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Tudizzle's BC29


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When feeding my suncoral I bounce between mysis shrimp and silver sides. I usually feed at least once a week but more like every 4-5 days. They really go crazy for silver sides though!

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Hermit fell into my brain...... :owned: popped some corn and watched the fun!!!











It got almost all the way swallowed and then it got enough traction to claw its way out. Totally cool!!


was too excited watching to take anymore pics :slap:

It all happened in like 3 minutes...right place right time :naughtydance:B)

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Now THAT is awesome bud....I bet you couldn't believe your eyes when you saw what was happening.


Who were pulling for....the brain or the hermit :)

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Now THAT is awesome bud....I bet you couldn't believe your eyes when you saw what was happening.


Who were pulling for....the brain or the hermit :)


That reminds me of the opening scene from Return of the Jedi when they are in the desert about to be fed to the huge mouth in the sand.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I have completly neglected my tank for the winter and I have reaped the rewards :wacko:



Came home last week after a long sled trip only to find a couple of heads of my original pink hammer melted down :angry: No one to blame but myself a few quick tests showed that every thing was outta wack. salinity was up to 1.29 and high level of nitrates due to the rotting flesh of my hammer.


I had a ridiculous outbreak of cyano, my fuge light had burned out and I also lost my huge turbo that was the work horse of my CUC! Oh yeah and some aptasia popped up on the rock that my toady came on!


Started a regiment of water changes, 3 gallons every other day for 10 days, got a new fuge light, and turkey basted a cloud of muck into the filter medium.


Everything is back in line now, cyano has almost completly disapepared and everything seems to be settling down.


My zoa's and shrooms must have loved all the extra nutrients floating around because they have actually flourished under these conditions. Tons of new zoa heads and some that even detached and floated to other parts of the tank.



My brain finally got that hermit he was after and I got most of it on video. I just pulled the empty shell out it the other day. My brain has never been happier or larger.



When I get a little extra time I will post up the brain vid along with some new pics of the tank.



Here is the reason I let the tank go south

a vid of a friend and I neglecting our reefs!



Snow will be starting to melt soon and I will return to my glass box obsession!

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gotta admit.... i do love the beach! i've worked down at Huntington Beach for about 8 years. Best office you could ask for!!

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Seems like my fish are not picky at all. They gobble up mysis, Hikori marine S pellets and even go crazy when I add some roti-feast.



It just always seems like they want more. I have been doing very small feeding once a day and the gobble up every bit. I will stay on that course and see how thing progress.

I seem to recall the Hikori marine S pellets have copper in, so I wouldn't use them. Check the ingredients list just to be sure. I might be wrong.

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Glad to see and hear you are back in action Tudizzle. I saw yesterday that Diggman is back on here and he said he has been trying to catch up on things. Sounds like he let his tank go for a while (5 months) but is getting it back up to speed.


Seems like all three of us let our tanks go for a bit over the last couple of months....some just longer than others :)


Sorry to hear about you losing some heads of the pink hammer....if that was the only loss than I'm sure it will grow back for you quickly.


Looks like you had a blast with the snow....so how often have/do you seen avalanches?

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Nice job on that air chair dood! I use to live in Discovery Bay on the water of the California Delta. Dock in my back yard let me put 600hrs a year on my boat. I had a sweet Sanger V210 with tower, lights and a ridiulous speaker set up. Traded in the water for the snow, but I do miss the boating lifestyle. Thanks for sharing it certainly brought back some memories.



I will have to look into that food claire, thanks for the heads up.



Dive- I know was surprised to see a new post from dig!



Avalanche activity has been outta control this year with all the snow. Luckily we have not triggered too many this year, but others have not had the same luck. There have been at least a dozen deaths here in colorado for snowmobilers hwo have tirggered avys. It is going to be a record year for avy deaths nation-wide :tears: We do our best to read the conditions and avoid the most obvious dangerous situations.



Water changes seem to be the key to fixing everyting!

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Water changes seem to be the key to fixing everyting!


Some wise person once said "The solution to pollution is dilution" wasn't me but I wish it was cause it is so true in this hobby.

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wise words spanko




Feeding my tank some silversides a couple of weeks ago. A hermit came down on a ledge over the brain to try and steal the food. He fell into the brain and got sucked in! Here is the video


It was at night and I turned the tank lights on and the pumps off. I know the light could stress the tank but it was worth the view. Notice how much green there is on the brain in the start and how it is almost completly gone by the end. The shell cam out a couple of weeks later, cleaned to the bone!



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Awesome video...can't believe you saw it happen again and you caught it on camera this time. Classic. I am really surprised that the hermit didn't just end up crawling out of the shell to make a run for it.


Can only imagine what it was thinking, "so this is how it ends....great"


Great job with the video. Really like the top down shot with the pumps off. Some of the best angles in my opinion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whew, 3 vids in a row!


Tudizzle, that snowmobiling looked so exhilarating--I can really imagine how great it must be. One thing--was that shelf (the big leap) artificially built? It looked so unnatural (not to mention unsafe!). (Nice job sync-ing the music. :) )


Dood, those water tricks also were a blast--to watch! Not my cuppa, but it was great fun to watch you (or were you manning the cam?).


I have to admit I found it a little hard to watch the hermit lose the struggle. I know they don't have much upstairs, but still...Like you, Dive, I kept thinking "just leave the shell and scamper away!" Still, I never fail to be amazed at lps--even my little candy cane seemed to eat brittle stars...


Wild Kingdom right in your tank! I, too, liked the other residents you panned over. Nice vid!


Everything looks as lovely as ever in the new shots. Good job on the recovery.



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Hey man. Glad to see that the tank is doing better and it looks like the sand is starting to clear up. I've always thought it was amazing and discouraging how long it takes to get our tanks healthy and thriving and how quickly (just a couple of weeks) things can take a turn.


Looks like you are back in action. I really like where you moved the sun coral....such a bright and healthy specimen.

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  • 4 weeks later...



well it finally happened...will have to go back and find where I thought it started!


My ric has split..naturally. Within a day each side grew a second mouth, one even has 3 mouths already


This is an untouched photo....the ric is actually more green and orange with a bright flourescent orange mouth. This photo makes it look more blue for some reason?




Must have taken 6 months for it all to happen.

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