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Mr.corals coral.


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U haters are so funny!! We can be reached anytime pick up the phone and call the store. We are here to help that is for sure.


We ship out hundreds of packages a month sometimes things can happen. Do we try to be perfect yes!! However, when you are dealing with smaller frags and shipping in heat things can happen. We have a 99% success rate!! We would like to be 100%%. We are now offering WYSIWYG on the site. Much Much bigger frags Healed over for $10.00. Trust me you will love the changes. Take a look and tell me what you think.


Sonny, why do people have to order more from you in order to get thier refund? Also, if your primary mode of selling to someone is via this site or e-mail, why are those not valid options for complaints and resolution of problems. Many people, myself included, prefer e-mail because there is a record of the conversation. Lastly, and I asked this previously, how mature are polyps you send as a three polyp frag? I'm guessing some of them are just starting to show, and are too small to have a good shot at survival.


The reason people are "hating" is that you never really address the problems posted in threads like this, and generally push the complaints off as "you could have called me any time". I was going to buy packs fom you, but no longer see the value in it. I'm sure you are a nice guy, but at this point I'm not sure I'd trust you with my money.


Also, using responses to negativity as a chance to advertise makes anything else you say come off as insincere. Just my opinion.

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Also, using responses to negativity as a chance to advertise makes anything else you say come off as insincere. Just my opinion.




These are real complaints from people who have given you their business. They deserve more of a response than, "you haters are so funny!"

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I've picked up a couple of packs from Mr. Coral. The acan pack I got was nice and all survived. The over saturated photos mislead me on the colors, but I dont really care. I got an SPS pack as well, about 8 frags. All but 2 of these frags died over the course of a few months. They were clearly chopped and shipped.


I also ordered a custom pack from Mr. Coral, containing some acro crabs. One of the acrocrabs took liking to my ORA Verde colony, but the crab started munching on the polyps. The crab had stripped a 1" area before I removed it. The crab was a bad one, I let mr.coral know. What did I receive in return for the bad crab, shipping expenses, and the damage to my nice ORA coral? nothing


you get what you pay for i guess

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I hate to pile on here since I actually want to buy his packs once my tank has finished cycling. But judging from Mr.Coral's response or lack of, I now have reservations about making any purchases. I'm not sure the value of the packs is worth the possibility of trouble down the road.

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U haters are so funny!! We can be reached anytime pick up the phone and call the store. We are here to help that is for sure.


We ship out hundreds of packages a month sometimes things can happen. Do we try to be perfect yes!! However, when you are dealing with smaller frags and shipping in heat things can happen. We have a 99% success rate!! We would like to be 100%%. We are now offering WYSIWYG on the site. Much Much bigger frags Healed over for $10.00. Trust me you will love the changes. Take a look and tell me what you think.


You know, some pretty legitimate concerns have been brought up, no one's drinking the hateorade. Why does anyone need to reach you on the phone? You were reached on here just fine. With that bs you're just keeping up the predatory business practices and lying to cover them up instead of fixing your DOA policy to make sure people are getting healthy corals. You're really not going to address anything? That's not cool man.


Your BBB rating is an F by the way.

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Thanks Org, I forgot about the BBB.


Here's a link. Type Mr Coral in the search.



The reason for the 'F' is unclear, but there is at least one instance of non-responsiveness to a complaint. I'd encourage anyone who has had problems resolving thier problems with him to file a complaint. You should give him fair chance to resolve the issue before calling the BBB, but if he is unresponsive, I'd say this is the way to go.

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I just got a shipment in of about 16 corals. I'll let you guys know how it goes. So far, everything looks good. One coral had fallen off the frag plug but I don't think it's a big deal. Everything was packaged in separate bags and looks like the pictures. I'll be able to tell better later tonight.


On another note, dipping the corals are going to add to the price. If you'd rather spend an arm and a leg on corals and have them pre-dipped, etc. go for it. I have to disagree (again) that it's the stores fault you got a pest. Once again, that's what a quarantine tank is for. Anyone really serious about this hobby has one. Also, do you blame the store for your tang getting ich or some other disease after you put it in your tank? Do you blame them for getting a mantis in your LR? If you do, you must complain a lot.


Anyway, what bothers me about this thread is that the majority of people complaining haven't ordered from him. If you don't have direct experience, why are you complaining? Saying "OMFGZ! I saw another thread about this three months ago!!!" doesn't seem very productive. However, saying "I ordered something from him and it was dead or didn't look right" is valid. Do you often write reviews on things you have no experience with? "OMFGZ, Dell computers suck because I read another review saying they do! Must be true!"


Also, that's the first time I've seen an unprofessional post from him. Everything else has seemed curious considering the amount of hazing that he's been given here.


One final note, has anyone that has had an ACTUAL problem tried calling them? If so, what was the outcome?

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I just got a shipment in of about 16 corals. I'll let you guys know how it goes. So far, everything looks good. One coral had fallen off the frag plug but I don't think it's a big deal. Everything was packaged in separate bags and looks like the pictures. I'll be able to tell better later tonight.


On another note, dipping the corals are going to add to the price. If you'd rather spend an arm and a leg on corals and have them pre-dipped, etc. go for it. I have to disagree (again) that it's the stores fault you got a pest. Once again, that's what a quarantine tank is for. Anyone really serious about this hobby has one. Also, do you blame the store for your tang getting ich or some other disease after you put it in your tank? Do you blame them for getting a mantis in your LR? If you do, you must complain a lot.


Anyway, what bothers me about this thread is that the majority of people complaining haven't ordered from him. If you don't have direct experience, why are you complaining? Saying "OMFGZ! I saw another thread about this three months ago!!!" doesn't seem very productive. However, saying "I ordered something from him and it was dead or didn't look right" is valid. Do you often write reviews on things you have no experience with? "OMFGZ, Dell computers suck because I read another review saying they do! Must be true!"


Also, that's the first time I've seen an unprofessional post from him. Everything else has seemed curious considering the amount of hazing that he's been given here.


One final note, has anyone that has had an ACTUAL problem tried calling them? If so, what was the outcome?



Nice try Mr. Coral!.. Oh ... I mean "ramsey"




Also, that's the first time I've seen an unprofessional post from him



Really.... that's the first time in your whole 22 posts here?

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ok fair warning this may be a pic heavy post i'll post the img mr. coral advertised and what i think is supposed to match those corals. i ordered the 20 pack i recieved 22 frags about 9 or 10 survived. everything else just melted away and disapeared. there has been NO PHOTOSHOP TO ANY OF MY PICS THESE ARE STRAIGHT FROM MY CAMERA THE ONLY THING ADUJSTED WAS WHITE BALANCE. the lighting used was 1 gies. act. + and 1 wave point 12k on a coralife 2x24watt t5 fixture mounted 2.5 inches from the surface


please forgive me i don't have access to my flicker account so i'll have to upload these photos sorry again for making everyone click on everything they are gonna want to see.















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I just got a shipment in of about 16 corals. I'll let you guys know how it goes. So far, everything looks good. One coral had fallen off the frag plug but I don't think it's a big deal.

It is a big deal since he claims they are healed. Healed stuff doesn't just fall off. It's supposed to be attached right? lulz..

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Anyway, what bothers me about this thread is that the majority of people complaining haven't ordered from him. If you don't have direct experience, why are you complaining? Saying "OMFGZ! I saw another thread about this three months ago!!!" doesn't seem very productive. However, saying "I ordered something from him and it was dead or didn't look right" is valid. Do you often write reviews on things you have no experience with? "OMFGZ, Dell computers suck because I read another review saying they do! Must be true!"


I think it is valid for people who have not purchased from him to pitch in for a number of reasons.


(1) Someone who knows what they are talking about can paint a picture of what should be expected from a vendor when buying corals online.


(2) The past posts are relevant because Mr Coral was trying to push off many of his failures on fluke heatwaves. This is clearly not the case.


(3) It is fair to say I see these flaws with what you are doing, and for that reason I won't buy from you until you correct those flaws. This is probably one reason Mr Coral claimed he was going to start healing frags for two weeks. The problem is, it is unclear if he followed through on that.

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Nice try Mr. Coral!.. Oh ... I mean "ramsey"



HA! Yeah, I'm Mr. Coral! I moved to Texas! You got me!




Really.... that's the first time in your whole 22 posts here?


Yeah, that's the first time in about six months of lurking here and looking for feedback on them before placing an order. Nice come back, "herp derp, he's only posted on here 22 times. What a n00b. I'll throw that in his face since I have nothing better." Nice job! I don't post here much because of crap like this. I've sen a ton of new people get the smack down when they ask a question because a lot of people on here feel like they need to show them how inferior they are. I'll post where the adults post and leave this for the angsty kids. :)

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I've sen a ton of new people get the smack down when they ask a question because a lot of people on here feel like they need to show them how inferior they are.

Unfortunatley, I agree with this.



now i'm not sure what this was supposed to be.

The order of your pictures is hard to follow, but that is probably the very first thing you posted.

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I'll post where the adults post and leave this for the angsty kids. :)


Cool... Have fun in the Makeshift Lounge B)

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now for what didn't make it.... basiclly what i really wanted in this order.


more of the stuff that died and i wanted to get. sorry for the messed up way i had to post this but it was the only way i could do this at work.













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I think it is valid for people who have not purchased from him to pitch in for a number of reasons.


(1) Someone who knows what they are talking about can paint a picture of what should be expected from a vendor when buying corals online.


(2) The past posts are relevant because Mr Coral was trying to push off many of his failures on fluke heatwaves. This is clearly not the case.


(3) It is fair to say I see these flaws with what you are doing, and for that reason I won't buy from you until you correct those flaws. This is probably one reason Mr Coral claimed he was going to start healing frags for two weeks. The problem is, it is unclear if he followed through on that.


So I do agree with you to an extent. My problem is that the MAJORITY of people posting do not have experience with him. This makes the post get very foggy when I'm looking for actual experiences and not just mostly here say. It's one thing to bring this stuff up then let others share experiences, it's another thing to dwell in it. :)


As I said, I'll let you all know how this batch does. My last batch looks good and I was very happy with it. You can rest assured that I'll be honest. I don't have anything to gain from being dishonest.

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now for what didn't make it.... basiclly what i really wanted in this order.


Did they ever open at least before they melted... If not how do you know they were even placed in your order?


This what I wondered with my order... and at least 2 frags were duplicated! :angry:

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It is a big deal since he claims they are healed. Healed stuff doesn't just fall off. It's supposed to be attached right? lulz..



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Did they ever open at least before they melted... If not how do you know they were even placed in your order?


This what I wondered with my order... and at least 2 frags were duplicated! :angry:



ha no, unless i posted a picture of it here right now. it didn't open, with the exception to the GPE,and VDM opened once and then melted the next day. i dunno what was up with that. so yeah all the stuff that i was thinking i was going to get an awesome deal on wound up being a flop. now sonny did say he'd make it right on my next order but i'm still iffy about spending more money and hoping to get better odds. i mean less than 10 out of 22 frags survived. my tank is in good shape good water param's stable temps i dunno what happened to this order.

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