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What is the REAL Nano Cube Crack Rate?


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Here's a little unscientfic survey for you. Keep in mind, we're relying on the Honor System. No lying - don't tell us you had a crack when you didn't, no multiple votes.


JBJ has stated that their return rate is 3.25% for all returns - Lighting, Pumps, missing components, cracks, etc. I personally believe that figure and think the actual crack rate is probably very low. We need EVERYONE who owns a Nano Cube to respond to this poll to get an accurate crack rate. If you know someone that owns a Nano Cube but is not registered on Nano-Reef.com then respond for them, or note in your post that you know people who have a Cube that has not cracked. I'll count additional Cubes manual and post complete numbers periodically.


If you own a Nano Cube that has NOT cracked, please check "No" above, then provide the following data -



Start Date of your Tank


If you own a Nano Cube that cracked, please check "YES" above, then provide the following data -



Start Date of your Tank

Date you noticed a crack

Did your tank leak? If so how much water?

What losses did you release because of your Nano Cube Failure?


Please no debates here. We're just collecting data.


This is probably the largest gathering area of any for Nano Cube Hobbyists. We should be able to get an accurate crack rate if everyone responds, and responds honestly.


Edit: We DO need to count the multiple tanks people have. Unfortunately there is no way for you to vote more than once on a poll here at nano-reef.com. Please note in your post if you have mutliple tanks. We can keep track manually and update as we go.

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Alpha-Cube - 24G Nano Cube

Started May 16, 2005

Cracked June 11, 2005

Tank leaked approx. 12 Gallons of water.

No livestock lost. Carpetting soaked, water leaked through flooring, through Basement ceiling. Carpet will need to be replaced, hardwood floors refinished, basement ceiling painted. Insurance will cover damages - $250 deductible.


Beta-Cube - 24DX Nano Cube Tank replaced

Started June 11, 2005

Crack noticed June 18,2005

No leaks

No losses

JBJ replacement will arrive June 27, 2005


LOVE the Hobby!

LOVE my Nano Cube!!

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I count twice - Two cubes no cracks or leaks.


6 gallon DX

~ April 25, 2005


12 gallon Larnie from Nanocustoms.com

~ May 24, 2005

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No crack for me.. until they develop Crack Lite that is... LOL j/k (kids, just say no to drugs!)


On a serious note: My Cube has performed well. Only issue I had was the Pump overheating the water. JBJ replaced it and everything is great.


Although I do find myself looking at the corners A LOT MORE NOW...:blink:

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NanoCube 24DX Tank

Started March 15,2005

Moved Tank June 23, 2005

No Cracks or Leaks....

....keeping my fingers crossed!

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No Cracks

12 DX

Started March 2005


Bought online too and the box looked liked it had been kicked a few times!

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Model 24G DX NVM

Start Date of your April '05

Date you noticed a crack June 05

Did your tank leak? If so how much water? No

What losses did you release because of your Nano Cube Failure? None to date.



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Set up: April 2, 2005

Cracked: May 1, 2005

No physical mods

Lost about 1.5 gallons - I was at home

No losses - moved live rock to a holding tank.

No carpet problems

One very sad 11 year old - his tank

Purchased from PetSolutions - very well packed

Replaced by JBJ - too scared to set up second tank


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12g DX. Started May 10. Shipped to OH from IL. No 'invasive' mods, just replaced stock pump, added cassette mod and Hydro flo.

I'm satisfied tho cautious.

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jbj 12g dual fan model


set up on 11/ 04

no problems

getting ready to switch to the deluxe model witha metal halide pendant, but after hearing all the horror stories may sell it and get a Via Aqua

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for people with multiple tanks, you should count a vote for each tank they have that has cracked/not cracked - otherwise you lose a lot of accuracy - for those of you who have had a tank cracked, the replacement if you got one should count as one that didn't crack - unless it did...and the replacement for that one should also count...and so on...

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My info....

• Cube size: 24 gallon, Deluxe


• Purchase date: June 11, 2005


• Vendor: Tong’s 15250 E. Whitter Blvd. Whitter, CA


• Description of crack(s):


…” small pinhead size bump next to a divot of the same size surrounded by a one inch grey halo smack dab in the middle of the front left corner bend…noticed other cracks, one on the inside of the first chamber and a series of micro cracks running horizontally on the right corner bend…”



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12G modded with dual fans, xtra lights, 2 maxi-jets and routed overflow. Set-up 5/04 but purchased used on nano reef and had shipped to me from a guy in AZ who I think had it going close to a year too.




I had no idea this problem even existed

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