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Weetie's 10g Prop Tank


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C7's zoos








Here are some. Sorry for the picture quality. I changed the settings for Christmas pictures & need to figure out where I had them before.


Some combo shots that are not so fuzzy.





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Post 276, picture #9 the yellow ones are really nice. What off the wall name has been given to them?


"Off the wall"?

Are you trying to cast aspersions on our creative naming process?? :huh:

No cookies for you!!

Seriously, I'm not totally sure which zoos in the pic you were referring to. If you're talking about the ones close to the middle, they're actually French Silk Pie that have morphed slightly.

If you're talking about the ones off to the left, I'm fairly certain they're Green Palys whose color isn't showing up very well in the pic.

Hope you had a good Christmas Henry. :happy:

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must have those armor of gods... 0_o


Actually, we think they look more like the Armageddons in the 5th pic here:



or Devil's Armor in the 1st pic here:



I'm kinda leaning more towards Devil's Armor, but I'm not totally sure. They're very nice, I have a piece of them that I'm gonna make one or two frags of as well.

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I am going to be asking for some zoa advice after I get this $150.00 speeding ticket paid that I got on the way to pick up the clowns.


I also posted a crappy picture of the 2 in my thread.

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I am going to be asking for some zoa advice after I get this $150.00 speeding ticket paid that I got on the way to pick up the clowns.


I also posted a crappy picture of the 2 in my thread.


Hey you, thanks for stopping by!

Sorry bout the ticket, that stinks. :angry:

I should warn you, the really good zoas will probably go kinda fast, although I do expect to have some at least til we do the frag swap on Jan. 19.

I'm off to check your clown pics now!

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well, I am not really picky, just want some vibrant colors, blues or reds. I will let you know when I have some $ set aside and let you pick them out.

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Tanks are going awesome, Weetie!! I'm so glad you didn't take down your prop tank. :wub:

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Yeah the bottom left center yellow ones. Cool looking. Had a good Christmas thank you. Happy New Year to you and yours.


Oh well cookies are bad for my cholesterol anyway give mine to Caesar777.

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Henry- I'm just teasin' you bud, I'll share cookies w/you anytime you want. The zoas you're interested in are definitely French Silk Pie, and I think she's been selling them for around $1.50/polyp.


Anyone that's going to the Mid. TN Frag Swap and staying overnight LMK, maybe we can coordinate it so we all get rooms at the same hotel. Also, LMK know if you have any cool stuff avail for a frag trade, maybe we could do that amongst ourselves there as well. Bill, if you come, you know I'd love to trade you for some monti's!


I think I've got the new tank arrangements figured out. Here's what I'm looking at, feel free to give me feedback.


Same 10g tank it's in now, but with a 5g refugium added on and placed on a reverse light cycle.

For lighting, I'm thinking of taking a Current 2x 40w PC fixture I have now and modding it to add on the 70w MH retro all you wonderful people got me for Christmas. The fixture has a fan on it to help with cooling on the MH and I'm thinking with the 2 extra PC bulbs I'd have some added versatility with light coloration, etc.

For circulation, I'm looking at a Koralia Nano and a Taam Rio HOB skimmer in the main 10g tank.

I'll need to get a PH to connect the Main tank and the refugium. I have a 40w PC fixture I can use over the refugium. I'm thinking of placing a few things like Emerald Crab, Peppermint Shrimp, and Six-Line Wrasse in the fuge to use for pest control.

I would also have some LR and chaeto in the refugium.



My 16g acrylic w/built in false wall/sump is so purty I'm thinking of going ahead and putting all my corals in that for the display.

It'll have a wide range of corals in it since I have the following: various mushies, kenya tree, xenia, green encrusting gorgonian, lots of zoas, red open brain, blasto merletti, pavona, hydnophora, a couple of monti caps, Christmas Favia, beautiful Cloves from C7, a yuma, a ric, and small frogspawn, hammer and torch frags.

I also have some really gorgeous LR to build some nice rockwork for the display.

I already have a MJ 900 pumping water from the back sump area into the main tank through 2 locline arms but the flow doesn't seem very strong, so I would add my Koralia 1 in there for added circulation.

I'm thinking of adding a pair of Green-Banded Gobies and a Blackcap Basslet for fish.


Lemme know what you guys think of the above and if you can think of anything I may have overlooked.

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Where is Nashville is the Md Tn Frag Swap going to be at? and what time? Maybe I can find a friend that will drive down with me. Either way I should be able to make it, depends on when I get to move back into the dorm (I hate having to move in and out especially with my tank, oh well one semester left :) ). Hopefully I will see you there.

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Henry- I'm just teasin' you bud, I'll share cookies w/you anytime you want. The zoas you're interested in are definitely French Silk Pie, and I think she's been selling them for around $1.50/polyp.


Anyone that's going to the Mid. TN Frag Swap and staying overnight LMK, maybe we can coordinate it so we all get rooms at the same hotel. Also, LMK know if you have any cool stuff avail for a frag trade, maybe we could do that amongst ourselves there as well. Bill, if you come, you know I'd love to trade you for some monti's!


I think I've got the new tank arrangements figured out. Here's what I'm looking at, feel free to give me feedback.


Same 10g tank it's in now, but with a 5g refugium added on and placed on a reverse light cycle.

For lighting, I'm thinking of taking a Current 2x 40w PC fixture I have now and modding it to add on the 70w MH retro all you wonderful people got me for Christmas. The fixture has a fan on it to help with cooling on the MH and I'm thinking with the 2 extra PC bulbs I'd have some added versatility with light coloration, etc.

For circulation, I'm looking at a Koralia Nano and a Taam Rio HOB skimmer in the main 10g tank.

I'll need to get a PH to connect the Main tank and the refugium. I have a 40w PC fixture I can use over the refugium. I'm thinking of placing a few things like Emerald Crab, Peppermint Shrimp, and Six-Line Wrasse in the fuge to use for pest control.

I would also have some LR and chaeto in the refugium.



My 16g acrylic w/built in false wall/sump is so purty I'm thinking of going ahead and putting all my corals in that for the display.

It'll have a wide range of corals in it since I have the following: various mushies, kenya tree, xenia, green encrusting gorgonian, lots of zoas, red open brain, blasto merletti, pavona, hydnophora, a couple of monti caps, Christmas Favia, beautiful Cloves from C7, a yuma, a ric, and small frogspawn, hammer and torch frags.

I also have some really gorgeous LR to build some nice rockwork for the display.

I already have a MJ 900 pumping water from the back sump area into the main tank through 2 locline arms but the flow doesn't seem very strong, so I would add my Koralia 1 in there for added circulation.

I'm thinking of adding a pair of Green-Banded Gobies and a Blackcap Basslet for fish.


Lemme know what you guys think of the above and if you can think of anything I may have overlooked.



I think you left out a few items in your personal tank! Some that like to eat larger meaty stuff. :rolleyes:


Here are some better pictures of the stuff we fragged the other night. Some of them also have a new home in Weetie's tank. :P











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I loved having a 150MH over my old 16 bowfront. Got good growth from everything, and not to mention great color.

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Weetie,Where is Nashville is the Md Tn Frag Swap going to be at? and what time? Maybe I can find a friend that will drive down with me. Either way I should be able to make it, depends on when I get to move back into the dorm (I hate having to move in and out especially with my tank, oh well one semester left :) ). Hopefully I will see you there.



I hope to see a few of you there!




Lol, that's hilarious!!!

I think we're gonna hafta use some kinda cookie name for the next zoa name we come up with. :happy:


I loved having a 150MH over my old 16 bowfront. Got good growth from everything, and not to mention great color.


Yeah, I'm kinda looking forward to putting it all together now.

Guess I better finish putting together my Fosters & Smith order.

BTW, cool av. :D

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Yeah, I'm trying to go as of now. Army says I've got to ask permission of course, LOL. The only things I really have extra frags of right now are the kiwi confusa and the purple undata. My branching hammer could stand to have a head or 2 chopped off as well. That and my monster colt coral but who wants that. Not sure if I'd stay overnight or not. I'm sure I'd stay for the whole thing and yahoo says its about 5 hrs and change for me. If we all decided to do dinner or something I'm sure I'd stay the night but if we're just gonna meet at the swap and then part ways I'll probably just suck it up and drive home. Not sure if Teresa will want to come or not. She's usually up for that kind of stuff and Milana loves critters but being pregnant changes a ladys attitude toward long distance car travel.


Really hoping it works out that I can make it.



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Chocolate Chocolate Chip Zoa?

Whamin Blueberry Cookie Surprise Zoa?

Super Cranberry Red Doughy Center Zoa?

Yummy Nummy Zoas?


Hey, hey, I KNOW, we should have a contest for who comes up with the best zoa cookie name for the pics that BibleSue posted!!!!



Hey BibleSue, got any ideas for prizes???

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An obscure crab? A bigger one so I can justify my 120 upgrade to Teresa!





Think she'd go for that?



omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg

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Yeah, I'm trying to go as of now. Army says I've got to ask permission of course, LOL. The only things I really have extra frags of right now are the kiwi confusa and the purple undata. My branching hammer could stand to have a head or 2 chopped off as well. That and my monster colt coral but who wants that. Not sure if I'd stay overnight or not. I'm sure I'd stay for the whole thing and yahoo says its about 5 hrs and change for me. If we all decided to do dinner or something I'm sure I'd stay the night but if we're just gonna meet at the swap and then part ways I'll probably just suck it up and drive home. Not sure if Teresa will want to come or not. She's usually up for that kind of stuff and Milana loves critters but being pregnant changes a ladys attitude toward long distance car travel. Really hoping it works out that I can make it.Bill
I can't stay over Sat. night. I have to teach my little guys at church the next day.
How bout the SAPPHIRE VELVET RUFFED 12 RUBY RINGED ACETEMINOPHOR??Think she'd go for that?HAPPY NEW YEAR FELLOW REEFERS!!! omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg
You're an hour early you doofus! :slap:
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I can't stay over Sat. night. I have to teach my little guys at church the next day.You're an hour early you doofus! :slap:

You're 3 hours early over here you doofus! :slap:


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