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Coral Vue Hydros

Diggman's BC29 journal (currently out of commision)


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shes a pedigree black lab.. (championbloodline pure bread). im probably going to be sending her of to traing school next month..im going to mostly use her for duck hunting....

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Awesome....looking forward to pictures of her. Our pup is just finishing up obedience training that we've done with her for the last 8 weeks. We are going to start agility training in the summer after her next set of classes. It has been loads of fun.

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hey guys,, i figured id copy these pics over from the anenome forum i started in general disc..


my carpet anenome shrivled up....( when fully opened it looks nothing like this) o and those are my paired clowns hosted it... i think there wild caught false percs.. one of them hardly has any black outtlining on it..





today the anenome was fullly opened, and happy... it has detactced from the rock it is on in the above pic.. so hopefully he will find a comfy place to reside...


does any one know what kind of carpet anenome it is... when i get a better pic when its opened, youll probably be able to identify it better.. its under side is bright florectent blue.. Awesome!! :) sorry if im gettin lil exited guys ..., its been so long..lol

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Glad to hear that you excited about reefing again :) So how is the anemone doing today? I read in your thread about how it detached from the rock and was just floating by it. Anything happen since then?


Hope it makes it for you since it looks like a really nice specimen. Keep us updated.

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today the anenome has embedded hisself in the sand almost in the same spot as above... at least its making progress... i left the lights of for 24hours to try and clear some of that cyano up.. so today there coming back on .. well see if the anenome opens up fingerscrossed

im thinkin once i get my water changes back in check.. the cyano will clear up.... tom or today im going to the lfs and getting a bunch of snails and few herms... maybe sand sifting star..

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ahhh. you dont want to see any pics right now dude.. lol. i have to get this thing looking presentable first.. wouldnt want to embarris my self... .. im have some really bad cyano, red slime algae problems now guys...


update... i bought a sand sifting seastar,, 6 magarita snails, 1 coral banded shrimp, 1 emrald crab, these guys should get me started... i also bougth a black damsel..

and i bought another Koralia1 and have it facing cross ways from right to left at the back bottom... it doesnt seem like to much flow... helped with some deaddspots , but the cyano is still there and getting worse!!!!!. ill get some pics up for you guys soon,.

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I like the two K1s, I've been moving them around, not to remove dead space, but to blend into my scape without being the eye sores that they are. The flow was a lot on my small clown while they were in the front corners setup to cross midtank, the clowns swam around the K1s mostly. Now they are set like the JBJ 28HQI, on the back wall. It's funny the clowns occupy more levels of the water column but to get out of the flow they swim vertically head down on the back wall.

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Sorry to hear about the red slime and cyano issues that you are running into currently. Just probably the result of lack of water changes for a while and not changing the carbon/chemi-pure out. I know that when I neglected to change the Chemi-pure out for about three months, I believe it started leaching back into the water all of the nutrients it absorbed.


I can't remember if you've had a Koralia before, but although they don't seem like they are putting out a lot of flow, the flow is just really diffuse. They really do move a good bit of water and I just like how spread the coverage on it. Seems to cover a lot more of the water column than say a MJ for sure.


I would think with keeping up on water changes, the new cleanup crew that you got, and the added flow it will all quickly turn around. It seems with salt water tanks that although there are fairly easy to maintain, it takes a LONG time to bring them back from neglect. I guess it's just them punishing us for it :)

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lol.. you got that right DIVE.. yes ive had 1 koralia 1 since the start,, and i just added a second koralia1.. i really like the water flow they make.. i have them both on the right side tank.. on is on the back chamber facing across like most people have... and the other is on the right glass at bottom in back... you cant really notice either one of them unless you are looking for themm.... im thinking of puttting the second one on a timer . maybe every 5-10minutes it will come on or something like that... create a lil wave effect.... prob is im runnning out of OUTLETSS.. ive already got TWO powerstrips..lol.. :rant:


ALIAS,, my pair clowns love the flow of the koralias.. they swim in it and shoots them acroos the tank..its pretty cool.

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Man....sounds like you have a bad case of it. Have you tried to remove the top layer of sand to see if it will come back? Sounds like you may have some excess nutrients coming from someone. Just can't figure where since you said that you changed all of your media and have been keeping up with water changes.

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i know.. it has to been the sand bottom... i think im going to buy a siphone and clean it... i mean thats the only thing left that i can think of to do... well and get some chemicals.. may some red slimee remover will do the trick... ARRGGHHH...... it makes my tank look so freeakkin uggllyyy...

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its slightly better.. and mean SLIGHTLY.... still covered over just bout everything.... for some odd reason my back chamber is starting to sound like a water falll.. i cant explain why.. it has never made the noise in 11 months..... wow... my tanks is almost a year old... :bowdown: its seems like yesterday i was just signing up on this site..... and now i have 30 Pages in my BC Journal!!.. thanks guys for stickin with my thread and jourey.... its not over yet....... now lets see if we can make write 30 more pages on the my tanks Great Come Back...

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Any improvement is a good thing bud....still want to see some pictures :) Need some pictures to look back on when it is all healthy and thriving again.

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At the risk of posting what you probably already know...........


Red Slime (Cyano Bacteria)

Cyano grows on top of nutrient rich areas of low flow. There are a number of things that need to be correct or possibly corrected to combat this without the use of chemical additives. The biggest thing is to get rid of the extra nutrients.

1. Evaluate your feeding. If you are feeding more than can be eaten in about 1-2 minutes it is too much and the remainder of it is falling to the rock and sand and becoming nutrient.

2. Evaluate your flow. If you have areas in the tank where there is little to no flow this can be corrected by adding power heads or repositioning the ones you already have. You don’t need to create sand storms just have water moving over the area to keep detritus suspended in the water column for removal by your filter – skimmer.

3. Evaluate your water changes. The solution to pollution is dilution! You want to continually remove unneeded nutrients as well as replace those things that are used by the system. 10% weekly is a good change schedule. Some do 20% every other week and some vary the schedule from there, but a good start is 10% per week.

4. Evaluate your lighting schedule. About 10 hours of daylight is all that is needed.

5. If you have a cyano outbreak do the above 4 items andh:

a. At water change time siphon off the cyano first. It will come up easily almost like a blanker.

b. After siphoning stir the affected areas a little to suspend any detritus for the water change and filtering - skimming removal.

c. Use a turkey baster now and at every water change in the future to again suspend the detritus for removal by the water change and your filtering – skimming.


Keeping nutrient levels low to non-existent will help to avoid cyano outbreaks and any algae outbreaks as well as keep your tank and you happy happy.


Hope that helps.

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  • 1 month later...

thanks spank... sorry took so long to get back on and reply.. well heres an update. my tank is still SLOWLLY COMING BACK... i bought some CHemiclean the other day to fight this RED and GREEN algae, cyanobacteria, Dino's i think i have it all... its driving me maddd!!...ive come to the conclusion that it is being cause be exessive nutrients in my water.. so im gonna syphone, and do some seriousl water changes... yes ive been guilty of using TAp water for the last 5 months,, but im back to using RODI...

my 2 clowns are stilll doing great..... ive been adding to my army of CUC too.. i added a sand sifting star 8 more lil hermits (mix blue and red) 5 more margarita snails and a turbo... i want to order a MEXICAN Turbo because ive heard they munch down on this RED hair gunk crap i have.... neway a bought a few lil neon green star polyp frags too... ill get some pics...

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Hey Digg. It's great to see you back on here....I was starting to wonder if you had just given up on things. Glad to hear that you didn't and you are getting back to more diligent care of the tank.


I know my tap water isn't too bad around me but it still has a high enough TDS to throw things out of whack. Five months of using it will definitely help to create the algae farm that it sounds like you have :D I would think that staying on top of water changes with RODI, using some chemi clean and maybe some Purigen will help to move things back in the right direction.


You still need to post a picture of the tank so that you will have some comparison when it is back to it's sparkly, clean self. Your tank was a beauty so I'm looking forward to it getting back to that.

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thanks dive.. i will get a pic up.. it is embarrasing to me thpugh :closedeyes:

neway.. yeah what im gonna do is like a 1 gallon change every other day for about a week straight... i used chemiclean the other day . and it didnt do squat... and my daisy polyps arent fully opening.... this is leadin me to believe what i have is NOT cyanobacteria.. but some other form of crap...


what do you guys think: i may get a bottle of the copepods you can buy off Reef scavengers and also on Ebay... i think that would be very benificial and also help rid all the extra alge causing nutrients in my tank... is 60 a good amount for my BC.. or the one on Reef scavenger theyre are 200 copepods in theirs... im thinkin of getting some of those Mole crabs they have. they look awesome.. and will aid in Project Recovery :)

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o yeah and i forgot to mention im gonna be changing my bulb... .. im going for that whole corals POP out and touch your look.... so prob be getting a 20k!!!! B) ... instead of having such and array of diff corals... this time around im going for a theme.. its gonna me all kinds of SHRROOMSS, RICSS, and POLYPS(daisy, starbusrt typs) i cant wait to get it back stable so i can start painting a new portrait......

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Hey man....sounds like a great plan to me. I'm not to sure about the copepods and how much they would help. I just don't have any experience with adding those. Maybe posting something in the Advanced or General forum about people's experiences would help. I wouldn't think that they would hurt as they are almost always beneficial. Do you still have a good sized pod population now or have they diminished?


What brand of 20k bulb are you thinking of going with? All of the shrooms, rics, and polyps are going to look awesome under a 20k...that's for sure. When was the last time that you changed your bulb to begin with? Maybe this is helping to fuel the algae as well since the bulb might have changed spectrum from 14k down to around 10k or less thus growing more algae. Just a thought but a fresh bulb will help as well.


I like the name "Project Recovery"....might need to change the title to Diggman's BC29 "Project Recovery" :)

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im definetly gonna change the name to that.. how do you do it..???? yall dont burn me but IVE Never Changed the Bulb.. and my tank will be 1 YEAR OLD in couple weeks!!!.. yeah im thinkin the new bulbs gonna make a big differnce in additon to the other things i have neglected... i want a 20k but everyone keeps telling me to get a 14k phoneix..arggg.


does your glaass get salt like baked on it on your sunpod... i scrubbed mine off and its clean,and smooth.. but its stilll not crystal clear.. its residue in the glass .

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