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Innovative Marine Aquariums

The Official Club Pico Thread


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I am getting myself a JBJ picotope for Christmas and am very excited to set it up. I can't wait to post photos of its stages. I currently have a 14g biocube which sadly does not qualify. :(

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  • 1 month later...

I'm scared to add fish to my pico, so it's sitting on my kitchen counters with a clean up crew and some rocks. It's been set up since October. Thinking maybe it's time, yes?

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Happy to join the club! Tom's 2g deco acrylic tank- an entry in the "Unofficial Walmart Pico Contest."


-Tom's 2 gallon deco-kit, bare-bottom, drilled with external standpipe.

-Lighting: BoostLED par30 bulb (2 royal blue, 1 blue, 1 cool white, 1 neutral white)

-2.5 glass AGA sump, stock clamp light used for refugium. Filter Floss and Chemipure for filtration.

-Stock filter in sump with carbon and purigen

-JBJ ATO auto-top-off


Soft Corals

Toadstool Leather

Assorted Zoanthids

Assorted Mushrooms

Green/Orange Ricordea Yuma

Green Star Polyps (Attached to back wall)

Blue/Green Sympodium

Orange/Blue Rhodactis Mushrooms

Pulsing Xenia


LPS Corals

Green Duncan Colony (8 heads)

Green Pineapple Brain (Favia)

Green Trumpets

Green/Purple Plate (1,1/2 inches)


Clean-Up Crew

5 Nassurius Snails (2 in Display, 3 in sump)



1 Yellow Clown Goby

Edited by streetsong
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Feel Tha Chi


5g Fluval Chi

AquaClear 70 filled with Chemi Pure Elite; Carbon; and sponge

VisiTherm Stealth 25w Heater

Custom LED Fixture 20k


10lbs Aragonite and Crushed Coral

4lbs Live Rock


Ocellaris Clownfish

Emerald Crab

2 Snails

Some Rics

Purple Gorgonian









Edited by bmgrocks
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  • 1 year later...

can i play or has everyone gone home already?




started this cookie jar pico reef august 2013. because i don't know what the heck i'm doing, i'm taking things super slow. i only have a nassarius, cerith, peppermint shrimp (had some aptasia) and blue mushroom (that looks purple...but the lfs called it blue, so i dunno).


2.5 gal jar

walmart lamp with 20 watt 50/50 coralife bulb

no heater yet, still deciding if i want to add one

4" airstone and whisper 10 airpump


i'm a total noob, so is that all or am i forgetting to tell you something else?


anyone wanna throw their 2 cents in about the live rock placement? that one in the front kind of blocks the cool 'two towers' thing i've got going on in the back, but i can't place it on its side b/c it's two tall and blocks the two towers even more. although i know it's probably too late to mess with...but i didn't glue anything so it's all still movable.


also, any suggestions for what other corals to add? do you think i can skip the heater (temp is about 74 or 76 but i need to get a digital)? or any other tips, b/c i wanna learn. thank you!!


at startup (i think if you click on the pix you can zoom in...maybe?):



pre-stock (or maybe right after):



after stocking:




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  • 6 months later...

Here's my little 3 gallon Marineland contour...still a work in progress :rolleyes:




- 3 pounds of Manado Live Rock

- Zoomed mini rapid canister filter

>>>packed with carbon and de-nitrate media and a surface skimmer on the intake.

- Trueaqua 50 watt heater

- Digital thermometer

- Aquatop NP-302 *upgraded back chamber pump*

>>>120 GPH main source of circulation

- *back chamber* chaeto macro algae

>>> power compact light with cut out window for algae growth.

- ABI par 38 LED bulb Royal Blue 450-470nm + Cold White 15000K

>>> LED mounted with a Exo Terra Lamp Holder Bracket





- green and red zoa patch

- brown and pink polyps

- Green hairy mushroom


- Scarlet Hermit crab

- Blue leg Hermit crab


Future Plans: ;)


-Adding a small goby, or a shrimp but not both since obviously this a pico and the bio-load needs to be "tiny".

- An ATO (auto top off) system has been on my mind for awhile. It would make going out of town less of a bother.

- Modifing the back chambers some how to make the back chamber refugium more efficient and easy to maintain.

- upgrading the LED to allow for a wider range of coral stock i.e LPS etc...







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Heres the update with the new spin stream nozzle. Let me know what you guys think. Keep it or no? I like it except the noise and the loss in flow but seems to have more pull into the filter chamber.


On a side note. Some how went to get water at my LFS and the owner was wanting me to get more coral in my tank but was telling him I needed to budget. He then made me a deal on a Yellow polyp frag for 5$. He then through in a huge green polyp frag to "sweeten" the deal. As I was checking out he came over with something, opened my bag and tossed it in. I looked and it was a tiny green candy cane frag. WOW! for 5$ 3 corals!


Link to update video of it in action- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMF6fnHW5o4&feature=youtu.be'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMF6fnHW5o4&feature=youtu.be










This is a quick video of my newly added frogspawn. I am running a minijet 606 and a Innovated Marine spin stream and love the combo. The coral is in the middle of the tank both ways but seems like the current flowing back to the overflow my be strong. Let me know what you think.


I was amazed how quickly he came out after adding. I got the shipment from Unique Coral in and the video was about two hours after adding him to his spot on the rock.



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  • 3 months later...

dont know how i missed this thread but ill play:


0.9G Sps Dominated Pico: Located on my desk at work (Started August 2013)



DIY Pump V2.0

Flexwatt Heat Tape (in base)

DIY 7W Par30 LED (4x RB, 2x CW, 1x UV)

DIY Gravity ATO

DIY Control Box (flow rate, temperature)

Dry Rock Rubble


Current FTS:



Stocking List:



"Utter Chaos" Palys
"Maryjane" Palys
"Gold Maul" Palys
"Valentines Day Massacre" Palys
"Wobbegong" Palys
"Pink Elephant" Palys
"Sunny D" Palys
"Rasta" Zoanthids
"Lakers" Zoanthids
Green Silunaria Leather
Blue Sympodium
Blue Clove Polyps
Green Star Polyps


Orange/Green/White Scoly

Purple/Green Fungia
Orange/Blue Tip Fungia
Red Fungia
Red/Green Micromussa
Purple/Green Micromussa
Rainbow Acanthastrea Lord
Yellow/Purple Acanthastrea Lord
Baby's Breath Favia
Green/Purple Frogspawn
Blue Lithophyllon
Orange Tubastrea
Pink Cladopsammia
Yellow Dendrophyllia


Acropora Echinata "Ice Fire"
Acropora Walindii "Red Dragon"
Acropora Granulosa "Neon Green"
Acropora Nasuta "Pink Lemonade"
Monipora Setosa "Mandarin"
Montipora Capricornis "Blue Flower"
Montipora Capricornis "Seasons Greetings"
Montipora Stellata "Tubbs"
Seriatopora Hystrix "Tubbs"
Acropora sp. "Plating Bonsai"


Grube's Gorgonian


Mini Starfish
Mini Cerith Snails


3G Pico Propogation System: Located on my desk at home (Started April 2013)



Vortech MP10ESW

Cobalt Neotherm 25W Heater

DIY 24W Par38 LED (8x RB, 3x CW, 1x UV)

Faux Starboard Sandbed

Caribsea Rubblezone Rock


Current FTS:



Stocking List (Under Constant Flux):



Kandari Acropora (Acropora sp.)

Pacman Acropora (Acropora Carduus)

Flat Acropora (Acropora Simplex)

Robins Egg Deepwater (Acropora Tenella)

Neon Deepwater (Acropora Suharsonoi)

Teal/Red Deepwater (Acropora Suharsonoi)

Aussie Rainbow (Acropora Spathulata)

Tierra Del Fuego (Acropora Hyacinthus)

Starry Night Acropora (Acropora sp.)

Strawberry Shortcake (Acropora Microlados)

Sunset Millepora (Acropora Millepora)

Frogskin Acro (Acropora rosaria)

Nauti Spiral Montipora (Montipora Palawanensis)



Plate Corals:

"Godzilla" Plate

"Abyssal Rainbow" Diaseris

"Big Sky" Plate

"Golden Shower" Plate

"Pinkeye" Plate

"Hazmat" Plate

Green/Orange Rim Plate

"Hells Chariot" Wagon Wheel Plate (Factory)

"Skittles" Diaseris

Orange/Blue Tip Plate

Pink/Grey Ctenactis (Factory)

Blue Lithophyllon

"Redskins" Lithophyllon

Green Lithophyllon


Other LPS:

Mini Orange Hammer

"Rabies" Acan Lord

"Wolverine" Acan Lord

"Ironman" Acan Lord

"Hulk" Acan Lord

"Jappy Taffy" Acan Lord

"Ravin' Asain" Acan Lord

Red/White Acan Lord

Pink/White Blastomussa

Gold Chalice

Red/Teal Chalice

"Hurricane" Chalice



Grapefruit Palys

Acid Reflux Palys

Utter Chaos Palys

Wobbegong Palys

Gold Maul Palys

Red Maul Palys

Lunar Eclipse Palys

Blue Agave Palys

Green Hawiian Palys

Pink Hawiian Palys



Rusty Gorgonian

Angular Sea Whip

Purple Sea Whip

Yellow Feather Gorgonian

Yellow Sea Plume

Silver Gorgonian

Grube's Gorgonian



Gold Maxima Clam

Red Stomatella Colony

Mini Ceriths


2G Freshwater Carnivorous/Epiphytic Planted Lagoon: Located on my desk at home (Started November 2013)



2x Deep Blue Mini HOB Filters

Cobalt Deep Blue 25W Heater

DIY 24W Par38 LED (10x CW, 2x RB)

Riparium Planters

Seachem Florite

Manzanita Branch

Hanging Glass Terrariums


Current FTS:



Stocking List:


Aquatic Plants:
Java Fern (Microsorum Pteropus)
4x Marimo Ball (Cladophora Aegagropila)
Bladderwort (Utricularia Gibba)
Aldrovanda vesiculosa "Japan"

Emergent Plants:
Black Mangroves (Avicennia germinans)
Red Mangrove (Rhizophora Mangle)
White Mangrove (Laguncularia Racemosa)
Curly Willow Tree (Salix Matsudana)

Manzanita Branch:
Tillandsia Duratii

Tillandsia Ionantha "Fuego"
Tillandsia Setacea
Tillandsia Aeranthos "Mini Purple"
Tillandsia Concolor "Red"
Tillandsia Usneoides "Fine Green"
Tillandsia Tectorum
Tillandsia Capillaris "Pitchfork"
Tillandsia Butzii
Tillandsia Filifolia
Tillandsia Ionantha
Tillandsia Usneoides
Tillandsia Funkiana
Tillandsia Chiapensis
Tillandsia Bulbosa
Tillandsia Intermedia
Tillandsia Paleacea
Tillandsia Recurvata
Tillandsia Aeranthos

Carnivorous Plant Terrariums:
Epiphytic Planter (4" Open Top): (Sphagnum/Black Lava Rock)
Highland Pitcher (Nepenthes "Gentle")
Carnivorous Bromeliad (Brocchinia reducta)

Coastal Planter (5" Sphere ): (Black Sand/Carnivorous Mix + Black Sand/Black Lava Rock)
Australian Pitcher (Cephalotus follicularis)
Pink Butterwort (Pinguicula debbertiana x jaumavensis "Florian")
Red Butterwort (Pinquicula moranensis)
Long Leaf Butterwort (Pinguicula moctezumae)
Adelae Sundew (Drosera adelae)

Tropical Planter (8" Sphere): (Live Red Sphagnum/Carnivorous Mix/Black Lava Rock)
Sun Pitcher (Heliamphora heterodxa x minor "Cherry Top")
Trigger Plant (Stylidium debile)
Giant Corkscrew Plant (Genlisea lobata x violacea)
Rosetted Sundew (Drosera tokaiensis)
Cape Sundew (Drosera capensis "Red Leaf")
Live Red Sphagnum (Sphagnum sp.)

Temperate Planter (5" Raindrop $6*): (Assorted Live Mosses/Carnivorous Mix/Black Lava Rock)
Cupped Fly Trap (Dionea muscipula "Cupped")
Red Fly Trap (Dionaea muscipula "Red Dragon")
Asst. American Pitchers (Sarracenia sp.)
Terrestrial Bladderwort (Utricularia sandersonii)

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On a side note. Some how went to get water at my LFS and the owner was wanting me to get more coral in my tank but was telling him I needed to budget. He then made me a deal on a Yellow polyp frag for 5$. He then through in a huge green polyp frag to "sweeten" the deal. As I was checking out he came over with something, opened my bag and tossed it in. I looked and it was a tiny green candy cane frag. WOW! for 5$ 3 corals!


ummm..can i get the name and location of your LFS? :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hiya Folks. What a site!!! After reading El Fab's fool proof guide to setting up a pico reef I've taken the plunge and turned a FW Aqua Manta VF14, which I'm very familiar, with into a SW Aqua Manta VF14.


15/07/2014 on my desk.

Stock lights & filter. (For now)

Approx 3kg of live rock

1 " of sand.

Already seen a few HH cutting about all un-ID'd yet but star fish, worms & snails.


Here is some pics:


From the front




From the left



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hello, I currentlly have some trouble with aiptasia in my 2.5 gallon, I will post a FTS as soon as it is cleared up

It currently has:

1 toadstool leather coral

2 varieties of zoa (on the same frag

1 Duncan coral, with many smaller heads

2 snails

1 peppermint shrimp



2.5 gallon mini bow

Finnex epoch light

A heater ( I think it is marina)

Hagen mini in tank filter (mostly for water flow)


I will post an fts as soon as my peppermint shrimp cleans up my aiptasia

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  • 1 year later...

Am i to late?


I have a dymax iq3 2.1gallon mixed reef.


Started 1-okt-2014.


2 dymax robot leds and one diy 1,watt skyblue cree led.


Pump is a aqua-el mini-fan powerhead (old one was to laud)



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  • 3 months later...

is this thread dead?


est. 8 Sept. 2015


Self-made Custom Macintosh Classic pico tank (~3 gal or so)

Have a few lbs of live rock and about 1" deep of live sand.

SUNSUN 602B canister filter with Seachem Purigen (100ml pouch) inside

Elive Tank Mounted LED Mini Track Light with 1 pod (2 blue 2 white)




-Bicolor Blenny

-3 hermits

-3eye'd Ricordea




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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

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