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MY BioCube BC29 Picture update of new light


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I got bored tonight so i decided to go picture happy. and I decided to clean my bioballs look at the crap i had in chamber 2.... After i removed about two layers of bioballs.





Rest of pictures :) :) and everyone is very nhappy in my tank. almost on my 3rd month and i have had no deaths. not in the pictures is a new purple slug.











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Thats some guck back there all right. :owned: You should try thowing some Bristle Worms or stomatellas as you find them in you 2nd chamber maybe that would help. Also use the ole turkey baster to blast your balls...crap did I really just type that...during your water changes. That should help keep the detritious build up to a minimum.


Good to see the tank doing well.

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Just got home to a broken ballast from what i have read this seems to be a problem with the BC29. I emailed oceanic so lets see there responce. I can get one at nanotuners but for $46 rip off........

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Spoke with nick at customer service and they are going to spend me a new one. :) if i can only get my fax to work today :(


my royal Gama went MIA today i think it died inside my big rock ....?????


I also added a coralife ozonizer i found at my LFS for $10 wow on ebay its going for $60.00 Now with this new toy i have to buy a ORP reader getting it this week....

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My royal gama is official MIA i cannot find him :(


as to my broken ballast spoke with Nick and they are sending me one is 7 to 10 days :) no questions asked just a reciept for date of purchase :)

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In a week or two call them back and say another ballast has failed......that way you will always have a backup!




Did you look in the back for the fish?

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Got my new Ballast from Oceanic no Problems what so ever for me great customer services... :) update i bought a Mandrin fish so for it has not eaten but he/she is very fat....... hope it lives....

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I got my first outbreak of red slime algea, i am trying to get rid of it my changing water, feeding less. If this does not work i will use the red slime removal (free from a freind thast got out of the hobby :) _ tank update everyone is njice and healthy i never found the body of my royal gamma ......

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hows the madarin? what are you feeding?



I did a skipped light period and covered the tank with a blanket to rid myself of red slime ealry on. you can also cut back light and food.

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The mandrin Died I tried everythging it just would not eat...will never buy him/ner again. As for the red slime I used Ultralife red slime removal and it was all gone in a day 1/2 i am so impressed of this product.

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Got my new Ballast from Oceanic no Problems what so ever for me great customer services... :) update i bought a Mandrin fish so for it has not eaten but he/she is very fat....... hope it lives....


You wouldn't still have you old dead ballast? I am needing one for a DIY project.


I will pay shipping and little extra for your time.

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Once again I will come to the defence of this product and the compnay that now owns it. On Dec 7 one of my ballast had died and I had posted request for another dead ballast so I could replace the stock ballasts with something of my own. DIY ballast project.


In the mean time I sent an email to the company requesting a replacement ballast for the stock one that failed. Today as I was leaving my office for lunch the UPS truck pulls up. As I drove away I figured it was the Pony 2X36 ballast I ordered from Nanotuners to start my DIY project. By the way Nick is the best at Nanotuners, he anwsed several of my question leading to my DIY ballast project.


Anyway back to my story. I get back to my office and open the box and to my suprise it was a factory Oceanic ballast from AGA.


Thank you for the great service Oceanic.


!!!!DIY ballast project still in the parts gathering stage. Still needing a dead ballast so I can maintain the factory hood connections.!!!!


EDIT: Sorry JC didn't mean to imply you were say anything about the company. I ment to be posting this in the other thread that was questioning Ocieanic quality.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Service is great up the ballast have problems. When i spoke with them they asked me for a number in the bottom like a manufacturung ID# i guess it must be a really bad batch from china.

In all I love my biocube

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Just spent the last hour or so reading all 12 pages of this thread..... superb ! Sad it's ended and looking forward to reading more.


I have a 25g that has been cycling for 4 weeks now and I have learnt more reading this thread than from any other. Congrats to all who have contributed and it's a lesson for all in patience.


By the way....... has that Tang gone yet ? LOL

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Thanks for the comment i will be updating this weekend with the new things i have added to the tank. and no the tang is still there i got it has a baby but it will be going to a bigger tank hopefully next month.


if you have any questions just ask.

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I will try to update soon I gave my camera to my mom when she went on vacation, trying to get it back. I have also set up a stock nonacube 6 gallon for my cousin for christmas i will also post pics if she can maintain it anyone can.


got the camera back will post pics tomorrow even fragged a rock

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