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man.. what the heck.. they shipped my catalina bulb yesterday... they still shipped it even though they knew it was crap! what is up with that!? thas bad business.. i dunno what to say.. lets say i hope i got a good bulb....

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How big of an operation is PSL? Could be they are minus one salesman after making the earlier comment....


I've sent them an email giving them the chance to make this right by me. I'd suggest anyone else who has paid for and received one of these do the same. I've also requested they remove the bulb in question off the web page. Seems like a lot of folks on this forum like PSL but this just isn't right. I don't know the owner or I would write to him/her. They would probably like to know about this. Or at least pretend they don't.

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So you only have 1 working bulb now?




Update: I have run both the Aromat and the WPI ballast for at least 3 hours now. No noticeable problems thus far. I will say, the Aromat stays a bit cooler than the WPI.


Also, it might be just me but the WPI seems a tad bit brighter and white? Again, it could just be me.

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Hey foo I received my ballast today, and wanted to say thanks! Has anybody tried retrofit into a 300 watt halogen fixture? They seem to be a little shallower and might not be as bulky as the 500 watt, just a suggestion to try!

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This is what PLS sent in reply to my email:


ushio bulbs are far more expensive.,.,.,,.,.,we're giving you a great bulb still at a great price,..,.,we're not profiting, trust me,.,..,,.we did not know the catalina bulbs were faulty ,..,., in your additional payment please let us know the bulbs and the wattage we are sending you so i can just hand the payment slip to shipping.,,,,.thanx


psl sales



In my email to PSL, I let them know that PSL Sales had stated in this forum not to use these bulbs becase they were from a bad shipment. Now they are denying it.


I'm now not so sure I want to give them any more money even if I have to pay a little more for the same bulb somewhere else. I need to check their refund policy first to ensure I can get my original money back.....This will be a first and last time purchase for me at PSL.

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Im willing to bet the same person that emailed you, is also the person that replied here. Notice the excessive ,,,,.,.,.,,, ?

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Originally posted by AbSoluTc

Im willing to bet the same person that emailed you, is also the person that replied here.  Notice the excessive ,,,,.,.,.,,, ?



I agree!!

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I hadn't noticed that....good pickup.


I've sent another mail to PSL requesting my money back. I also requested they refresh their seemingly short memory and visit this thread for their own company's position on the bulbs they are selling to the public.

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omg... i just want a 70w mh.... now its come to i bought a crappy bulb from PSL when they knew it was a bad shippment.... sigh... PSL, was that statement about the faulty bulbs worth all this money loss? can i just have a working 70w mh for cheap... GOSH...

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Hey Bertz - The Ushio 10K for 50 Bucks ain't a bad price from PSL. Plus it's a known quality item.


I'm not suggesting everyone follow my rant, I just know I won't do business with PSL again. Everyone else can do as they like.


Now I need to find a decent bulb at a decent price other than from my buddies at PSL.

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I just found out something disturbing. Catalina Aquarium and Petsupply Liquidator are one in the same.


Same Phone Number

Same Address


What is going on?

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I would just like to add a comment here. I did not read the whole thread due to time, but noticed the last few pages. I am an avid PSL fan/customer and have recommended them dozens of times here and on other boards. The way I read the comments by PSL is that they realized after all of us reefers bought the 70w catalina bulbs that there was a problem. I think that he is being responsible by informing us of the problem, and letting us know it is being taken care of.


In the past Bruce at PSL has been very open and informative to me regarding the products he sells. There has not been a problem with any problem yet that I haven't caused, but I'm sure that when there is (undoubtedly there will be...I plan on buying a lot there!) I know I'll be taken care of. The bottom line is PSL is a quality company that offers a quality product for less. What more can we ask for? Ultimately the middle man (PSL) has no real control over the quality he is sent. We don't expect or want him to test each individual bulb/product before selling it, so there is no way for him to know of a problem until we tell him. Don't let this ruin your trust in a great company for us reefers. There....my 02 worth!



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PetSupplyLiquidator is the distributer for Catalina Aquatics products. I don't believe they are the producer of the products. As a matter of fact, I believe the Catalina bulb is an OEM bulb from europe. I may be wrong here, but I don't think so.

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JJ - I appreciate your comments and admire the conviction of standing behind someone who has done nothing but right by you.


Have to disagree with you on your comment about them being a quality company selling a quality product. As of a few minutes ago the product they know if bad is still up for sale to the public. And to be honest I think you are giving them the benefit of the doubt on when they knew about it. But thats ok I might give them the benefit of the doubt too if they weren't 0 for 1 with me.


Anyway we shouldn't be sheep, which is why I suggested Bertz consider the PSL provided Ushio bulb at the $50 price.


Good luck dealing with them in the future, I wouldn't suggest buying any of the catalina 70 watt MH bulbs right now though, I don't think even Bruce can make those good. But they are Cheap....what else could we ask for!


If I have to live with the attaboy rule so does the vendors I work with. 10 attaboy's = 1 Aw Sh*t. I got my Aw Sh*t on the very first try so I plan to shop elsewhere.


Finally any frustration I let slide in here is definitely not directed at you personally. Just at bad business practices. I vote with my feet.

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The WHOIS database won't let me lookup psl or catalinaaquarium. I guess there are alot of nosy people out there like me who just want to know what is going on.


I agree with Graywolf57, you should buy best product and if that's somewhere else then that's where you need to go. That kind of market driven behavior will eventually encourage the introduction of higher quality products and services at reasonable prices.

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Greywolf...You have a lot of really good points, and I don't think you are slamming PSL half as hard as the average upset customer would. Personally, I have not bought the catalina MH bulbs. I considered them, but instead of just taking a chance I called PSL and asked about them. Specifically, I asked about the color as compared to the Ushio. PSL was quite honest with me, and as a result I forked over the extra cash and bought the 250w Ushio's. I wish you the best of luck in the future with whomever you choose.


For what it's worth, I've been using Catalina PC bulbs for a couple years now. They seem just fine as compared to CSL bulbs and JBJ bulbs. At least in my opinion.

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Originally posted by AbSoluTc

Also, it might be just me but the WPI seems a tad bit brighter and white




When you say the bulb looks more white on the WPI, are you saying that on the Aromat ballast the Ushio bulb is more yellow or more blue than on the WPI ballast?




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Yes I am putting together a list now. If you want one that would be the sixth of 12 I plan on purchasing. I am giving everyone a few more days before I order them.

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The question wasn't to me, but with the test I ran with the Catalina 10K bulb it seemed much brighter on the WPI ballast but I didn't notice a color difference. I did not run them side by side as I ran out of bulbs, there may have been a slight color difference not sure now. Even my wife asked a question about the difference in brightness. Not scientific at all, and no pictures but it was noticible.


I agree with Absolutc on the Ballast as well. The Aromat ran much cooler to the touch after a 4 hr burn period. Again, no temps were taken but neither of them were that hot, you could leave your hand on the WPI for some time before it became uncomfortable. The Aromat just felt warm to the touch and was noticicably cooler running.....hehe not fit for research but just what I noticed. Seems we both got similar results with the Ballast and the Catalina bulbs for those keeping track.



I haven't compared electronic ballasts before but I would be curious if other non resin filled electronic ballasts run cooler than the resin filled ones like the ones from Champion. Again not very scientific, I was just wondering if warmer running temps were an inherent thing with the resin filled ones.

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