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D-D H2Ocean Pro Salt


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Aquarium concepts in Dublin carries it. That is where I bought mine. Where in nor-cal are you?



yea Im in fremont so pretty close. Do you remember what the cost was. I might have to take a ride out there... guess I could call them... sure liked it better when they were in hayward :)

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What about a local place in SoCal that carries it? Preferably around the Burbank area :) I just paid 90ish dollars for the big bucket to have it shipped to me. Oh and I do about a 1/2 c. per gallon too.

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yea Im in fremont so pretty close. Do you remember what the cost was. I might have to take a ride out there... guess I could call them... sure liked it better when they were in hayward :)


It was 29.99 for the small bucket. Give them a call. You are pretty close to neptunes and such in milpitas have tried them? Anyways call them first. Good luck !

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well after making a few calls Looks like the only place around here would be aquarium concepts in dublin. with TAX it would cost 97.00. so looks like ill save the gas since i can wait and order it delivered to my door for 95.00 from marine depot any better prices out there let me know please... thanks

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  • 1 month later...
The Propagator

Whats this I am hearing now about residue being left in the bucket and floaties during and after mixing this salt?

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The Propagator
Whats this I am hearing now about residue being left in the bucket and floaties during and after mixing this salt?


Any one ?

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No brown residue for me...but...only mix it for a few hours at most... before dumping it in. I do have a small bit of undissolved stuff (floaties?)left in the bucket....about a pinch or less. Overall I am quite happy with it after using about 1/2 a big bucket, which is about 4 months for me. I switched from Tunze after succumbing to all the hype. It test exactly as indicated on the bucket. Honestly, if it were not for the added MG, I would say I liked Tunze more. I can’t say anything bad about either salt, most likely will stick with it long term.



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I mix for 24-48 hours & have residue but no problems in my tank. I just wipe out the build up each time I make SW & rinse the build up on the pump so it doesn't get thick on the impeller. I have to dose much less now.

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I mix for 24-48 hours & have residue but no problems in my tank. I just wipe out the build up each time I make SW & rinse the build up on the pump so it doesn't get thick on the impeller. I have to dose much less now.


Have you noticed an increase in the health of your coral since using it?

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No brown residue for me...but...only mix it for a few hours at most... before dumping it in. I do have a small bit of undissolved stuff (floaties?)left in the bucket....about a pinch or less. Overall I am quite happy with it after using about 1/2 a big bucket, which is about 4 months for me. I switched from Tunze after succumbing to all the hype. It test exactly as indicated on the bucket. Honestly, if it were not for the added MG, I would say I liked Tunze more. I can’t say anything bad about either salt, most likely will stick with it long term.




Wow, you're able to do that with no issues?

I ask because they recommend on the bucket to mix for at least 24 hrs and if you read earlier in this thread, it's actually said to do best if you mix it for 48 hrs.

It's the one thing I don't like about this salt.

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The Propagator
I mix for 24-48 hours & have residue but no problems in my tank. I just wipe out the build up each time I make SW & rinse the build up on the pump so it doesn't get thick on the impeller. I have to dose much less now.


See.. based on that alone I think am going back to Oceanic for a while.

You get more for the money, and the calcium, magnesium, and alkalinity are there.

Well Alk is a little low but that's no biggie because I add my own any way.

Since switching to Seachem reef salt I cant say anything bad but I cant say I have seen results different then I had before in any way shape or form. And Oceanic disolved faster.

The residue in the bucket when I wa susing Oceanic was calcium and magnesium.

I never did get the brown residue. only the white like discusses here.

Its generally about $60 per bucket but you get a 200 gallon mix versus 150 -160 every one else sells. That goes a lot further.

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Wow, you're able to do that with no issues?

I ask because they recommend on the bucket to mix for at least 24 hrs and if you read earlier in this thread, it's actually said to do best if you mix it for 48 hrs.

It's the one thing I don't like about this salt.




No, I don’t notice any problems using my salt mix right away. The corals seem to be happy with the way I do it. They expand or have greater polyp extension shortly after the change. I guess that’s a good sign.


I have noticed that most salt manufactures say the same thing…mix for 24 hours. I am not sure why (I have read D-D explanation). Somewhere I saw a test, think it was by Mr. Fosi, that concluded there was no difference between using mixes right away or waiting 24 hours. I don’t mix in a bucket. I use a jug and shake the hell out of it several times, that has always mixed any brand I have used much faster than the bucket/pump method. Not saying my way is right ….just the way I have always done it.




p.s. I think many of the manufactures instructions are more too idiot proof their product more than anything else. ...sorta like the label on the bottle of bleach I am looking at now…. “do not drink”. Darn and I am really thirsty.

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Mark's Shake 'n Bake Salt Mixin', gotcha. ;)

Reminds me of when I was in elementary school and they had us make butter out of milk by sticking the milk in a container and shaking the heck out of it for 1/2 hr. or so.

Good times.


Interestingly enough, just a few days ago I did a WC with water that had been mixed overnight only, maybe 6-8 hrs, and my corals seemed pretty happy after the WC.

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I have been pretty happy wiith my results between my three tanks i have had pretty good results and since i dont need to add as much CA, Mg theres is a time saving cost. the problem i have is getting it shipped with the frieght charges it stings a bit but no more really than the tunze salt i have used for years but i got that locally. I can say that i notice better results from DD rather than Instant Ocean which i run in my fathers 300g frag and fish rubbermaid stock tank

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I guess im tired of the salt debate. Salt mixes will be ever changing. I use d-d and am very happy with it as I had issues with the low alk with Oceanic. I still feel that there is NO true great salt mix. I have also mixed just a couple hours and mixed 24hrs with no diff.


There is nothing wrong with IO or RC etc as most public aquariums use this salt. I like the d-d cuz of the lvls it gives me for my dominate sps tank. If i didnt have sps corals I prob wouldnt use it do to the cost.


So salt mixes are better or worse and some you will need to add to, to get the lvls that you want. Every salt mix can also have a bad batch come out once in awhile.

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^^^ Don't sigh dear, here, have a hug. :grouphug:


I spose I saw the recent posts more as informative than debating the worth of the salt.


And c'mon, the Shake 'n Bake comment was worth a LITTLE smirkle, wasn't it???

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I took some pics of the bucket after I did a WC last night. As I said, I don't have any problems in my tank from it. I didn't switch for a long time after seeing Weetie's residue but decided to switch with Drs. F&S went back to full price on the Tropic Marin & I was having to test & add all the time. This is cheaper, I use less salt to achieve the same salinity & don't have to test & dose much. My corals are growing better as a result. Win! Win! for me.




The dark streak is in the lower part of the picture is not residue.


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