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Klarion's Tongan Scape


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Denizen Profile:


Margarita Snail (2) (Margarites pupillus)

General Information


Name: N/A


Picture on File:



Acquisition Date: December '07


Characteristics: Slow, Contemplative and mildly suicidal. Well adapted for janitorial duties.


Behavior: Roams about slowly and rests an equal amount of time. Has adapted toward higher temperatures but shows contempt at any occasion by hiding out in the shade. One specimen tried to crawl out of the tank, the other decided to kill encrusting coralline on its shell, thereby offending my eyes.


Usefulness: Useful

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my favorite 'charachter' is the red X that appears for all of your pics~! :angry:


Really? Is it that you can't view them on your PC/mac or you just don't like them?

I was just uploading stuff to the server at photo-bucket, so maybe that's what happened.


OH, and there goes my spelling again. Well, I do my best. It's just that we don't "spell" in Russian, so that's kind of difficult sometimes. We mostly just have rules that if followed, will always lend the correct result.


Spell-checker is my best friend :D

Edited by klarion
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Show up for me :)


Yes, some firewalls will block picture hosts selectively. Mine always asks for permission to display pictures from certain sites. Maybe I'll use a different host if people start having trouble with Photobucket.

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OH, and there goes my spelling again. Well, I do my best. It's just that we don't "spell" in Russian, so that's kind of difficult sometimes. We mostly just have rules that if followed, will always lend the correct result.


Spell-checker is my best friend :D


That's 'cause Russian has too damm many verbal case endings to worry about spelling...<_<:lol:


Boris, your English grammar & spelling puts 95% of native-born Americans to shame.




BTW, interestingly enough (maybe--depends on what interests you, I guess), I rather recently learned that Chinese doesn't have verb tenses...

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That's 'cause Russian has too damm many verbal case endings to worry about spelling... <_<:lol:


Boris, your English grammar & spelling puts 95% of native-born Americans to shame.




BTW, interestingly enough (maybe--depends on what interests you, I guess), I rather recently learned that Chinese doesn't have verb tenses...


I was aware of it, and they have like a zillion charachters (edit: character-misspelled twice in one day :o ), one would have to learn individually and it's an intoned language. So how you pitch each word would change the meanings.

Edited by klarion
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Very cool. I think the lurkers are almost more interesting than the critters that are always in view (ho hum).


My boxing crabs are definitely lurkers! Nimble too. Last night I fed some diced shrimp into the water column and those guys jumped out from under the rocks to grab some of the bigger pieces!



They asexually reproduce, which is why you see them with odd numbers of legs. I doubt if they sexually reproduce successfully, altho, as you know, my brittles do spawn now and then. Most of these guys have planktonic larvae that don't survive in tanks...


My brittle star expert tells me it's mostly the 6-legged, not the 5-legged brittle species that reproduce by fissioning, as they need at least 3 legs for good locomotion. I suspect this is why we often see Asterina with 6 & even 7 legs--they're getting ready to split. Of course, that's also why we MORE often see the 3-legged, etc., ones...Given the way everything else in your tank is thriving and multiplying, I would strongly suspect that your Asterina is/are as well!


Good to know. Thanks.


Perhaps you should have a contest. ;)


I think I will. In fact It's announced: Taking suggestions on all the critters still without names!

Now THAT is most interesting! Document that and you could single-handedly change the entire perception of hermit crabs...


I remember hearing this (about Scarlet Reef Hermit Crabs eating Aiptasia anemones) on one of those pod-casts from "Reefcast"


Yes--and I agree with the last comment--I wanted to vote for the urchin! Or possibly your hitchhikers. :D You trendsetter, you.


Now that option is available and I'll add more as profiles build up.

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Picture Update


More red macro algae



Remember these polys? Colony doubled in size in 2 months.



A Due: there are definitely 2 of these in my tank.






Blue Mushies:




By Popular demand: Urchin Gallery.








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I would like to file a ( mild ) protest Sir.


I think you need to add a selection to your poll.


With your detailed and informative posts, wonderful pictures, humorous dialog and overall good intent to add to the NR community, I think you may be my favorite "character" of this thread. :lol:



Those urchin shots are something Boris! B)

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I would like to file a ( mild ) protest Sir.


I think you need to add a selection to your poll.


With your detailed and informative posts, wonderful pictures, humorous dialog and overall good intent to add to the NR community, I think you may be my favorite "character" of this thread. :lol:



Those urchin shots are something Boris! B)


LOL :haha: .


You got me there. Said and done.

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Awesome photos and I love your urchin. :)


Thanks a lot, coming from you it's some weighty complement.


I've always respected canon cameras for their quality, but ever since HS I've been using Minoltas and have this whole system setup. But from time to time I just keep thinking of switching because it would save a lot of headaches.


The new Sony (now owns that line) Alpha 700 is my last hope. If that camera doesn't deliver on expectations, I'll definitely switch to Canon!

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Yeay, I got my first vote. If you've got a large enough tank and scuba gear.......... and need an "active swimmer" for your display...



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I knew a few photogs that swore by their Minoltas.... until they got a taste of the Canon DSLRs. ;)

Your current camera seems to be doing really well. The shots are sharp and the color saturation is just right. Very nice indeed!


Oh, and I voted for your urchin. Almost voted for the Boris character, but..... nahhh. :P

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I knew a few photogs that swore by their Minoltas.... until they got a taste of the Canon DSLRs. ;)

Your current camera seems to be doing really well. The shots are sharp and the color saturation is just right. Very nice indeed!


Oh, and I voted for your urchin. Almost voted for the Boris character, but..... nahhh. :P


Y'know, I'm having the same dilemna. Boris or Urchin? Hmmm....

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I just like the fact that the urchin is secure enough to play dress-up. ;)


LOL, that's some funny banter. I wish I had some witty come back, but my brain is fried after a 14hr day. -_-

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It's been a really busy week with performances every night. Finally today I got a chance to sneak around to an LFS and got some goodies.


First off, a really nice rock of Zoas. With two kinds on the same piece: pink and green:






Also Got a nice deal on a Green Striped Mushroom




Got 3 Nerite Snails. Two from Carribean and one from Tonga






And the best I saved for last:

Guess WHO?!



Actually, I got a pair. The smaller one hangs out in the back..poor guy




Ok, I take that back. They switched places. The smaller one is on the blue Mushrooms now.

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Hey Boris. I was just getting ready to post on your thread to see how things were going with you and your tank.


Awesome new addition. Great selection of zoanthids. Not sure of the names but they are cool nonetheless :) Looks like your LFS gets some really nice livestock and corals in....I am jealous.


Love the new gobies....what a great addition. I am actually thinking about adding one myself because I haven't added another fish to my tank since it started (they all transferred from the 55). Small gobies are such cool little creatures. So cool that you got a pair as well.


Any names yet? Can't wait to see the new corals out in full bloom and more pics of the gobies.

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Sweet! How exciting! How have your other fish reacted so far? That's so cool that you got a pair!!


Nice zoas & shroom, and nerites are one of my favorite snails! That sprial striped one is awesome--but then, they come in SO many exquisite patterns...


The only thing about nerites--I've had trouble keeping them alive for long. I understand some are not truely tropical...good luck with yours!


Congrats on all the gigs! More money for the tank? :lol:



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Hey Boris. I was just getting ready to post on your thread to see how things were going with you and your tank.


Awesome new addition. Great selection of zoanthids. Not sure of the names but they are cool nonetheless :) Looks like your LFS gets some really nice livestock and corals in....I am jealous.


Love the new gobies....what a great addition. I am actually thinking about adding one myself because I haven't added another fish to my tank since it started (they all transferred from the 55). Small gobies are such cool little creatures. So cool that you got a pair as well.


Any names yet? Can't wait to see the new corals out in full bloom and more pics of the gobies.




Well, things weren't going much for a while because I got so busy playing, sometimes 2 shows a day and teaching at the same time. But, I made some time last night for a water change and cleaning and introduced the new guys.


I got a pair of YCG hoping that one of them will change sex and I'll have a mated pair. That hasn't happened yet and there is a bit of chasing going on between them. No names yet. I guess I'm poor at that.


The LFS is great. They have an unmatched selection of any store I've ever been to in New York. Their prices are REALLY high though. So when I say I got a deal, it's because I got corals at a reasonable price like everywhere else.


Great pics Klarion and has the new addition met Bob yet?


Not yet, but I'm hoping to arrange an introduction;)

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