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Cultivated Reef

The Official Club Pico Thread


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OK, finally got some sand and rock today (a little Fiji, a little Tongan, a little aquacultured). The main piece was 3.6 lbs and in a very cool arch shape. Here's the result:




SG=1.023, temp 76.5. Lights set for 6:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (Still futzing with the moonlight mount; set for 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.). I removed the carbon filter from the HOB unit...Anybody got any suggestions for me besides sit back and wait? :D

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I'm gona try to get in on this. Over all it's a 6.6(24"x8"x8") but it has a 5" false wall sump, and the water level is 1/2" below rim (making it 19"x8"x7.5") puting me at 4.93....YES I"M IN!!


2x24watt t-5HO (1x10,000k-1xactinic)

2.5in sand bed

3lb LR (more to come)

My emerald crab snuck in on a rock from my 20gal.

Red mushroom frag

green zoa frag that was floating around in the 20gal.

cheato bundle in sump








So what do ya think? can I join?


Sory, started yesterday 8-07-08

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hopefully i wont get ###### for this...


.19 gal tannk/jar

aqaulifter (3 1/2 gph)

20 watt 50/50 coralife

DIY filter (filter floss, carbon, amonia remover)

digital thermometer


wana add/make...

custom lid

DIY nano canister

DIY spray bar



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Update on my Finnex 4...Day 4. Been spending HOURS looking at the rock with a magnifying glass. I've got hitchhikers: 3 or 4 tan/brown/white fan worms; an olive drab isopod; and 2 or 3 probable Aiptasias (really tiny...should I try to "juice" them now or plan on a peppermint shrimp later?). There were several "dead" segmented worms at the bottom of the LR transport tub, so I threw them in the tank...only a couple of them weren't dead! They revived and wiggled under the rock and sand.

Water is still very clear, with little white specks flitting around ('pods?). Tested today: SG=1.024; pH=8.2-8.3; Ammonia=.025/8-9 percent; Nitrite=.05ppm; Nitrate=10-50ppm. Doesn't look like much is happening, but PATIENCE is a virtue. Debating whether to toss in a piece of raw shrimp, or just wait for Nature to take its course. Will my HHs survive the cycle? :huh:

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Most hitchikers will survive, but some won't. Don't bother adding raw shrimp into the tank. You are already started on your cycle, so just wait it out.

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Here are the specs for my tank which was started in April and now resides in my living room.

  • JBJ Picotope
  • AC 70 Filter modified into a fuge with Chaeto and Chemi-Pure.
  • Hydor 50W heater
  • Current USA 2x18W Satellite Fixture
  • Approx. 4 lbs of Live Sand
  • Approx. 4 lbs of Live Rock

Latest pics which are posted on My Thread:





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WOW I took a week off for work and come back to find 5 new tanks on this thread. Great job guys.


Fijimax :welcome: to Club Pico you are member 020


JBreef :welcome: to Club Pico you are member 021


Rusty Trombonist :welcome: to Club Pico you are member 022 with your microtope lmfao


Bossybly :welcome: to Club Pico you are member 023


F1_Racer :welcome: to Club Pico you are member 024


Thanks guys keep up the good work. We are nearly 25 tanks deep into my 500 tank goal :). GIVE ME MORE.



Edited by hcsceo
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Cycling, Day 10 (yawn). Have seen spaghetti worms, baby fan worms, lots of 'pods, and something that looked like an olive drab isopod scurrying across the LR. Faint beginning of diatom bloom on the sand. Question: Does anyone know what creature walls itself in under the LR with grains of sand? The other day I watched as individual grains of sand levitated and stacked up beside the rock at sand level. Could not discern tentacles or claws or anything like that doing the work. Ideas? Hope it's not a mantis :o

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Does anyone know what creature walls itself in under the LR with grains of sand?


Walls itself? I'm not sure what you mean. Nassarius snails dig under the gravel and "burrow" but wall?

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Born Yesterday!


My 3 gallon JBJ Picotope.

Aquaclear 70 refg. mod.

Custom acrylic cover

So far just sand, lr, macro, & saltwater.


Coralite 12" dual lights to come!


Can't wait until cycle finishes...



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I have just updated this post... :)


Okay I will join in here too.


Here is my 1 gal pico


It has : Coralife 18 watt 9" fixture, 9 watts true actinic 9 watts 10,000 daylight

Mini filter that it came with

15 watt heater


1 crab

Orange Florida Ricordea, Pink Yuma Ricordea, blue shrooms, green star polyps, 3 different colors of zoas, feather duster


Some stuff was taken out of my 10 gal that had been running for the past 4 years. I kept the small frags and added some new stuff since then, the tank has been going for 4 months now, I do very minimal water top ups each day, water changes once a week.


I have had no issues with this little tank and quite like it.


Enjoy...... :)



Edited by Amy
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This is my 3 gallon Pico. Light is a Coralife 18 watts 1-9 watts 10K and 1- actinic. Filter is a Marineland Penguin 100 BIO-Wheel Power Filter. Tank was installed on July 4, 2008.









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This is my 3 gallon Pico. Light is a Coralife 18 watts 1-9 watts 10K and 1- actinic. Filter is a Marineland Penguin 100 BIO-Wheel Power Filter. Tank was installed on July 4, 2008.


May I ask you, how do you like this light fixutre?? Any issues with it??


I see you have a fan behind it, with it raised above the tank like you have does it still produce alot of heat??



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Amy, I like the light fixture. Nice colors and good intensity even when it is 4" over the water level. I think it is ok for zoas and soft corals, not for SPS or clams. I have a candy coral (LPS) and is doing fine.


One thing I like about the fixture is that it floats in the water!. Once it felt on the water and it was floating for several minutes! Don't try this but is a safety future I like.


The problem with the heat is that I live in Puerto Rico and average temperature during the day is close to 90F! in summer. I have the fan in a timer running from 9am to 11pm. This keeps my water between 79F and 84F.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I now have the same fixture over my 1 gal. I absolutley love it. I don't seem to have an issue with heat. In the summer we have central air and right now the air is nice and cool ready for fall time and the day heat is very nice and just warm.


Say can I ask you what are your measurements for that 3 gal??






Love your tank by the way, looks very nice and healthy.... ;)


Edited by Amy
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Ok I want in on the action Here is my 3 gallon toms.

Born 2/28/08







Excuse my terrible picture taking, I also only scrub my tank clean once a month because it's plastic.


3 Gallon Toms

Rio nano skimmer

Custom 12 inch 3 bulb T-5 fixture 2 10000k 1 420nm 8 watt bulbs

Modified stock powerfilter for fuge. Cheato and mangroves.

Cheapo heater




Green bubble

Red trachphilia brain

Tyree green toadstool

Suncoral 18 heads

Kenya Tree

Purple/ blue yuma

Green striped mushroom






Skunk shrimp

Purple Reef lobster

3 baby nassirus snails

1Tonga nassirus snail

2 Turbo astrea snails

2 Blue leg hermits




1 Starry blenny

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okay so heres my new one since my nice little cube cracked... <_<

she's still cycling so no corals or cuc yet.....cant wait.


.66 gallon ikea bowl


10 watt coralife 50/50 bulb

whisper 10 hob (liverock rubble only)

1lb. livesand (est.)

2lbs. liverock

no corals, still cycling.

re-born on 6/13

local: sacramento,ca.


full tank






oh and smitty your tank is awesome!

Edited by pismo_reefer
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Man I've been so busy with my other tanks I haven't taken enough time to look at this thread. You guys are doing great.


sspark - :welcome: you are member 025 I'm partial to picotopes. Can't wait to see this one grow out.


amy - :welcome: to Club Pico you are member 026 I love your GSP


luisgo - :welcome: to Club Pico you are member 027. That is one cool tank


smittycoco - HOLY BUBBLEMAN!! :welcome: to Club Pico you are member 028. That thing is stuffed, I love it.


Pismo_reefer - :welcome: to Club Pico you are memeber 029. Very clean looking. can't wait to see it grow out.


So we are at 29 tanks. 471 to go. Lets do it people !!! :)



Edited by hcsceo
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oh and smitty your tank is awesome!


Thanks ! :D

smittycoco - HOLY BUBBLEMAN!! :welcome: to Club Pico you are member 028. That thing is stuffed, I love it.




I absolutletly love bubbles So you can imagine how excited I was to score this bad boy for 25 $ After waiting for one in my size to come in. ;)


Holy crap I forgot to add in my Blue tuxedo urchin With Fire zoas. B)



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