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Cultivated Reef

Tudizzle's BC29


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OK......so I placed an order off of Ebay :o


5 rics and 2 emerald crabs....have to see how everything turns out, not the biggest fan of online ordering but it was pretty cheap even with shipping so I just bit. Got a rock all cured and ready to mount some rics on and I want to try the crab to tackle some BA that has popped up. Really only need one crab so I will probably take one to a LFS and trade it or just let them have it.

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thanks, they add some nice color and alot of movement



Ebaying is like riding a roller coaster at a carnivale.......you know your going for a ride you just never know how it's going to end!!

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Very very nice progression there. The euphyllia forest!!! Glad to have seen your reef come along from basically start to this point.

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Love the timeline. I don't know how you kept basically the same aquascape for the whole time though. I just want to get in and mess with mine, as if you couldn't tell from my threads.

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The three main rocks have not moved but everything else seems to get shuffled around!



Well my ebay order was dropped off at the post office in Florida today, I should have the package by tomorrow, so far so good......

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nice stuff

what pump are you using with all that locline?

also, is that a bong thru the glass there in the RTS ? hahaa

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hahaha...it does look like a nice glass binger is sitting next to the tank. It is actually an optical illusion created by the curve in the tank. It is actually a sliding glass door, the B is in the garage!






Its not that much locline......I use the Rio6HF

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Fishhead Junkie

I just got on this site, was reading your posts. You said you removed the false bottom from chamber 1, did you mean the middle grate that seperates the 2 intakes at the top and bottom or is there a false bottom at the very bottom I don't know about. I cut out a small notch in the middle grate for my heater but never took the entire piece out...is it removable like the false bottom in the middle chamber or did you just bust it out? It does get pretty dirty, is probably restricting flow for me too. Got any new updates on your tank?


I did the middle fuge mod myself as well, wishing I had the money to upgrade the lighting. Also swapped the stock pump to a maxijet 1200, doesn't get clogged up as much as the stock pump used to.



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yes the grate in Chamber 1 is what I am referring to. It can be easliy removed by pressing down hard on one corner. It has a bead of silicone holding it in place but it will pop out with a little effort. Oh yeah....same some money and do a light upgrade. While the stock lighting is sufficent to grow many corals the effect of more lights makes the tank so much more vibrant. Welcome to NR!




Got my ebay order and it turned out ok. I ended up receiving 2 emerald crabs (one was belly up at delivery) some other tan crab



and what looks like 7 little rics (I only ordered 5) They are really small none even 1 inch across. This is what was advertised but you just never realize how tiny that is until you see them. Colors are ok....3 really nice vibrant green ones 2 purple/blue ones and 2 more that are blue. They are all attached to substrate and opened up right away. Will grab a pic in a bit.



Set the emerald crab free in the tank and now am waiting to ID the other crab before I make any moves. Anybody know what type of crab that is?

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here are the rics I got





so for 66$ I got the rics and the crabs plus that covered 28$ used for shipping. Not bad all in all, the seller delivered what he was offering and it arrived in 2 days after ordering it.


Now to mount those rics and watch them grow!

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Very nice man. Love the new rics. Great deal on the whole package as well. Did you get them from Sealife Inc. or someone else? I know that they have some really great deals on crabs and rics.


Not sure on the ID of the crab....might want to throw that in the ID forum to see what you get.

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I am trying the ID section as well. I think it will most likey end up in the fuge where he can battle it out with countless Bristles and 1 mean hermit



I got it all from Cramers Carribean Critters :o just some random I found surfing ebay.

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Nice looking Rics.


Do you have the Seller Name? I looked for Cramers Carribean Critters, but it showed no results.

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I think I was spelling it wrong, not sure if he even has an Ebay store but that is what was on the package


here is a link to what he is selling...no more rics though


Cramers Caribbean Critters?

Thanks I'll add him to my favorite sellers. I don't have room for any new creatures in my current tank. Looking to upgrade to a BC29 soon.

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ok so no ID on the crab. He had a smooth shell and those are supposed to be generally reef safe, as safe as a crab can be.


Didn't have the heart to kill it or throw it in my tiny fuge. So into the tank he went last night. Now we will just have to see how it reacts in my system. The emreald crab has taken up residence inside a cluster of mushrooms. It looks like he is wearing one as a hat as he pokes out from underneath.



Mounted the rics on a rock...pic later when the lights come on

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rics are now mounted to a rock and are continuing to open and and get a little bigger.....sweet











I mounted them on a piece of branching coral skeleton/LR so that as they grow I can easily snip the LR and remount them with more space when needed.

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emerald crab is already doing his job and munching away at the GBA! :D


Think he will have plenty of food when it all clears up since I feed my suncoral some silversides. There is always plenty of extra to go around

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I have an emerald in my tank right now. Haven't had a problem with him. He just eats left over pellets and brine shrimp.


ps: Those rics look great!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

back from a week at sturgis...everything held up nicely in the tank!



Only thing that I did notice was that my hermit finally grabbed one of the Nas snails and moved in...

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