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Lizzie's RSM


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I have some stuff just for your tank. I accidently made a small frag out of my ora green dam(fuzzy green poccillpora basically), when I was gluing down some other stuff to the same rock so I'd be adding it in the mix along with some monti cap frags, and a few zoas including a five polyp frag of mohawks and like a five polyp frag of horizons(fire and ice morph). Just send me your info again and I will see when I can get them out.

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I am very sorry to have read you have had problems with your tank. I know what that is like, I had a Amonia spike a few weeks weeks ago and lost a few corals. I hope all is well now.


BTW I love the Superman Shroom where did you ever get that?

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Thanks :) All is well now. And I got them from fishland. 20 bucks for 4 shrooms. I love that store, they always have good prices.

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Hey Stevie T!!! long time no see. Things are goin pretty good lost a few things to a random ph spike....... :angry: It was weird. But its all in control now. And I just bought some clean-up crew from reef cleaners. I'm excited!!!


I'm buying a pico soon. can't wait for that either. And that's all. Still no monti caps but I still want one. How bout you?

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So my tank is one weeks away from being one year old :D And I'm getting some money soon. Some of it will go to gulfsurfer and I will get some new !!!!AWESOME!!!! frags from him and the rest of it will be for me to buy myself some tank birthday gifts. I'd like to add a bunch of new stuff in celebration! :) Unfortunately my tank is not looking so hot because of all the nasty cyano algae... bleh :/ It's reaching the point where I hate to look at my tank.


But I am going to buy some chaeto(unless anyone has some they are willing to give away) and for the past week I have been using non RO/DI top off water which I am sure is the main cause. Mean while I did major tank cleaning. Here's some pics of the waterchange/de-algae-fication :P


Like I said, its badddddd



during WC



After, still haven't placed corals



And I'll post some more pics when I put the corals in their spots.

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I'm probably going to go to fishland soon to get something to take care of all that algae. Its basically took over my tank. :/

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It's probably the non-rodi water causing the cyano like ya said. Sorry but I don't have any macroalgae to spare at the moment :(


Tank looks tons better after the waterchange though :D

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Oh its ok, Richie is sending me some cuz he is super duper cool like that! Thanks though!

Yeah, I am starting the HEB water again. haha. more money but pretty tank :D I'll take the tank. I really want new stuff. Can't wait to get a job......



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YAY!!! My tank is 1 year old as of yesterday! Happy Birthday tankyyyy. And thanks to everyone who has helped me. :)

I just bought:

1 peppermint shrimp

2 turbo snails

small green zoa frag with brown skirts.


Gulfsurfer will be sending me...

some monti/zoa frags!


Woo woo! haha. So in honor of the bday I will upload some pics of corals and fishies and such. But no fts, still have some algae left. :P

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I have like a softball sized clump of cheato since I always take the extra trim to the lfs almost everytime I go but I'll see if I have enough to split with you and just send it along with the frags. Got to start using ro water. You'll notice less problems when you do. Cool pics btw, put me in line for a polyp or two of those red and purple looking zoas, they are freaking sweet, what are they armor's or something like that.

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:o geez, dat chaeto didn't get there yet Lizzy? :huh:


o boi..... <_<


ah, nvmnd. I see it was delivered today. Hope it got there in good shape. :)

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Thanks gulfsufer, but I already got some from richie! :P And I will for sure send you some of those once they start spreading again. not sure , I think they might be though. I got them from lalani.


I got rid of all my algae. put in some algae gone stuff, did big water change, and POOF! no more. so ill post pics again soon.


I'm super excited to get your frags!!!


:o geez, dat chaeto didn't get there yet Lizzy? :huh:


o boi..... <_<


ah, nvmnd. I see it was delivered today. Hope it got there in good shape. :)


haha, yep I got it and all is well. I dont have a light so it is just sitting in a tuba ware container in the tank. it looks bad, but its only temporary! Thanks so much!!!

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ssoooo updates! since my tank is looking pwettyyyy again :D I celebrated its 1 year birthday with come new stuff.

It should be here tomorrow, but I'm not telling you what it is!!! You'll have to wait for the pictures. But in the meantime I will upload some pics of the current stuff. Oh and I bought a pep shrimp. She is in there now, and I think she has eggs..... :huh::huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

So yeah....

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I shipped your stuff out today so yeah, congrats on your 1yr mark. I also picked up the stand for my 40br today and dropped my tank off for drilling. When I pick it up tommorrow I'll be posting some pics. GLad to hear you got that algea problem fixed. When you get your frags it would be best to just float the bags and take them out and brush off whatever might be growing on the rocks with a small toothbrush or something so you don't get any algea that has been growing in my tank back into yours. I got some nasties from an lfs here that has this stuff growing all over the back walls. I was cautious to not add it into my tank but it made it's way in there somehow.

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cool cool. I still have the hair algae, but the turbos are working on it. I'll make sure the brush 'em off. well I lied I wont get to goodies till probably tomorrow, but that's ok, here's some pics of my algae free tank(well red slime algae anyway) :)


Peppermint Shrimpyyy:
















Top downsss(blurry :P):

















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I just bought some new stuff from fishland! I got a small GBT anemone for 30 dollars and a HUGE zoa colony for only 20! They haven't opened up yet, but they are really pretty. Here's some pics in the meantime...


New zoa colony, with at least 100 polyps:
















top down














And at the beg. of next week I will be getting new stuff from: an online store I'm not telling the name of cuz it will give what I bought away, and gulfsurfer! yayyyyy :)

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We have the same blenny fish it looks like. That zoa colony looks sweet can't wait to see them opened up.

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I really want some blue cloves ppl!!! some one should sell me/trade me some.

And I can't wait to get my new coralssss!!!

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idk if anyone is looking, but here's some more goodies


new zoa pics....









































the new zoo's have like 4 kinds on them, and I cant wait for them to grow out and I can frag them for trade and sell!

does anyone have tips for taking fts's? I feel like that is the one thing I struggle most with in taking pics.

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Oh we are watching Lizzie, don't you worry :ninja:


Sweet zoo combo rock.


Me wants blue cloves too....Well, if they grow as fast as they all say it shouldn't be too long. :D


Keep the pichers coming Lizzie! B)

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