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Coral Vue Hydros

Tudizzle's BC29


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Hey bud....just catching up on your thread after being away for a while. Sorry to hear that you are still facing the sundials....keep up the good work and I'm sure you will be able to get rid of them. It's tough seeing zoas melt away though :(


So how was your trip with the kiddies to Disney World? That sucks that the ATO switch was tripped before you left and it didn't top off. Doesn't sound like there were too many casualties. It's really nerve racking leaving the tank in the care of others as I had to when we went on the honeymoon. I actually really didn't think about the tank once though while I was gone :)


What pump are you using for the ATO? I am using the Tom's Aqualifter and it just isn't pumping as much as it used to. I am kind of wondering if it is some siphon issue or something. It just drips now and doesn't top off enough.

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c est ma- It's easier to keep the tank clean then the basement! I just told my five year old that anything left on the floor goes straight into the garbage, and then I followed thru! Kinda cruel for the first few weeks but now when I ask them to clean up they really get er done.



Dive- had a great time with the kiddies. We were on the "Nemo" ride and all the other kids were yelling "hey theres Nemo, and Dory." My Daughter was all " Hey look a perc, check out that suncoral, wow that tang talks." It was classic and a real testament to sharing the reefing experience with the whole family.


Glad to see you enjoyed my former home state. My dad use to live on the beach in Monterey, walking distance to the aquarium. That place is just amazing! And I went to the Culinary Academy in SF, then worked in the city for a few years after that. Very fun town.


I am using the stock pump for my ATO and it works perfectly. The hose has a little bend where it comes over the back of the tank so it slows down the flow a little bit. It dumps about 10 oz each time it is triggered before it shuts back off.

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My Daughter was all " Hey look a perc, check out that suncoral, wow that tang talks." It was classic and a real testament to sharing the reefing experience with the whole family.


That is classic....sounds like you might have a future tank keeper/marine scientist on your hands. I might have some old marine science textbooks she would love :)


That is awesome that you used to live right down the way from Monterey Bay Aquarium. I was simply amazing at the anenomes, sun coral, and number of strawberry anenomes they had in their tanks.


The city was awesome....we had an incredible time.


Thanks for the response on the pump. I might have to switch over to this one since the Aqualifter isn't cutting the mustard any longer.

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Nice tank Tudizzle! How is the JBJ ATO working out for you? I need to get a large bucket reservoir like yours. How long does your top off water last? Right now I'm using a 2.5 gallon bucket and I have to refill every 4-5 days.

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Wicked--the topoff is working great. I use a 2 gallon bucket and it lasts around 9 days. I do not have very much evaporation though. It seems like you could fit a 5 gallon bucket inside no problem. That should last ya!


Cali- she's a keeper all right. Going to have my hands full in a few years :o




More pics....................













Cool side shot





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Beautiful pics! I really think now that these corals look their best massed together like that. Really showcases their pastel coloring and really emphasizes their color differences. Very very nice.


That little girl's your daughter? Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! And boy, am I impressed!



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She is my little 5 year old and she can straight throw a smack down!



Lets see what exactly do I have in my tank..............?



Mushroom rock with like 11 red/green shrooms

Flesh colored hammer

bi-color hammer (green/purple)

Frogspawn (Neon green with pink tips)

Frogspawn Ocotopus


Green ric with orange mouth

Blue Ric with aqua mouth

Bubble coral


Assorted zoas and palys

Yellow polyps

Red/Green Brain

Pink Flower Pot (goniopora)

Suncoral (Orange and Black)



Pair of True Perculas



Pepermint shrimp

Skunk Shrimp

2 Blue legged Hermits

2 Scarlett legged Hermits

1 Brown legged Hermit

1 Giant Turbo Snail

3 Zebra Snails

2 Astrea Snails

6 Nassarius Snails

Bristle Worms Galore

Army of Stomatella Snails

Dozens of Brittle Stars

Sponges of all colors





Thats pretty much everything.


The bubble coral got damaged while I was on vacation and is not looking its best. I may pull it and give it to my LRS or just watch it and see if it continues to deteriorate. The torch coral has gotten quite large and is very aggressive. I may need to replace it with a few other hammers/frogspawns in the near future. It has just been such a great coral it will be difficult to trade it in.


I would like to add more zoas/palys and find some nice rics but other than that I think the tank is pretty well stocked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since I have not been around much I thought I would start the New Year with a look back at how my tank has progressed. Almost at 6 months since it has been up and running and I honestly forget where it all started till I looked back at these pics



In the beginning...................there was LR














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Hey Tud. Glad to see you back around. What a great success progression and the color in the last tank shot is amazing. Agree with Diane and framed pic or even the cover of one of the magazines.

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aaawwww shucks...ya'll tooo kind


Finally back due to crazy deposits of snow..too dangererous for me to risk my neck on my snowmobile, major avalanche conditions.


You may have heard about 6 snowmobilers lost for days in a blizzard near the colorado new mexico border


I would have been in the same area but wisely chose to stay home, luckily they were finally found today alive and well.



Kinda wierd how you watch your tank every day and the changes seem to occur so slowly. But go away for awhile and it seems like an explosion of growth has occured.


I have been trying to get some decent pics of some cool things going on but it has been difficult. My "fire in the sky" zoas have been multiplying like crazy. They have completly overgrown the rock they were attached to and have begun dropping off individual polyps. A few of the polyps have gotten trapped in the front grill on my K1. The polyps are actually facing inward and open everyday inside of the K1....totally cool!


Still pulling sundial snails but they have definetly slowed down.


Thanks again for all of the positive comments


I will try to get a few pics up before heading back to the snow fun!

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Wow, your tank looks great. I really like the progression. Keep up the good work, and I'll be anxiously awaiting pics of your rics once they finally divide. :happy: Enjoy the snow!

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are you going to be .... um .... trying to find a "permenant" place for any of those poor, lost, quickly multiplying, can't find the right place, "fire in the sky" zoas? *hint hint* :P

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