours of OT last week so I was able to get me yet another kick-ass ORA frag. This one is called the ORA Marshall Island yellow/fuzzy green acropora. The one I got seems to have a nice orange color base to it and matches my sunset montipora with bright green polyps. I have already fragged about a 1/2" peice off of it before it went in my tank and already ten minutes later the polyps were retracting. It is just a little bit larger than the borealis frag and they should make nice duplicates in no time. I will try to get pics up tommorrow since my lights just went out.

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I'm finally seeing my duncans open up fully today and just dropped a frag of AOG's in there. Must have been heavy light aclimation for my duncs and got two double polyp frags made out and one three polyps frag made out of the armor of gods.I will be taking some of these along with some of my ORA re-frags to the LFS for credit today unless anybody local wants them first. Hit me up quick.

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Here's the latest additions and pics. I added a very cool blenny that's purple with a yellow tail and I forgot what it was called at the LFS. I wasn't able to snap a pic of him since he hid straight in the rocks as soon as I put him in there. I also got lots more blue rics and the AOG's I bought from the LFS turned out to be Darth Mauls since they are red skirted, red rimmed, and yellow splotched around the mouth. I still wasn't able to get a good pic but they are definately sick. My duncans have been in the tank exactly one week and have barely started to pop their heads out for about an hour or two at a time and then retreat. I haven't been home too much to notice this till today so hope they decide to came around soon. Here are some pics of the tank this week.


Latesst Zoa frag addition




5 dollar shroom or yuma I picked up as a free floater, not bad!


ORA marshall island fuzzy yellow and green acropora



ORA fuzzy yellow and green frag next to borealis frag



New blue rics




Some of my first coral ever. I think everybody I've dealt with locally has some of these in their tanks now with the exception of texas. Sorry man when I get these to grow out more you will get some too.


Now just some more randoms








I'll be offering some of these frags for locals so PM me if your interested.

Just a quick edit: Removed and sold the prism skimmer. Not to self, buy a real skimmer and never use this toy again for any future projects.

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I have postively identified that fish I got today as a flame tailed blenny from the LFS I got him from. He looks tottally fat and gansta. He kinda reminds me of the godfather with his fat head and monster jaw. I will have to get pics of him and those zoas when I am able too later. Quick edit, I have seen very few of those lice looking creatures in my tank after adding that mandarin so he will be on his way back to the LFS next week. If anybody here locally wants to trade for him I will be willing to do so.

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Hey Gulf, nice stuff, I hope to jump into more SPS like you soon, but I'm not sure if my 70w MH can handle it. There seem to be several variety of Duncans available; the one you have is different than mine and I think their tentacles, at full extension, are rather quite short. I haven't personally seen the variety you have around my area, but I think that might be the case. Give them some time to acclimate, are they eating? They're quite nice, how big are they?

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They were closed up after I moved a frag that was next to them onto the frag rack up top to get a better pic. They do seem quite short from what I've seen of them at somewhat full extention and my LFS guy told me that they take a while to acclimate after shipping, I just never had anything take this long to fully open up. Everything usually opens up in minutes even after snipping and fragging. Zook I used to run a 70w sunpod over my AP12 and I was able to keep all kinds of SPS with out no problem. I'm trying to locate a good fixture right now for this tank and start up my 24 using this light and a new bulb.

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I've took out the wire snips today and busted up the small flat peice of rock that was holding that small colony of zoas I got yesterday into three more frags the size of the one pictured above. The guy told me they were AOG's but I am thinking they are something else. They have the AOG look on the outside of the zoa with a bright flourescent orangeish redish look to them but are plastered with a splotched and very yellow look in the middle around the mouth. I have gone insane looking up all the different morphs on zoaid.com and give up. I will get pics of them fully open along with pics of that goby and whatever else is looking cool tommorrow and post them here. Any body have any clue to what I should be looking for on zoaid.com please let me know.

Quick edit: I now have about four frags of those zoas so a few locals that have hooked me up in the past will be getting some. I kinda owe dave a frag since I never trimmed those other zoas for him and Glenn a frag just because he's always hooked me up in the past. Berry I will try to cut some more out or hook you up with some nice SPS when your tank is ready buddy.

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Here's the latest, my duncans seem to inch further out everyday bt still have not yet some fully out in all the pics I've seen that made me want them in the first place. I still love them and they look like they have a minty blue shade to them which I like way better than the green ones. I was also snappin pics of those zoas I found at my LFS that were under a huge rock and weren't gettingenough light. They opened up quickly under my sunpod though and have been soaking it up. My flame tail blenny also poked his head out to see what I was doing and decided he'd give me a what's up style pose for you guys. Here are the pics tell me what you think.





New zoa frags (don't know what their called but they look cool)









acans are finally getting more color


And my blenny poking his head out to see what's going on


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Thanksgiving water change and lots of people now wanting to start a nano tank after seeing this little box for Thanksgiving. Everything is growing awsome. Noticed new paly growth from my green paly's spreading upwards onto another chunk of LR. I love this hobby when everything is this rewarding.

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I'm out of room in this tank and am trying to get my AP24 drilled so I can take all the extra rock I now have in my sump, (about 25#'s in a ten gallon split fuge sump) and put in the display. I kinda need to get it done soon since I just put in an order from pacific east live aquaria again for a sixpack of SPS frags, two monti chunks of good size, and another acan frag. It is my luck though the day I take it to the LFS to get it done the guy is out and not availible till next weekend. Between this, recently moving, and expecting my second daughter's delivery on friday by C-section, I'm kind of overwhelmed, not to mention the holiday's. I need some help guys!

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The tank is looking nice, and those new sps frags and the latest zoa frag are really cool! Let me know if you frag those acans and the next time I get money I'll talk to you about buying some stuff :)

Oh and I love your rock scape, its really sweet.

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The tank is looking nice, and those new sps frags and the latest zoa frag are really cool! Let me know if you frag those acans and the next time I get money I'll talk to you about buying some stuff :)

Oh and I love your rock scape, its really sweet.

I will never frag my cans, JK. I don't know how. I just put another order in for an acan enchinta that had some really crazy holloween colors to it along with 6 more SPS frags and two monti's. I guess I just want different colors that most of the blue and reds that I always see in them. If I ever figure out how to frag them I'll shoot you a PM to see if you still want to pick some up. I need to bust out the AP24 already. I've been saving water from my WC's from my last two to just fill the tank up with established colonized water when I'm ready to swap.

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Haha, I don't know how either! :P

But I would definitely want some if you ever do. Yeah, get the 24 up already slacker! Haha, jk.

Jumpin Jeezus, and leaping lucifer, cut me a break, I had to sell of the borealis frag and a couple of others that were pretty pricey just to get this tank some what ready before I can take everything out and just plop it into the bigger one. After I'm done though I should have enough room to add just a few more things and maybe a stellar torch or some other LPS frag that I deem worthy for an all inclusive SPS tank.

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Hehe, I jus kiddin :happy:

Sounds good. I really want some cool sps! Can't wait to see the new tank :)

I'll send you some once mine grow out. I just picked up the bag of black live sand today. That was not cheap but I figure it will look really nice and I never really like the whitesand bed look in any of my tanks. All I need now is to get the thinged drilled since I went ahead and took out the plastic wall from it so I can have some more room for stuff. I want the return up top and do a lot of open rock work throught the tank so I can get decent flow through the rocks with out using a spray bar and just use my MJ1200 and Koralia nano in there.

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Expecting my order from Pacific East Live Aquaria tommorrow and my GF will have to drop them for me since I'll be at work. I just cleared out the sand bed to make room for 6 more SPS frags and 2 montipora corals that I thought looked nice along with a wierd looking acan enchinata. I will be moving the rest of my stuff this weekend to my new place so I will be upgrading to my AP24 in the proccess.

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I might not be able to do it then man, I'm moving it out and over on thursday night after work and I'm heading to the hospital for baby number 2 at 7am on friday so I'm thinking of just doing a over the back type thing. I might be able to make it look pretty cool if I can get it to look like it does in my mental plans. I'll be availible after 1 on thursday though since I'm taking half the day off to ship ddr.phish's frags do my tank and get the place baby ready.

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cool man. do you still have that overflow box you got from me? That should work just fine if you don't end up drilling the tank.


Good luck Friday!!! Mine will be here in 5 more weeks. I swear she just got pregnant last month!!!! Time has flown by.

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Yeah it has, It kinda sneeked up on me with the holidays. I plan on using that overflow box and I've been running it on the back of this tank for a good while with no complaints at all, I was just planning on drilling through the back for a better return of having to go over the top then 90* back to the surface. I might just do that though and do a split return this way by using a more powerful return pump. I plan on getting all the hardware set up by at least 5 and then have it filled by 6 or 7 but you remeber the rule of thumbe with these things. Always take that amount of time you think you'll put into it and double it for good mesure and multiply that by half I think was a good calculation. Once again man, thanks for the help but the timing was really crappy for me.

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Got home really late today so I didn't get to see my frags with the lights on but Nikki did an awsome job at getting my coral aclimated then dropped. She floated them for about a half an hour while she dozed off woke up and did a 50/50 water aclimation in the bag like I taught her and floated them for another twenty minutes and placed all the frags in the front of the glass in the sand bed with all the bags layed out on the floor so I can see what it is they sent me and where it was in the tank. Or she just opened the bags and dropped them in there and tried to cover up her deeds by arranging evey bag as to look like it took her a really long time. Any how, I lover her and am so pround to have her as a partner. The sox pack frags from Pacific East Aquaculture kick ass though, They sent me a monti digita, 2 pocillopora frags, one green encrusting monti that looks better than the ones I ordered, and one birdsnest. My tanks is cursed when it comes to BN though and I don't think the one they sent will make it since it is already half dead from the trip. I aslo ordered two more monti's one blue and one orange along with an acan frag that looks pretty sweet under my led's from my sunpod. I'm taking half the day to move the tank tommorrow and should have a lot longer to actually see the frags. I might make a thread showing pics of the proccess of me actually moving the tank to help out people with question's in the future.

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I just got finished setting everything up after moving this tank today so I guess I'll close the chapter on another thread and start one up for my once again resserrected AquaPod 24. I now feel the troble that Glenn had to go through since I had to make a couple of trips to the Home Depot my self, forgot a couple of things back here that I needed, started moving this tank at about 11am today and just got everything dropped in and stopped all work and scape at around 9:30pm. I wish I could've taken pics of the whole thing but the camera is still packed away somewhere in a box but they will be up of the new tank as soon as I get it out.

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Hey man, clear out your inbox, I need to send you a PM so we can work some things out. Nearly everything arrived dead. I'm willing to work this out via emails instead of the feedback forum because I know your a good person.


Hope to hear from you soon.







EDIT: Good luck with your baby's delivery :)

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