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New 46g bowfront tank!


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I hope your clowns don't give you as much trouble as Maverick :)


Clowns have always been my favorite, even 10 years before Finding Nemo was made. They just have this cure "waggle" that reminds me of a big excited lab dog. So happy to see you.


Are the clowns you're getting tank raised? IMO it is better to get TR clowns, rather than wild caught. Fewer problems with the fish, and less environmental impact. It is worth a couple of extra dollars.


Make sure you post more pics of the new clowns this weekend.


dsoz :)

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hey mr.bojangles!!! Do you guys have any true or false ocellaris/perculas in?!?! Im coming this weekend to get a pair ;)


LOL Yeah, i love Maverick ;) He's gorgeous!!! I've wantedo ne for AGES!!! They are just soo stunning! The nice, dark blue, seperated quickly with a bold brilliant yellow!!!! What can i say!?!? :o NO fish, and i mean NO FISH, is this gorgeous in my eyes! :D


Thanks dsoz! :) I want tank raised ones...and i know what you mean about them wiggling!!! My user name, Flick, is after my clownfish i use to have! :P Becuase they use to flick their tails! Soooo cute! And comical, hence the name 'clowns' lol.. Im sooo excited!!! And are you joking me?!?! ME, not posting pics! :o I don't think thats possible!!!! LOL No worries, you will get MANY pics of the wonderful new additions im getting tomorrow!!!! :D




I walked by the tank today, and i see mys hrimp floating! :o lol He shedded today!!!! lol It looks soo funny, and cool! Maverick tried eating it, but got scared when a leg went in his gills! (I saw it happen lol)... Also, Maverick ate a lot of food today! Even more than yesterday! :D He loves mysis, and brine shrimp he goes nuts for!!!



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Hey guys! :)


Ok, so i took out the shrimp carcus (sp?) lol...


And my mom is taking me out to get my clowns! :D :D :D Im SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!! Mr. Bojangles (he works at my LFS) said they got some new ones in, and they are bigger than the ones that were in a few weeks ago! :D I hope they are more brown, and natural looking rather than the other ones which were bright orange, most were red :(


I'll keep ya updated :P And yes, i will post piccies! :D TONSSSS!!!! LOL


Also, i may pick up some seaweed? Should i or no... hmmm. Naaa i wont, Maverick (angel) is eating fine now, and im varying the diet, so he's good...! lol Yeah, so i definately just thought outloud.. but oh well lol


Wish me good clownfish picking!!!! :P lol



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Thanks! :)


I just saw your 46g bow, and all i can say is I LOVE IT!!!! :D :D :D Sooo stunning! For a fish list for my tank im planning on:


-1small yellow tang

-1 ocellaris clown

-2 green chromis

-possibly 1 cleaner shrimp (im paranoid of fish getting ick)


Here is the tank now. Im selling the 12 F2 saulosi's to a great fish guy very shortly. And am getting the salt tomrrow, selling cichlids within the week, and getting the rock and sand next wednesday :) I LOVE taking pics so no worries, there will be updated pics daily i bet lol. I CAN'T WAIT!!! :D


When you walk in front door



low view



surface (notice great aggitation)



side angled






Nice view



another nice view



View from ledge



View from stairs



Im sooooo excited im allowed to do this! Im doing it all with my own money (i pay for all my pets, their cages/tanks, food, toys e.t.c.) but i didn't think my mom was going to let me turn my biggest tank SW... Guess i was wrong! :D lol


Flick :)


What types of cichlids are those they look very nice ?

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Hey! :)


Those are pseaudotrpheus Saulosi cichlids!!! Not too aggressive, only grow 3"-4" females are BRILLIANT yellow (juvies too) and the males turn a STUNNING royal blue colour ;) Google them! :) I have a group of 12 in the tank ;)


Thanks! I just got back from the LFS with my 2 new clowns!!!! :D


What can i say!!!! These clowns are the healthiest, most gorgeous ones i've ever seen in real life!!! They are false oceallris, and i wanted true perculas, but these guys are STUNNING!!! :P Currently being dripped into the tank. Im taking pics of the process of acclimation for ya ;)


They are a gorgeous natural colour! They are orange, but have a stunning brown hue to them, makes them look wild caught! Im IN LOVEEE!!!! I have to go put them in the tank now ;) They've been dripping for half an hour!!!


Piccies to come!!! And thanks Gerber77! Thats nice of you to say my tanks looking 'so good'! Such a nice compliment man, thanks a ton! :)



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Hey! :)


Ok i put them in the tank... they are GORGEOUS!!!! :D


Sadly, the one looks nasty in some pics i took :( He looks poo coloured, and semi see through :( TRUST ME!!! He does *NOT* look like that in real life... lol


The pics are uploading now! My tank looks gorgeous now! I have:


-bright blue, and flourescent yellow, bicolor angel

-nice red, cleaner shrimp

-2 gorgeous brilliant orange, with a tinge of brown, ocellaris clownfish


This mix makes the tank stunning!!! And Maverick, the angel, seems happier already to have fish freinds! The clowns are beside him, and they look like a lil family!!! Soooo bright and colourful!!! I need a blue fish now though... im thinking of getting a larger green chromis... i love them! What do you think i should add? Thats blue, and is not aggressive?!?! Thanks! :)



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Pics!!! :D :D :D




















Aren't they gorgeous?!?!!? ;) And look how stunning the tank looks with them now!!! :D



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Yay! a pair of clowns! Nice pics. :)


I don't remember... What happened to your green chromis that you had? I think that you should give the clowns a couple of weeks to settle in, then put in 2 GC's. That should round out your tank nicely.


Now you need to change your signature to add your clowns. :)


Remember- they are false percs. or ocelleras. There is no true ocelleras.


dsoz :)

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Thanks dsoz! :)


Haha yeah i forgot about singature :P And yes, they are false ocellaris... and true perculas i say... is that correct?!?! The chromis died suddenly a few weeks ago! I posted it on here... i got home around 3pm, left for the barn (i ride) and i came back at 5 and he was twitching, then at 5:50pm he was dead! :o Something happened when i was gone, he was healthy as can be!!! So i let tank wait 2 weeks, and got clowns tonight! :D


Thanks Gerber77!!! I love them! Soooo funny to watch, and sooo cute! DOOO IT!!! A 46g is an AWESOME size!!! Not too big, but certainly not small... and the bowfront makes it even nicer! :D



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Flick, i think you should get 3-5 large blue/green reef chromis. A lfs here has about 20 in there 500. They are amazing fish.

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haha... Don't hate me but...


Nemo and Marlin :P lol


As my moms a teacher, and we renovated our basement into a Montessori school and the kids love watching Finding Nemo, so i just had to! Just for them... lol


I *love* chromis too!!! Soooo gorgeous! :D But i only want to spend around $30 after taxes... so something like $25.99. I thought a bicolor blenny, but they aren't colourful :( and i also thought of a sixline wrasse?!?! I like how they go in and out of the rocks! :D


Any other suggestions?!


Flick :)

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30 dollars per chromis. Thats highway robbery. We have a special of 5 large for 40. If you werent in canada id try to send them to you. Great looking tank though. Keep us posted.

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Whoa!! Thats a good deal...


no no no!!! LOL $30 per chromis... nooo way!!!! :o They are $9.99...


Was was just saying i only want to spend $30, so i cant get a school of 5 chromis... what if i got 3?!?! ;) That would add soooooo much colour and activity to the tank! :D Hmm..... Thats a good option! :)



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3 would be a great option. I would def go with the chromis. They add a lot of color and movement. They like to be kept in odd numbers so three is great.

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Maverick and Nemo died today :( Im in such a depressed mood! They were soo beautiful, and i became VERY attatched to my Maverick :( You can read more on what happened in my topif in General Discussion, "I've got terrible news!!!" thread :( :( :( I feel like crap right now... i hate fish keeping!!!


Im honestly thinking of selling this whole setup, and getting a biocube 29g tank... That way its not as big as a 46g tank, it's got better lighting so i can grow corals, and i already have lots of rock, substrate e.t.c. Id keep the clown, and cleaner shrimp, just sell the tank, canopy, stand for like $400... What do you guys think i should do?!?!?



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Don't do it!


I used to have that exact tank years ago, and coincidently had it as FOWLR tank too. I came home from a week of vacationing to a pure brown (and aweful smelling :blink: ) tank. I was very depressed as I had a dinner plate sized anemone and a pair of clowns that hosted in it. I broke the hole thing down and gave it to my brother.


Well, last year I got the itch to jump back in the hobby. I have a 24g Aquapod now. While I live the "complete" look of it, I really do miss having the larger tank. I think if I were to do it again, I would go back to a larger tank.


Right now I am working my way back from a pretty serious tank crash about 1.5 months ago. It just happens some times in this hobby :mellow:


Just stick with it ... I think in the long run you will be happier with a larger tank. You can always upgrade the light for your tank (I replaced the standard fluorescent lighting on my old 46g with a compact fluorescent strip).

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That's a tough one. Write down advantages and disadvantages of both and then decide. That is the way I decide most of my decisions, either that or I ask my wife :P Anyways, if you already have most of the equipment for the tank your using then I think I would stick with it for a while. As much as I like all in ones, there is only so much you can do and there are usually problems such as heat and trying to add skimmers and fuges to them. Mull it over and don't jump into anything and you will feel better about whatever you decide. There are always going to be setbacks, don't let it get the best of you. Good luck and we'll follow along.

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Thanks guys


I love the bigger tank, but am not sure if its fully worth it? So i thought maybe i should stick to my clown, cleaner shrimp, and another fish or two, and get a biocube, and get some frogpsawn, or other nice corals...


We will see though, my mind is NOT made up at all... it was just an idea! ;)



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