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D-D H2Ocean Pro Salt


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Hey Nick I forgot to ask. Did you mix up your salt in the bucket before you mixed the water? Magnesium has a tendacy to go to the bottom of the bucket during shipping.




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I just tersted my water I am mixing and I got 1475 Mg.



I switched over about a month ago and I like it, I will be picking up 36 buckets on the 15 I hope it last's more then 2 days this time :D

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For what it is worth I am on my 4th month with this salt "dd's", and my third bucket. "small one" Anyways I switched from RC because of inconsistency. So far all the categories have checked out. Good Salt!!!

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So far my switch to this salt has been amazing, my corals are looking great and i noticed that my Alk/Calc/Mag remain consistant and stable after each water change, no more of having to buff up a dose just to get the tank back to being what it was at before the water change


i switched from Reef crystals to this salt and i won't be going back

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Just wanted to mention my second bucket of salt tests fine for Magnesium now. I used the same test kit I used before. Must have been a bad batch the first time around.



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Just tested freshly mixed batch of water and got the following results:


SG-- 1.026 (refractometer)

Ca-- 420 (API kit)

Mg-- 1213 (Seachem kit)



New bucket, salt was well mixed before mixing up a batch of water.

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hey weetie weren't you getting above 1300 on this salt?




Okay, um, well, I am embarassed to admit that I never tested it for Mg. :blush:

I just got the salt, started using it, and saw a positive response from corals in my tank.

The Seachem test kit I use for Mg takes FOREVER to use so I tend to only test for Mg when I have reason to be suspicious.

I tested my tank for Mg tonight for other reasons and got a reading of 1125, which totally shocked me of course.

That's why I went ahead and tested this batch of water that I've had mixing for 3 days now and got a Mg reading of 1213 at an SG of 1.026.

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Yea that Seachem test is a pain but I think it is a good test. I got 1125 with my first tub now my second tub is reading correctly at 1320 using the same test. IDK, I still like the salt but I'm debating trying the red sea product as magnesium is a pain to find locally and if I need it for this salt might as well save some money and move to a salt I can get locally. If I understand correctly the RedSea product is made the same way through an evaporative process. However, everything still looks great and the reality is that I only mix about 5 gallons a week between three tanks so it doesn't really cost that much.

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A guy at Gulfaquaria.com (where I get this D-D salt from) told me that D-D is made by the same co. and with the same process as Red Sea.

I've had bad experiences with Red Sea though.

I have a Seachem Mg supplement that I won at a frag swap that you can have for free if you want, just PM me if interested.

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Thanks for the offer weetie. For now I'll keep on with the DD. I just started a new bucket and should be good for a least a couple of months. I'm still happy and my corals are still happy. No need to switch till I'm not. Just wish I could get it locally.



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I do not trust the Seachem Mg test kit either, try elos or salifert, I use elos for mine. Salt is +++ Alk is a bit high for me but I rather use this salt than any other brand.

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hi, muzzy here from the UK


came across this thread by accident but decided to read through it all after seeing my name mentioned in one of the first posts!


OK, there is a similar thread going on at UR.

Im not going to get into the debate here too much, personally I think its a fantastic salt as do most reefers in the UK now and many are switching to it on a daily basis.


anyway, regarding the salt being teh same as RedSea Coral Pro salt, well its almost the same yes, made by the same process and I believe in the same facility.

However, both redsea and D-D appear to have their salts mixed to their own formulas, D-D adding more potassium than red-seas version.


Someone from redsea has posted in the thread on UR and confirmed what i said above, well pretty much anyway

thread is here, http://www.ultimatereef.net/forums/showthr...4204&page=4 page 4 is the redsea comments, but start from the begining if you wish :)





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Muzzy, thank you SO much for your comments here on this salt, esp. since you're the one that got us all started on it in the first place!!! :flower:


Nick's Reef and hcsceo, do have lot or batch #'s for the buckets you have had with low Mg?

I'd like to compare it with mine since my new bucket has the same problem.

Nick, can you give me the contact info for the guy you dealt with, since I may contact him as well?

TY in advance!

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Weetie, just go to theaquariumsolution.com and click contact us. It should bring up the e-mial of the guy. I don't have batch #'s sorry. :huh: Also for you with low mg, just test then dose epson salt into the mixing bucket. That's what I was doing. But I must say I'm not changing salt brands, my corals absoultly love it.

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mmmmm, I personally dont trust your mg results. not with the seachem kit. Try a different kit such as salifert or elos.


Oh sure, I've got wads of $$ laying around to buy high end test kits whenever I want.

Also, my tank has gotten noticeably happier since I raised the Mg level, so it has to have been off some.

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whaaaaaaaaaa, what do mean you dont have money laying around. lol. i know. well just keep add mg then.


Will do. :happydance:


Thanks Nick!

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Will do. :happydance:


Thanks Nick!

No problem weetie, I've been running around the house trying to get good pics for the frag swap. Not going to well......

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No problem weetie, I've been running around the house trying to get good pics for the frag swap. Not going to well......


Heh, sry bout that.

Swaps can be hectic to prepare for, but usually end up being a blast, hope you have a great time!

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I've been using Instant Ocean/Reef Crystals for over 8 years and never once switched salts.


I read the reviews for this salt, then this thread, and am seriously thinking about buying a bucket of this salt.

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