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SeeDemTails 37 gal Mantle SPS and Zoa Reef


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Nah, even of just one piece is fine. ;) The pics are still good no matter what.


Hmm, dispelling the lighting period myth I see. ;) See, so shorter isn't always better for our tanks.


I've never run a tank less than 11 hours a day, and have always had pretty good luck with SPS.


As it turns out, at least in my case, however, 13 hours a day is apparently too much.


I think running a very short light cycle like 8 hours is kind of silly (as so many reefers do), as it bears no resemblance to wild conditions. I remember when I first got into this hobby, EVERYBODY kept their tanks at 1.023 for salinity. When I discovered that the ocean was more salty than that, I upped my salt content, and my corals looked happier.


I will never understand reefkeeping methodologies that suggest keeping corals in conditions wildly divergent from those in the wild. It doesn't make any sense to me.


Sorry for the thread derailment, I just had to chip in on this.


SDT, thanks again for the info.


- Josh

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Christel, what about a reactor to keep you from having to dose twice a day? I know it's much easier to suggest than to actually have and deal with. I shouldn't say anything, I'd probably opt the twice daily dosing myself, lol!


I never knew that about iodine and acclimating corals to light. I just always thought you start down low and work them up over the course of a couple to few weeks. I really need to take better care of my tanks after seeing what your maintanence requirements for your tank is.

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I agree 100%. I try to keep every parameter in my tank the same as seawater......And to calibrate my tests exactly, I walk 500 yards to the beach :D


Phixion, it isnt too bad, I guess. I wake up every morning, clean the glass, top the tank off, dose the tank 20ml of alk and ca, and feed the fish. Takes me about 10 minutes.


Then when I get home I top off again, clean the skimmer, test if needed, feed again, and then dose again right before lights out.


Every friday I do a 5 gallon water change, no reason for the size other than 5 gallons is easy to mix up and about all I can carry. I also clean the pump screens, and wipe down salt creep.


I dont really have room for a reactor or the funds, I am almost done with my equipment cabinet just to hide all the stuff. I am ashamed to say everything is still on the ladder next to the tank. I think I am going to start using a kalkwasser drip, in addition to b-ionic, then I could maybe get away with one dose a day.


I dont look at like work, its fun to me!

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Personally, I think she needs a LiterMeter III. ;)


But i'm biased. I have one, and I love it for the amount of time and headaches it saves me. Plus, it keeps my pH rock steady because it doses my b-ionic in tiny increments a bunch of times a day. Calcium reactors can, IME, be trouble on little tanks. With a doser, you just adjust the little numbers on the screen, and it will dose however much or little you want. Soooooo easy.

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Yeah, I want a doser bad, and will probably get one. I just coughed up $250 on the chiller so I am loow on tank funds right now.


That and an ATO...

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ATO, I need one for my custom AIO tank. :(


Yeah, It's definitely not work, and more fun than anything. The only reactor I have (and that I foresee ever having) is a Phos-Ban reactor. The Ca one is just too complicated for me, lol! Well it seems too high maintanence for my tank needs. And don't worry about the ladder, we all have dirty tank secrets. ;) I just barely got around to hiding my equipment. Exception of my chiller, none of the equipment (to my 30g anyways) can be seen, which includes the ATO and 5g bucket for it, Phos-Ban reactor, and UV sterilizer I recently added on. The only equipment my 10g custom AIO has is a Tom's mini canister filter which is hanging off the side, but it actually blends in well with the tank surprisingly.


Unfortunately for me, I don't have time in the morning to check let alone really even look at my tank. If anything happens overnight or gets knocked around, I won't know about it until the evening when I get home from work. =/

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Thanks Kraylen!


The tank is nearing completion, once I am done with the outside and equipment, I can finally finish the inside.


I am really gonna try to finish the equipment cabinet by sunday.


I have to say it again, my chiller is such a cool piece of equipment!!!!!! I ran my tank with no fans yesterday and temp never budged, the 1/15th hp is perfect for my tank!

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Well, I have found the fish I want. I need more color in the tank fish wise, after my chromis disappeared, the black and white clowns only swim around their shrooms and the tang is the only fish that swims around, and he is yellow and gray. The mandarin is cool colored but you have to look for him to see him, and the neon goby is so fat and lazy it only comes out to eat.


I put down a deposit and if they eat as good as they look, I will be taking home my male and female Madder Seaperches tonight.

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Well i just got my monti today!!! It looks great. The packing was fabulous and it arrived on time. I even got a free frag of her green digi! And man that thing is colorful! I wouldn't ever hesitate to buy from here again.


Thanks so much!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Nugz, the fish are still chillin, they have no disease but are not acclimating well to captivity so I am just waiting and watching them, when they do better they will be coming home. I want to take them home and give them TLC in my tank, but I dont think I would be able to. I am just gonna wait it out.


In case no one knows what a Madder Sea Perch is, its another name for a Dispar Anthia. I will be getting a male and a female....The male is a "super" male, and looks a lot like this one!



Nanoclown, yeah, phoenix bulbs rule!


Well, I finally GOT RID OF THE LADDER!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! The equipment cabinet is done, and the room looks so much better now! Chiller is on the floor to the right of the cabinet. I am going to be hanging that metal art right there too, in the middle, I think I am gonna have my hubby epoxy some dead bolts sticking out so I can hang it....I am scared to drill wit the tank up there!


Check it out!


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Thanks TJ, It took my a little while to finish the cabinet. I am so glad I have it done, I was so sick of the ladder in my living room, covered in ballasts and wires!


Now, if I could just get the dispars up to par, and in my tank!

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How do you do any maintenance on your tank though?


Very Carefully! The hood opens from the front, and I use a bar stool and a couple towls on the carpet, although it has got quite a soaking in salt water, cant tell though lol.

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Well it seems to me these 19 pages tell me you've mastered this art and hobby. Congrats on a great looking tank- best wishes and good luck for the future!

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