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Coral Vue Hydros

Tudizzle's BC29


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ric finally split and is now making a run to the other side of the rock



also have been watching this zoa pop outta a colony of others, real purty orange edges with a tanish yellow center.



it finally got a foothold and produced a few others. I plucked out a couple and mounted them today. Will have to follow and see how long it takes for them to take off.




they seem like slow growers...unlike these.


I put the 5 large polyps on a rock like 3 weeks ago. A whole row of babies popped up at the same time!



same zoas...another clump of six I put down the same day..already growing like weeds


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Wow man....great news on the zoas and the ric. My ric did the same thing once it split. Now the two heads are about as far away from each other as possible on the same rock. Pretty weird isn't it?


That last picture is great....that one polyp looks MASSIVE compared to the others. Looks like it just got done nestling up to an all you can eat buffet for a couple hours :)

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picked up a few hermits and some cerith snails today



the 3 amigos





my toadie is doing swell


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Aw, I'm a big hermit fan! So much fun to watch. :)


That toadie gets prettier & prettier! Great pic--shows off the second kind of polyp they have as well...



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Well ballast on my nanotuners upgrade went out today. Called them and they have a new one on the way. It is still under factory warranty and I can send it back to the manufacturer but it's less than tenty bucks so I will probably just toss it. Like that I can call directly...have a person answer... and get what I needed in one phone call.


damnn...should of ordered new bulbs while I was at it!

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Sorry to hear about the ballast cr*pping out . From what I've heard Nanotuners has GREAT customer service. I agree that it's nice to have someone to call and know that they will answer the phone and help out.


How are things on the Tudizzle Reef otherwise?

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just waiting for the new ballast to show...should be tomorrow.


Crazy how dark the tank is...if you have not upgraded your lights...do it now.


Feels like a dark cloud has been perched over my tank for the last two days.

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks dood...so many inspirational tanks on here!


Have not had a post in a bit but have been lurking..keeping an eye on everyone's tanks! :ninja:



Finally got around to replacing my bulbs...holly brightness! One had actually burned out so it was time to get'er done! Both my kids and the wifey thought I had done something new to the tank. I was really surprised at the difference. I guess as it slowly and gradually fades you don't notice.


The tank hasn't "popped" like this in a long time. Did not have time to grab any pics but I will tomorrow.


Got some really nice new zoas last week..pics of those to follow as well




Also got the ULTIMATE frag...by far my nicest piece! You just can't find stuff like this in any reef tank. More pics and the whole story tomorrow when I have more time..................

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I use cured LR and LS and I waited about a month before adding coral. It all depends on how long it takes your particular tank to cycle. I think these days you can push the envelope but 4-6 weeks seems to be the average time.


just remember the longer you wait the better "base" you are building up. Then add corals at a slow pace, enjoy each new edition and research your next purchase.


Lots of great tanks and memebers here to get good info from..

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here is a quick pic of zoa can't seem to get one that shows how bright it really is





still need a gooder of the ULTMATE frag...but it's coming

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here is a quick pic of zoa can't seem to get one that shows how bright it really is





still need a gooder of the ULTIMATE frag...but it's coming


I really like the color of those zoas - that's a nice addition!


I can't wait to see the pic of the ULTIMATE frag and to hear the story behind it. You have sooo curious....

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pics under sunrise/sunset lighting




perspective shot of zoas





FTS from today






and the money shot...............a pic of the ULTIMATE frag....................





































I told you that you wouldn't find it in any reef!



For those that follow my thread I mentioned I really wanted my rics to split and we wanted another rugrat.


Girl number 3 is on the way due October 6th!!!!!!



sorry for those that got sucked in and were disappointed.............well not really :)

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Awesome zoa frag man....but honestly, forget the damn corals...CONGRATS on your third girl :D That is so awesome and although I don't know you other than just on here for the last year, I'm happy for you, your wife, and your daughters. Great news!!!!


:happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

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