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Whens the new contest?


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I'm still waiting on my goodies to custom make my baller T5 out of a nova.




I always thought a pacer would make a good tank. nice big round windows...lol

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Dont forget CM, it doesn't have to be an official contest. I'm sure that there's some type of tank sitting around everyones house collecting dust. I mean there are some dedicated members on this site that would start one, and others (myself included) that wouldn't mind helping out to keep the contest running.
I like the idea of future member based contests. It would be kind of neat to build a template (based off of past contests) for these. Obviously they would be just for fun (with no prizes); however, I think that there would still be some interest in them. Each might have a:

Theme: (examples: coral reef, FOWLR, coldwater, planted, specific tank, type of tank, no theme specified)

Tank volume limit [display/total]: (examples: 10/15, 10/10, 2/12, 20/40)

Lighting limit: (examples: no limit, compact fluorescent only, 100W, natural sunlight only)

Contest duration: (example: 6 months)


In addition, each contest could be based on a rule template which might include:

• Contestants can enter at any time during the contest, providing they meet the contest entry photo requirement

• Contestants will post updates in their own message thread

• No additional cutoff dates besides the end of each contest (growth would be judged by coral added earlier in the contest with before/after pictures).

• A monthly full tank shot should be included following entry into the contest (however, failure to post a monthly picture will not disqualify contestants)


These are just some thoughts. Without prizes, it shouldn't require much work (maybe just a subforum for each with a winner poll at the end). What do people think about this?

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Give me a name for the contest.
2007 Nano-Reef.com Open Championship


A no holds barred 30 gallon total volume nano reef contest. Here’s your chance to build a custom rimless tank, make a pico reef out of a coffee pot, or dust off the Mini-Bow 7 that you have sitting in the closet.


Just a thought :lol:

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Obsessed Reefer

The First Annual 2007 Nano-Reef.com Open Championship



We could make this an annual or bi-yearly thing.

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Christopher Marks
and Chris... who gets to pick the TOTM? I'd love to see this!

There will be a basic nomination thread, and moderators will select members from that. We already have some picked out for the initial few though. It has to stay flexible as no everyone will want to be featured, or have the time to do their write up that month.


I know some of you would like to continue on the with the contests, but here are some reasons why I felt they were not working:


A bunch of people go through the extra effort, cost, etc to setup a second tank just for the contest. Then more than 80% fail for various reasons. Some people run out of money, some don't have the time, some crash, etc. It just seems like such a waste. I would rather have people focus on their first tanks.


There's also a huge disadvantages created. Members without established tanks that participate don't have mature corals, rock, etc. to add to their new system. Money also plays a huge factor. But even if there was a cost limit to the contest, it cannot be enforced. Prices on corals and equipment vary vastly from city to city, and corals and fish could simply be traded for or gotten for free from friends.


I think a TOTM is a suitable replacement. Now everyone has a chance to have their tank featured, and can setup a new tank on their own terms with what they truly want.

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Obsessed Reefer
There will be a basic nomination thread, and moderators will select members from that. We already have some picked out for the initial few though. It has to stay flexible as no everyone will want to be featured, or have the time to do their write up that month.




I think a TOTM is a suitable replacement. Now everyone has a chance to have their tank featured, and can setup a new tank on their own terms with what they truly want.


Got ya. That sounds good. Plus, the logo just wasn't working out for me. lol

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Got ya. That sounds good. Plus, the logo just wasn't working out for me. lol

The contest was something everyone could get in to. If we wanted to go TOTM, RC has that and the differences between RC and here has kept me here. I know I post about 1% if when I am here, niut that is the sole reason why(i am here).

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like obessed says though, i think you could still do an unofficial contest here. for example, even at RC, their nTOTM is technically unofficial (a number of our members have won recently *kudos* ).


the issue is that any disputes cannot be taken to the mods (we'll have to police ourselves). but most importantly, you'd need chris's blessings (implied or explicit) since you'd be doing it under his roof.


but i can see a contest thread with gallery links. it's basically what's been done before. you just need to enter the contest with the understanding that NR's not going to get involved or police it (if chris even allows it*).




*although, a subtle day-to-day journal in members forum about your tank's development is essentially what such a contest would be about anyways. jmo

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There's also a huge disadvantages created. Members without established tanks that participate don't have mature corals, rock, etc. to add to their new system. Money also plays a huge factor. But even if there was a cost limit to the contest, it cannot be enforced. Prices on corals and equipment vary vastly from city to city, and corals and fish could simply be traded for or gotten for free from friends.


I think a TOTM is a suitable replacement. Now everyone has a chance to have their tank featured, and can setup a new tank on their own terms with what they truly want.



Members with established tanks that have mature corals, rock, and extra cash, Are the one that get featured.

(Most of the time). They are the ones that can aford that multi-colored acan, that everyone wants to see.

When was the last time you saw a frog spawn in a Picture of the Moment?


I've been waiting of the next tank contest, so I could join in with the other members that enjoy the challenge.


I would also like to say that, I've really enjoyed seeing all the unique ideas that these contestants come up with. Whether it was a all macro algea tank, or one using only natural sunlight. Some of these people were thinking outside of the box, and that is where 90% of all advancements come from.


Personally, I'm hoping for a tidal pool tank contest. See if we can't get Tigahboy back.........

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  • 2 weeks later...
I know some of you would like to continue on the with the contests, but here are some reasons why I felt they were not working:


A bunch of people go through the extra effort, cost, etc to setup a second tank just for the contest. Then more than 80% fail for various reasons. Some people run out of money, some don't have the time, some crash, etc. It just seems like such a waste. I would rather have people focus on their first tanks.


There's also a huge disadvantages created. Members without established tanks that participate don't have mature corals, rock, etc. to add to their new system. Money also plays a huge factor. But even if there was a cost limit to the contest, it cannot be enforced. Prices on corals and equipment vary vastly from city to city, and corals and fish could simply be traded for or gotten for free from friends.


I think a TOTM is a suitable replacement. Now everyone has a chance to have their tank featured, and can setup a new tank on their own terms with what they truly want.



Chris -


I see where you are coming from on the downsides of contests. Often, the tanks fail or the member has to drop out for various reasons.... but isnt that part of a contest?


Contests are derived from competition, and whether the person says they are in it just for fun or not, it's still about putting the best project you can in an effort to win (whether win means actually winning the contest or winning some moral battle).


In fact, these contests are one of the big attractions of this website! It separates this site from others such as RC! To be honest, this forum wouldnt be the same and wouldnt have the following of reefers it does if the NanoCube contest had never taken place, or the pico contest had never been started. Notice how many people keep track of these contests? How many times have you seen someone write "I have always just been reading this website, but this contest has given me a reason to dive into nano reefing"........ it's amazing how these contests are a great stimuli in this little community for everyone.


Like said above by a fellow reefer, these contests are also great spawning points for innovation and imagination within our society. People try to push the limits with equipment, designs, and organisms. Granted not always are the results pretty (crashed tanks, leaky overflows, or deceased creatures), but that is called learning. isnt that the goal of this kind of hobby??? to learn, to expand, and to enjoy......... which sounds strikingly similar to exactly what these contests achieve.


As far as the money situation, there are ways to address that. Granted it is impossible to completely irradicate the differences in the finacial status between contest entrants, but at the core of the contest, it doesnt matter. If the rules state that contest is being judged on overall look, cleanliness, growth, etc etc, the judging can bypass the obligatory coolness that money can buy. Look past the rare acans, zoos, acros ect, and look at the ENTIRE setup! And so what if the guy with the most money wins? that means that his tank was the most liked out of everyone elses. If, however, someone comes up with an innovative tank on a budget, they have just as much of a chance to win as someone else. (Note: see pico contest where person used SUNLIGHT to fuel their reef.... thats a fairly nice budget cut)


What im esentially trying to say is that, yes TOTM will be cool to have, but its NOT a contest. Contests give us something to strive for, something to keep track of, something to bring us out of the doldrums of everyday life. Im sure a majority of nano-reefers will agree with me. People love these events! Dont get rid of them!


(if the hard part is coordinating/managing the contest, i can guarantee that someone would gladly take charge of that ;))

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I like the TOTM idea, and understand the downfalls to the traditional N-R.com contests. I think a TOTM could have more of a contest feel to it if maybe there were different categories each month (like the RC nTOTM) and they were announced a month or two in advance, so if somebody wanted to setup a tank they could have a goal to shoot for. Maybe announce the category for September's N-R.com TOTM now, and then next month name the category for October, then in September you announce the first winner and the new category for November. And instead of just gallon restrictions, it could be restrictions like the contests that have been suggested in this thread. A lighting restriction, an electricity restriction, a dollar amount, along with just simple gallon restrictions.


My $0.02,


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Why don't we just start an unofficial contest tanks have to be under 10 gallon not restriction on thet equipment or tank just under 10 gallon

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While some feel the TOTM is a competition, I feel that it is more about recognition from your peers. However, the competitions (especially when limitations are applied) are more about innovation and implementation.


In many cases, the contest tanks are an additional tank (often temporary) that is setup to try new concepts. Often these tanks are put together for a lot less money than the person’s primary tank (sometimes with equipment, LR, and livestock that is already on hand). Plus, with many people upsizing their nanos to 40 gallon tanks or larger, these contests give us a reason to get back to our nano roots.



Why don't we just start an unofficial contest tanks have to be under 10 gallon not restriction on thet equipment or tank just under 10 gallon
Like Tiny indicated, we’d still need an OK from Chris as we would need a subforum at a minimum. Ultimately it is his decision, but this is a great site either way.
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Obsessed Reefer

If we get enough people to want to do an unofficial contest, my forums are basically empty, waiting for me to work on my site, so I could set it up there if there were enough people to do it.

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How about everything from scratch- you build the tank out of glass & silicone (or acrylic), the power heads from motors and propellers, the filters from.... use gravity... lighting from ballasts and bulbs... basically, you can't buy any piece of equipment.

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what about using 2 bubble gum wrappers, a mechanical pencil, and the display from an analog clock for filtration? Macgyver can use that stuff, why can't we. :)

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what about using 2 bubble gum wrappers, a mechanical pencil, and the display from an analog clock for filtration? Macgyver can use that stuff, why can't we. :)
snow-globe pico.


game on, mofos.

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alright maeda, i got my lights and skimmer. Let me build my stand and we can get this hoedown started



I'll give you a 2 week extra time. I setup my tank already. Although I did just sell/kill like 1/2 of the inhabitants.

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