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Cultivated Reef

The noobofreef's Red Sea Max


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LOVE this picture!!



Thanks, Stevie. I haven't heard from you in awhile and your thread has kind of turned into the red sea max thread; rather than your tank thread. I need some more pictures to see how everyone is doing. EDIT: Nvm it is my avatar.

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Elite Twit

Very nice pics and tank. I think my favorite is the artsy one. You got it just at the right moment. I can't wait to get my McCosker's, but he's the last addition. I'll just have to look at yours for now.

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Thanks, Stevie. I haven't heard from you in awhile and your thread has kind of turned into the red sea max thread; rather than your tank thread. I need some more pictures to see how everyone is doing. EDIT: Nvm it is my avatar.



I know, I have been so busy with the media racks, work, softball, etc... summers are crazy. I miss just surfing threads and talking with n-r people. My thread has exploded into the RSM everything talk, thats cool though, I haven't had any time to get new pics of my tank so nothing to update. No new corals or anything. I will have to get back with my pictures soon!


I will be sending you guys the newest version of the rack and the tunze skimmer cup soon. I have to yet make one for my tank but that should be this week. I really hope it works since the round cup is a pain in the butt!


Keep the pictures coming, you guys have by far the best I have ever seen :D

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I know, I have been so busy with the media racks, work, softball, etc... summers are crazy. I miss just surfing threads and talking with n-r people. My thread has exploded into the RSM everything talk, thats cool though, I haven't had any time to get new pics of my tank so nothing to update. No new corals or anything. I will have to get back with my pictures soon!


I will be sending you guys the newest version of the rack and the tunze skimmer cup soon. I have to yet make one for my tank but that should be this week. I really hope it works since the round cup is a pain in the butt!


Keep the pictures coming, you guys have by far the best I have ever seen :D

I know, everyone misses hearing from you! Oh well I can't talk, I know what it's like to be busy.


When I read about the new skimmer cup it excited me! The round one is...ok. It fits kind of and I can't raise the hood w/ it in there. Still, now it's starting to pull stuff w/ minimal bubbles! Our rack has worked well but it'll be nice to not have to cram it in as much.


Now get some pictures up!



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Now get some pictures up!


Déjà vu (all over again. ;) )




(Some day I'll be behind in posting pictures and you can turn this around.)


BTW, our frogspawn has 4 heads too.



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I know, everyone misses hearing from you! Oh well I can't talk, I know what it's like to be busy.


When I read about the new skimmer cup it excited me! The round one is...ok. It fits kind of and I can't raise the hood w/ it in there. Still, now it's starting to pull stuff w/ minimal bubbles! Our rack has worked well but it'll be nice to not have to cram it in as much.


Now get some pictures up!




I miss my N-R peeps, but PM is the BEST way to get in touch right now.


OK, so I am so excited about the skimmer cup!!! I made one up really quick last night and put it in the tank. Came in this morning and there is skimmate. The fit is amazing, you can raise and lower the hood with NO issues. It is small enough to ship USPS priority flat rate so the price will be lower overall, a little easier to make than a rack.


You guys will see one very soon! Have a few sizing kinks to work out and I need to get the vinyl for my cutter so I can make logos and other stickers for my products.



Are you done with school yet for the summer?

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I miss my N-R peeps, but PM is the BEST way to get in touch right now.


OK, so I am so excited about the skimmer cup!!! I made one up really quick last night and put it in the tank. Came in this morning and there is skimmate. The fit is amazing, you can raise and lower the hood with NO issues. It is small enough to ship USPS priority flat rate so the price will be lower overall, a little easier to make than a rack.


You guys will see one very soon! Have a few sizing kinks to work out and I need to get the vinyl for my cutter so I can make logos and other stickers for my products.



Are you done with school yet for the summer?

I saw the cup on the thread! It looked like the skimmate was almost (if not completely) the same as with the regular cup. I definitely think it'll make life a lot easier. I'm definitely looking forward to it!


School ends in 11 days. June 13 I'm out of school. But I have finals <_<. I have 5 finals in four days that week...it'll be nice to be out of school, that means way more time for the tank!




I can't wait


I'm looking forward to it

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Very nice pics and tank. I think my favorite is the artsy one. You got it just at the right moment. I can't wait to get my McCosker's, but he's the last addition. I'll just have to look at yours for now.

Thanks a lot, I liked the artsy one too. Too bad it really looks like he's got ick there.


I have to say I love my McCosker's! He flashes all the time now and his colors are pretty cool when he does, so I'll be sure to get a pic of that. So far he hasn't picked on any of my shrimp, like I've heard some say they do. I have a cleaner, a peppermint, and a pistol shrimp and he hasn't bothered any. He also is a tad bit shy but is becoming more and more social. He is the only fish in the tank that swims through every crevice in the rock, on the sides of the tank, in the back, and in the front. He goes everywhere! So far I think he was a great addition.


Déjà vu (all over again. ;) )




(Some day I'll be behind in posting pictures and you can turn this around.)


BTW, our frogspawn has 4 heads too.



Haha, I need to stay more on top of that. I'm sure you'll be fine. But if you ever do get behind...I'll be all over making you get them up! ;)




Alright a little update on the tank...


I got a few corals yesterday. A really cool green acan, a branching hammer (The other kind than the one I have. AKA anchor coral), and a small duncan. I put them in like an hour before the lights went out so they still haven't opened fully but they are well on their way! I'll get some pics of them, the xenia (surrounded by a wall of LR rubble so it doesn't take of the tank, lol), the frogspawn, a FTS, & a few of the wrasse flashing.




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So here's some pictures...


Frogspawn which actually when it got all closed up ended up having 5 heads:












Xenia pulsing:



Here's the goby sliding into his hole:





The new hammer:





The new plate coral we got:


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Some side shots of the fish & coral:









On the one above this you can see the duncan closed. It got knocked onto the sandbed. :( But it's fine.












Nighttime shot of the Green Bay Packers before they closed:



Now some shots of the wrasse flashing:





Finally a few FTS:





Night FTS:




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Some side shots of the fish & coral:


Always worth waiting for your pictures! Very nice work. You've done a much better job capturing the colors, particularly of the frogspawn and torches. :bowdown: I just can't seem to get the fluorescent tips right w/out underexposing the rest of the image.


One of these days I have to try a night time shot too.




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wow, that plate looks much better on your end of the camera!


Please keep your pictures out of the photo contests, give us amateurs some kind of chance













haha, no, I hope you guys win a month!


Last week of school !!!! burn the books, trash the hallways...spend your summer working on your reef tank and talking on N-R.com B)

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Always worth waiting for your pictures! Very nice work. You've done a much better job capturing the colors, particularly of the frogspawn and torches. :bowdown: I just can't seem to get the fluorescent tips right w/out underexposing the rest of the image.


One of these days I have to try a night time shot too.




Thanks, Hank. Your pictures are great too! I'm sure they'll get even better soon...


Night time shots are easy as long as you have a tri-pod. Without one...well that doesn't go all that well. ;)


wow, that plate looks much better on your end of the camera!


Please keep your pictures out of the photo contests, give us amateurs some kind of chance













haha, no, I hope you guys win a month!


Last week of school !!!! burn the books, trash the hallways...spend your summer working on your reef tank and talking on N-R.com B)

Thanks, Stevie! Actually (You'll see in PM) that's not the plate we were thinking about. It was one we saw at a LFS.


I hope we win one too. Mostly for the free membership B) . I wonder if the wrasse could count as pink...


I wish that's how our last week was...I had 3 finals between today and yesterday and 2 more in the next two days...after that though, then it should be good! Summer will be lots and lots of reefing I'm sure!



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It doesn't hurt to enter something, just a little pink would work, even that plate has pink in it and is an awesome picture!

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It doesn't hurt to enter something, just a little pink would work, even that plate has pink in it and is an awesome picture!

Yeah I think something will be submitted...question is what?


Sick setup man! Nice pics as well.. love the randall

Thanks Kraylen! The randall always has the dumbest look on his face! He always seems to have no clue! :D But he does like his little shrimp buddy.


Ok so which picture should I enter? I think it's between the second one of the wrasse flashing and the one of the plate. Which do you all like better?



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Wow your tank is looking great! The photography is simply amazing!! I think you should enter one of the ones of the wrasse. I would vote for it.

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Wow your tank is looking great! The photography is simply amazing!! I think you should enter one of the ones of the wrasse. I would vote for it.

Thanks, a lot! It's still got a long way to come!


Yeah, it is being submitted. Haha if you do vote for it thanks. If it doesn't win, oh well. Always other months.


Looking good. You have a lot of nice corals, once they grow out the tank will look even better!

Thanks ocho. I hope it'll look good when everything grows out. I really hope that anchor grows around that rock, that'd be really cool!



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Alright I got my computer back up and running. I couldn't really get on here enough to make an update, because I had to use someone else's computer until last night.


So onto the tank...


The clowns are doing well other than I found a parasite on one of them the other day :scary:. Got rid of it w/ a freshwater dip and tweezers. Other than that they're doing great.


The McCoskers is still somewhat shy but still eats like a pig and comes out quite a bit.


The shrimp has finally gotten his hole big enough for the goby. The goby spends 75% of his time in there now. Which is good I guess, but bad as well because now I don't see him as much :(.


All the coral is doing good. I found one of the sources of my problems w/ the zoas was a nudi. Got it off pronto. My orange ric is splitting I think fingerscrossed. It looks kinda like two rics but you can see it is slightly still connected.


The trumpet is splitting too I think. It had four heads and now almost has 6. The baby heads on the dunkin have grown quite a lot. Hopefully they'll get bigger and we'll get some more baby heads.


I'm already about to frag my xenia. It had 1 stalk when we bought it and now has 3 w/ one baby growing. Gotta frag it back to one and give some to a friend and I think someone on here wanted some so we'll see about that.


Only bad thing is I haven't seen my cleaner shrimp in a while :(. I'm afraid he may be gone, but I'm hanging onto hope that he's just molting.


So that's about it. I'll post some pictures of stuff soon!




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I love your closeup pictures. The actinic shots of the hammer, closeup of the plate, and the frogspawn have great composition, sharpness, and color.

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