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Cultivated Reef

The noobofreef's Red Sea Max


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Ok, so I finally got the tank I decided on. I got a Red Sea Max...


I got it tonight and assembled the stand and tank. So far I'm impressed.


I got the tank about 5 minutes before the LFS closed so I wasn't able to get everything I need yet...


I plan to get all my saltwater premixed from my LFS so I wasn't able to get all the water I needed, which means only the tank is currently set up. I will be picking up the rest of the water Tuesday (LFS is closed tomorrow and Monday sadly) and to add the LR and sand Tuesday.


I did a quick freshwater test and everything seems to be in working order.


The changes I plan to make to the max is to add hopefully a koralia 1 or 2 to the right side of the tank, for added flow. Other than that I plan to leave the tank mainly stock. I took out the bio-filtration but I left the carbon in. I plan to replace the carbon with chemi-pure elite and maybe add some purigen. Hopefully my skimmer will work well, but I have a feeling I will either end up buying a better skimmer or going skimmerless and replacing the skimmer with a fuge.


Alright set-up pics!

Sorry bout the quality I had to take these w/ my phone.


Tank and stand and sand


Stand all set-up


Tank in box


Tank set-up 1


Tank set-up 2


Tank set-up 3

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Welcome to the wonderful world of the RSM club! I love my tank and so far it has done great. The skimmer is a POS and i will soon be replacing it.


Cant wait too see the rock in it!

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Welcome to the wonderful world of the RSM club! I love my tank and so far it has done great. The skimmer is a POS and i will soon be replacing it.


Cant wait too see the rock in it!

Thanks I read your thread all the way before buying this and it helped! I can't wait to get the rock in either...you should have seen my face when they told me they weren't open monday or sunday. I'm still entertained by the tank even with nothing in it!


Oh and it's my birthday today too, this gets to be called present!



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Thanks I read your thread all the way before buying this and it helped! I can't wait to get the rock in either...you should have seen my face when they told me they weren't open monday or sunday. I'm still entertained by the tank even with nothing in it!


Oh and it's my birthday today too, this gets to be called present!



Wow i cant believe some one actually read my entire thread! Normally they read the amazing thread of StevieT (which i did)! That stinks that they are not open! I would be going crazy!! So what are you stocking plans?


Happy B-DAY!! :happydance:

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Wow i cant believe some one actually read my entire thread! Normally they read the amazing thread of StevieT (which i did)! That stinks that they are not open! I would be going crazy!! So what are you stocking plans?


Happy B-DAY!! :happydance:

I read StevieT's as well. My stocking plans are pretty simple as of now.


I want to get a pair of clowns (1 orange false perc and 1 b/w false perc), some sort of goby, and that's all I have fish wise. For my CUC I'll probably have a variety of snails and possibly some hermits, like 3-4 nass, 3-4 cerith, 3-4 astrea, and 1 or 2 turbo snails, and possible 2 hermits but I'm not sure on that. I also would want a pom-pom crab and a skunk cleaner but I would add those later. As far as corals I basically want everything I can get my hands on! From what I can tell it seems like the RSM can support most corals so I basically will get what I see (with research of course). Lots of zoas, some mushrooms, rics, yumas, GSP for sure my LFS has some sweet GSP, brains, clams later, BTA later, xenia, and more that's just some ideas.


So hows all that look? Any suggestions on other fish?


I want that LR!! Oh and I'm getting this cool rock from my LFS called alor I think. It's really nice, critter filled, and extremely coralline infested. So hopefully I'll have some good rock!


I can't wait for Tuesday!


Thanks for the HBD!

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Everything sounds great except the BTA. I wouldn't really recommend it in such a small tank because if it gets on the move theres no stopping it from killing all of the corals in its path. I wish i had gotten nice rock in the beginning. But it all looks good not and i am pleased with it.


Sounds like you know what you are doing. Is this your first reef tank?

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Everything sounds great except the BTA. I wouldn't really recommend it in such a small tank because if it gets on the move theres no stopping it from killing all of the corals in its path. I wish i had gotten nice rock in the beginning. But it all looks good not and i am pleased with it.


Sounds like you know what you are doing. Is this your first reef tank?

Yeah it's my first tank but I did a butt load of research on it. I'm so glad I went with the RSM over several other tanks I was considering!


On the BTA I wouldn't get it for a long time (at least 4-6 mos.) and I have heard they are the easiest anemones to care for and they only move when the conditions are not very good. But none of the stocking is definite so I may not even get it because of the risk.


Oh and I forgot in my stocking list that I definitely want some hammer or frogspawn or both in there. No torch though because of its stingers.


Anything suggestions you guys got for what to add to my list?




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Thanks Stevie!


Alright so I picked up the rest of my water and my live rock and sand. I filled it up and the tank is super cloudy and I can't even see the back...I'll post pics. I'm running carbon and filter floss to try and clear it up. I got some nice rock from my LFS but it does have a little bit of algae on it. It's really porous and has lots of caves. I'll post pics in a few hours if it clears up.


Alright time to look into the crappy tank water!





Front again




Right Side


Left Side


Right Side again


Left side again


One more front


Hopefully it clears so I can see!



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dude ,you tank is awesome! I like the effect you are going for, very mysterious!


It will clear up soon. Just pack some filter floss in there or keep the sponges cleaned out. It should collect all that junk as it settles.


Before your first water change blast your rocks off good with a turkey baster

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dude ,you tank is awesome! I like the effect you are going for, very mysterious!


It will clear up soon. Just pack some filter floss in there or keep the sponges cleaned out. It should collect all that junk as it settles.


Before your first water change blast your rocks off good with a turkey baster

Lol thanks stevieT.


In case anyone is wondering there is 38 lbs cured Alor rock from my LFS along with 20 lb regular sand.


Alright my water cleared up mostly but I had some sand to level out so it's cloudy again but not as cloudy. I'll post some pics later.


I did my first param check yesterday


SG: A little high at 1.027 (It was somewhat between 1.026 and 1.027)

pH: 8.0

Temp: 79

Nitrite: I acutally got a reading of between .05 and .1 so probably about .07-.08

Nitrate: 0

Ammonia: .25


That's all I tested today I'll test phosphates later and calc. and dkh when I have corals that require it.


So it looks like I actually have a cycle started! I'll post pics of the tank when I get home...


I do have a question though...I ran the skimmer for a few hours yesterday just to see how it would do (I know not to run it during the cycle) and I figured it would pull some stuff at least. But it didn't pull anything at all. The collection cup was just kinda fogged up. I think I might have set it up wrong and this being my first tank I really can't tell if I did or didn't. Anyone know why this thing isn't pulling anything? Not even wet stuff?




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Ok update...



SG 1.025 (Had to recalibrate my refractometer turns out it was reading high)

Ammonia: .5

Nitrite: .1

Nitrate: 0

Phosphates: .5 Higher than I would like but not too bad

pH: 7.4? My test kit is Red Sea and sucks. I'll hopefully get a new one today or tomorrow

Temp: 80.1 (Yay! Only a .2 swing!)

I'll test calc. and dkh later...


So looks like I'm starting to cycle!


And now pics! Oh and BTW I'm gonna be changing the 'scape soon...








Now some close-ups of the rocks


Maybe a little coraline?





What is this??



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Today I spotted my first life...There were some pods on the glass :). But I also saw a bristle worm I think...






My params were:

SG: 1.025

Temp: 80.8

pH: 7.9

Ammonia: ~1

Nitrite: .25 (Woot nitrite!)

nitrate: ~7.5 Kinda high :(

Phates: .25

Calcium (Yesterday): 420

dkh (Yesterday): 10


So everything is coming along nicely...I rescaped and I'll post pics of it tomorrow...I kinda liked the old 'scape better though...Ah well. I added a koralia 2 also which gives me pretty good flow now.


Feel free to leave comments


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Its looking good! Cant wait till this thing is cycled and has some coral in it!!! It looks like you have a great spot for some sps right now!

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gah, every time i see the RSM i want one so bad!


nice rock work,


Thanks I love the RSM! Ha, you should get one! The rock work changed a little, now it has a big "canyon" in the middle of it that I thought would be fun for fish and inverts...but I kinda liked the other better. Oh and btw I think I saw you on some other forum, you live near DC right?



Its looking good! Cant wait till this thing is cycled and has some coral in it!!! It looks like you have a great spot for some sps right now!

I can't wait for the cycle to end either! I still have a couple spots for SPS now but no as many...BTW sorry for not relpying to your thread I meant to like 1234567654 times, but never got around to it till now.


I'll post pics & params later!

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OK, I have a question. This is not specific to your tank because I see it in a lot of pictures. Does everyone keep their magnetic scraper in the tank? Does anybody take it out? I saw this in one of your pictures but I also see it in a lot of others and I've been wondering about it.


I just got one of those for my FW 55 gallon tank and I do not leave it in there. I have enough other plastic crap in there and I don't want one more thing. But I suppose it avoids the hazard of pinched fingers when putting the two together outside the tank (Holy Cow! Those magnets are strong. :o )


Inquiring minds want to know!




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OK, I have a question. This is not specific to your tank because I see it in a lot of pictures. Does everyone keep their magnetic scraper in the tank? Does anybody take it out? I saw this in one of your pictures but I also see it in a lot of others and I've been wondering about it.


I just got one of those for my FW 55 gallon tank and I do not leave it in there. I have enough other plastic crap in there and I don't want one more thing. But I suppose it avoids the hazard of pinched fingers when putting the two together outside the tank (Holy Cow! Those magnets are strong. :o )


Inquiring minds want to know!




I leave mine in sometimes and sometimes I take it out kinda depends how I'm feeling that day. I have found that if you don't clean (And dry!) the one on the outside it can smear your tank up. I don't mind leaving mine in though because, with the RSM, I don't have all that much plastic junk in there, so it doesn't really bother me. I think it comes down to personal preference...but your right about the magnets, I was taking it out once and BAM! Right on my fingers, it hurt!


Oh but if you have people over be sure to take it out. I had a few people over and I was all happy talking about the rock, but they kinda muttered, "It's just a rock.." <_< Ah well they wouldn't understand anyways :rolleyes: ...but what I mean is they all, for some reason, they absolutely loved playing with the mag-float. I don't know why but that interested them way more than the tank. :slap:

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Well I keep changing the 'scape...I just can't be satisfied! Anyone have any tips on a way to aquascape?


This frustrating but also it's kinda fun so that's ok...hopefully I'll get it right and post some pics today.


Tips please :P

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Alright guys params are now:

Ammonia: .25

Nitrite: 1

Nitrate: 20...Any tips to get this down?

Temp: 80-81 during the day

pH: 7.8 (buffing a little to help it get up there)

SG: 1.025 (beautiful)


So looks like my cycle is on it's way down!


But like I said any tips on the nitrate? I'll be running purigen and chemi-pure after the cycle but right now all I'm running is sponges that I clean daily. (It'll be more like once a week when the cycle is over)

I'm not running any bio-media...


New aquascape pics...sorry it's a little cloudy I just leveled the sand from the 'scaping.






Cave shot




So what do you guys think of the 'scape?


Oh and where do you think I should put the koralia? Right now it is blowing right on the rock and most corals prefer not direct flow right? (Not direct flow being like off of the glass) Or am I wrong? Any ideas?




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time is the best remedy for high nitrates in cycle...i know how tempting it is to add stuff right away but trust me tis is the wrong way to go. when you get some diatoms, think about SOME clean up crew...also, although it doesn't SEEM important to monitor and supplement calcium now, maintaining proper levels of calcium and dkh will allow coralline algae to grow when the time comes...i knwo its SO tempting but waiting a little longer than most people do always pays off ;)

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i like the new one, i liked the old one. Are all the rocks stable? Aquascaping is tough but it gives you something to do during a cycle. Once you get that thing full of corals in a few days with some tangs, it will look really sweet! Serious though, after you add corals, your rock seems to disapear

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time is the best remedy for high nitrates in cycle...i know how tempting it is to add stuff right away but trust me tis is the wrong way to go. when you get some diatoms, think about SOME clean up crew...also, although it doesn't SEEM important to monitor and supplement calcium now, maintaining proper levels of calcium and dkh will allow coralline algae to grow when the time comes...i knwo its SO tempting but waiting a little longer than most people do always pays off ;)

Don't worry I know to wait. ;) No reason to blow all this money on a tank and ruin it. I don't plan on adding a CUC 'till ammonia and nitrite reach 0. (Probably during mid-week, but if it does it would probably be a few snails over the weekend, not the day they hit) Thing is this rock has been in my LFS for awhile, curing, so that's why my cycle is coming to be pretty short.


i like the new one, i liked the old one. Are all the rocks stable? Aquascaping is tough but it gives you something to do during a cycle. Once you get that thing full of corals in a few days with some tangs, it will look really sweet! Serious though, after you add corals, your rock seems to disapear

Suprisingly enough all the rocks are stable. Every time I look I think it's going to fall and I reach in and see how stable they are, and well they stay. Man, the tangs are gonna be SWEET! I was thinking 5-10 tangs, with a pair of sharks, and giant squid? Sound good to everyone?



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-:¦:-•:*'""*:•.-:¦:-•:*©2008 Stevie T Approved !! *:-:¦:-•:*'""*:•.-:¦:-



Your rocks look great, very nice texture and the aquascape is well put together.

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