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D-D H2Ocean Pro Salt


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I've been using Instant Ocean/Reef Crystals for over 8 years and never once switched salts.


I read the reviews for this salt, then this thread, and am seriously thinking about buying a bucket of this salt.

IMO, you won't be sorry! I had NO reason to switch from Oceanic other than I like change... My coral is sure glad I switched!

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Well, since I jumped on this bandwagon early on, I thought I'd give my 2 cents worth. I'm on my 4th bucket (small bucket) and still no problems or regrets. No issues with low Ca, ALK, or Mg and my tank is thriving. I'm perfectly happy with this salt and have no desire to change or look further. Now, that being said, I don't think there's a perfect salt that will work for everyone. All tanks are different and their requirements vary depending on stock but this salt sure works for me. :)

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The Propagator

Where is all this negativity toward Seachem magnesium test kits coming from?

Can any one actually offer proof they are bad or is it all speculation?

My gut tells me its 100% speculation because I use them and they are perfectly fine.

But if proof is out there then please lay it out man.. I would appreciate being proved wrong if its truly bad.

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I was suspicious of my Seachem Mg results so I had the LFS check it with a Salifert kit.

My reading was 1200 w/the Seachem kit.

Their reading was 1475 w/the Salifert kit.

To be fair, I've had my kit for over a year, so it's probably just expired.

I just ordered a Salifert replacement cause I could get it for a cheaper price than the Seachem through a Group Buy.

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Okay, so I got a new Salifert Mg test kit and wanted to post an update in regards to the low Mg level as tested with my Seachem Mg test kit.

BibleSue got a new Tropic Marin Ca/Mg test kit in at the same time, so we tested with that as well.

We tested water from my tank, not freshly mixed SW.

Here are the results we got:


Seachem Mg kit-- 1200

Tropic Marin Mg kit-- 1340

Salifert Mg kit-- 1320


So in this instance I have to say that I think the Seachem Mg test kit was definitely off.

To be fair, the Seachem kit is slightly over a year old. The reference sample checked out though, but I'm still fairly certain the test kit is off.


I have a new batch of D-D salt mixing now and will test it later today and post results for everyone.

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Okay, here's test results from fresh batch 'o D-D


Alk-- 9 dKh (brand new Tropic Marin test kit)

Ca-- 400 (API test kit, 1 yr. old)

Mg-- 1305 (brand new Salifert test kit, exp 09/11)


Bah, now I'm doubting the accuracy of my Ca and Mg test kits. :rolleyes:

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Bah, now I'm doubting the accuracy of my Ca and Mg test kits. :rolleyes:

i recently tested a sample with salifert kits and then sent the same sample to a lab.

the results were almost the same for ca an mg, they didnt test alk, but there should be a reference solution in the alk kit

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Okay, here's test results from fresh batch 'o D-D


Alk-- 9 dKh (brand new Tropic Marin test kit)

Ca-- 400 (API test kit, 1 yr. old)

Mg-- 1305 (brand new Salifert test kit, exp 09/11)


Bah, now I'm doubting the accuracy of my Ca and Mg test kits. :rolleyes:


why you think its the test kit thats off and not the salt? :rolleyes:

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Ordering a new bucket soon, will test that and see what I get. Pretty sure I need all new tets mine are old. There's a $100 I really don't want to spend.....

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I just got my second bucket & started a batch so I'll test it, too. Maybe tomorrow. Been doing web stuff all day & my eyes are about crossed. I don't think I could see the lines on the test tonight. :P

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Finally tested the H20 water tonight with the Tropic Marin Cal/Mag test kit. I got a reading of 450 in the calcium & 1400 on the magnesium. This test kit is pretty new to me but I feel like I got it right. It doesn't take as long to do once you get used to it.

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I'll be using this salt when I start my tanks. I was planning on using Tropic Marin Pro but there isn't a North American distributor for it anymore.

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When did that happen? I have the phone number of a guy I talked to about 4 months ago. I have used the Tropic Marin regular salt for 2 1/2 years. I liked the salt but had to supplement with Magnesium & Calcium regularly. I also had issues with the calcium dropping out & clouding the water if I wasn't careful. Everything is happy with this salt & levels are where they should be.

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The Propagator

May be a Canadian only thing.

"North America" Is also Canada. When dealers don't offer to them ( usually because they are US based and don't want to pay customs and import export ) some times it shows up on their end as "not available in North America" even though it is available in the US. LOL!

I have no idea why it comes up that way since Canada IS also part of north America though ?


Then again it could very well be a new development an dit could very well not be available to all countries in North American any more ?

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I'll be using this salt when I start my tanks. I was planning on using Tropic Marin Pro but there isn't a North American distributor for it anymore.

If you are looking for TM Pro, check out mops.ca, reefsolution.com, bigalsonline.ca are just a few places in Canada that sell it. I'm sure a Big Als store probably carries it as well. Keep in mind that it is more money than DD H2O salt and I believe the H20 salt is better anyways.

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Just got my third buckert this morning from gulfaquaria. Also ordered test kita but they shipped them seperatly cause the salt comes from texas and the test kits come from california. Once I mix up a batch and get the test kits will let you guys know.

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For those using this salt, I'm setting up a new tank and plan on using this salt myself. I have read the instruction on the bucket, but does anyone have a cup to gallon ratio that they use???

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The Propagator

Uh.. what ?


It doesn't say how much per gallon on the bucket ?

Or doe sit give a weight per gallon and you want a cup conversion ?

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Uh.. what ?


It doesn't say how much per gallon on the bucket ?

Or doe sit give a weight per gallon and you want a cup conversion ?

Probably looking for a cup conversion. I believe it says on the bucket 1lb to 3 US gallons or something. Still, weight is the better way to go and in the end it should be tested anyways. Just take a pound of H2O salt, put it in a measuring cup and there you go...

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