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Nano-Reef.com - Pico Contest! - General Contest Discussion


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No official OK's until rules are posted. Sorry folks I've been sick as hell since Monday so please bear with me. Feeling a bit better. Hope to have rules posted SOON.




ps. I wouldnt start creating your contest systems (except maybe planning of course) until the contest starts. There will more than likely be some sort of picture proof needed to enter the contest officially as there was with the nanocube contest.

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What do you guys/gals think about having an extra member sponsored "JACKPOT" category where people who want to play in that category have a chance to win community cash.


Here is the theory. On sportfishing boats, they have a jackpot tournament and everyone who wants to play puts in $10 or whatever the jackpot tourney happens to cost. The person who catches the largest fish and is entered in the jackpot tourney wins all the money in the pot.


Our jackpot contest could be $5 (via paypal to make it easy) enters you in the Jackpot category. The more people who enter, the larger the jackpot (obviously). Both custom and basic categories could play in the jackpot contest together. Could be judged on a basic poll with all jackpot tanks listed. Winner takes all.


Would there be any interest or no...?

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SO no stock MB contest? I have a stock MB I wanted to play with but since I see that "standard" gets referenced I guess I'm out. I'm not reading 10 pages, but if someone can answer my question I would gladly hand over my soul.

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Originally posted by Gilman

What do you guys/gals think about having an extra member sponsored "JACKPOT" category where people who want to play in that category have a chance to win community cash.


Here is the theory. On sportfishing boats, they have a jackpot tournament and everyone who wants to play puts in $10 or whatever the jackpot tourney happens to cost. The person who catches the largest fish and is entered in the jackpot tourney wins all the money in the pot.


Our jackpot contest could be $5 (via paypal to make it easy) enters you in the Jackpot category. The more people who enter, the larger the jackpot (obviously). Both custom and basic categories could play in the jackpot contest together. Could be judged on a basic poll with all jackpot tanks listed. Winner takes all.


Would there be any interest or no...?

I'm down.

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Originally posted by supernip

do you guys know when the official rules will be up?


With any luck this weekend.


Originally posted by Daemonfly

I still don't udnerstand why MB wouldn't be allowed in Stock category


To make the basic category more well.... basic. Choice of tanks is kinda custom. :flower:

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I was pretty excited about doing a stock minibow when the first posts about the contest came out... I have to say, though, I'm not very interested in owning a 2.5 AGA. That change was a pretty big dissapointment. So that leaves the stock category... but I'm especially not interested in having an ugly standard sump that is twice the size of the display. I had visions of an aquarium and sump in one, with everything hidden. I can understand wanting to level out the playing field for judging, but since it's an open category, why not just set a maximum total volume? This would allow those of us who would rather look at the tank and see a display rather than plumbing and equipment everywhere to enter too. Plus it would allow everyone to be more creative in the process and hopefully end up with something they want to actually _keep_ in the end.


Rules are rules, and I'm not trying to complain, but you asked for opinions, and that's my two cents worth.

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...eh, I was disspointed in the lighting limitation for the stock catagory. Competing with tanks that are going to use MH and sumps for twice the water volume because I'm going to use 36w of pc rather than 18 even though I planned no other mods was not very appealing. But you can't please everyone all the time.

If the contest gets off the ground in the next week or so I'll still enter in the open catagory. I've got rock that been curing in a bucket for about a month and I have livestock on the way that can be held in my 15g reef... but not for too long.

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Sounds like there is some confusion about the differences between the basic/stock contest and custom/open contest....


You CAN have a 2.5 gal minibow in the custom category.


You can have ANY 2.5 gal tank in the custom category.


You can run ANY lighting in the custom category.


You are allowed to run a sump/refugium if you want to, but it is definitely not required. There haven't been concrete limits put on this aspect of the custom contest yet, and there may be....




The basic/stock category is much more limited. basic/stock category keeps the system basic with standard gear so everyone is on an even judging playing field. The minibow needs lighting modification in order to really be a decent reef tank out of the box, and modification defeats the purpose of the basic contest.


so.... the basic contest is limited to a 2.5 standard.


No sump. No plumbing.


18watt PC lighting.


No mods.


b a s i c.





so if you want a minibow......you can go to town with it in the custom category.





In other news.....im thinking the weekend of the 15th will be the best way to go with starting so people will have plenty of time to plan and shop once the rules have been posted.




I'm sorry that some people are bummed on the rules. Unfortunately, as I mentioned earlier, whenever there are rules involved with anything, someone thinks the rules suck.


The 2.5 aga minibow may be the main target for another pico contest.....future.....? It Could Happen!! It seems this time around the 2.5 is going to be the main candidate for the basic/stock contest. Trust me, it's not that I don't like minibow tanks. I started minibow.com for gad sake.

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Originally posted by sdbeazley

how big of a HOB will we be able to use for basic? are we talking AC300, AC200, 150 or 100? all of which will fit...



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