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Coral Vue Hydros

Nano-Reef.com - Pico Contest! - General Contest Discussion


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Originally posted by icenine

umm... what is the reason behind the 18w limit to the stock catagory?


Simple restriction. If people want more lighting, they can join the Custom Category and let it shine.



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Originally posted by Snoop

will any tank with those specks work


Yes, any standard 2.5 (with trim) that you can get your hands on in your neck of the woods is fine.



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No damn it... I wont let you bail Icenine! In fact, I wont enter if you dont! OK, so that's an exageration, but you should still rock the contest anyway... your tank kicks a$$, and this one could too, no matter what catagory, you enter.



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Anyone else think the sump should not be restricted to ONLY a standard 5.5? here are my reasons for my objection:


First of all, it's hard and/or expensive to find a 5.5 acrylic tank to start with. The problem with this is that many who will want to run a sump will want to drill it for an Iceprobes or sum such gadget, and small glass tanks are VERY hard to drill due to their VERY thin glass. Thus, we will be forced to dig deep and look far-and-wide for an acrylic 5.5g tank, thus slowing our start-up time and increasing our cost.


Secondly, what if our ideal design actually incorperates a refugium? Refugiums must be above the tank to allow pods to get into the tank, otherwise return pumps chop them up or simply do not allow them through. With a 5.5g sump, we could not also do an effective refugium, because the volume limit has been reached.


Finally, shouldn't a volume cap be enough to keep judging straight forward? I mean it's the tank that is being judged, right? It's not the techy stuff that makes it run that is being judged... no matter how crazy, cool, or inovative that stuff may be.


Just my $0.02 (which happens to be the amount of $ I'll have after finishing this tank).



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The largest restriction on the Custom Category will be the Sump Space. Entrants will be required to use the SAME basic sump space for the competition. Entrants will be allowed to do anything they wish with this space (refugium, sump, etc). Entrants will also be allowed to plumb their setup any way they would like. The decided sump space in the Custom Category will be a standard 5.5 gal tank which will bring the possible total system volume to around 8 gallons. It may be that smaller sumps (for instance another standard 2.5) are also allowed if someone wishes to use less volume. If that was the case, only standard tanks under 5.5 gallons would be allowed.


Whats with such restrictions on a custom catagory? Looks like I'm out as well. I was going to do either a 2.5g fuge or a custom ~2-3g acrylic fuge that would actually fit in a small stand I already have. What if they were going with an AC300 fuge instead?



Just give a total system volume restriction and let everyone use whatever sump/fuge they want.

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Dude, all you guys complain too much...just follow the darn rules. If you don't like it don't enter. Stop trying to change the rules to benefit what you've already had in mind.


This is to discuss rules that would be most fair for eveyone not just yourself. If you're going to join open category then have the skills work with a 5.5g AGA no matter how limiting it is (ie glass thiness or size limit). You need mod skills to enter the open category...if not, just join the stock contest. Both should be very challenging with so much tallented people entering both.


I do have one question though...the stock category is going to have everyone work with the same equipment so coral growth and display aesthics will be bulk of the judging criteria (no stand or canopy will be part of judging). What about the open category...will mods be taken into consideration for the judging or just the display tank? Sorry if this has already been addressed but this is just an enormous thread.

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I'm not complaining (and I resent that), nor am I trying to swing the rules in my favor. I'm just adding my voice to the discusion of the rules. That is what this thread is for, right? You'll notice that Gilman said "It may be that smaller sumps (for instance another standard 2.5) are also allowed if someone wishes to use less volume"... I was just following up on this idea by supporting it.




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Sry, didn't mean to offend...let me take that back.


All I want to say is that basically follow what ever the rules are. If they'll only allow us to use a soda can for a fuge then so be it. I remember when the NC6 contest started, so many people were saying all these "what ifs".


So does anyone know the judging parameters for the open contest? Will mods be taken into consideration or just display tank's inhabitants?

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Ya, it's better to get the "what ifs" out of the way before the contest starts anyway so no one accidently breaks the rules or try to take advantage of them.

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We're all making up the rules. Also, why have such limits in the open/custom category?


This thread is here for us to debate what rules we will use, as it's our contest, thought up by the users of this forum. I've been debating for both categories, even though I'm only entering custom.

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I think Shao-lin brings up a good point for discusion... Should tanks entered in the custom catagory be judged not just on the merit of the tank, but all the mods that made it possible?


I for one would say: Judge only the tank, so that anyone entering the custom cat. - whether it be to do dwarf seahorses, which almost requires the exclusive use of undergravel or foam filtration (out of the specs for the STOCK cat.), or to do a rock'n SPS or LPS reef with all the fun what's-its and gadgets - has a fair chance based solely on the end beauty/stability/originality of his or her tank. No mater how numerous or inginuitive the mods, they should only be a means to that end product.


another of my $0.02,


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For judging in the Open catagory, why not use the tank as the primary focus and if there is a tie then use the mods as a tie breaker?


Or, weight the judging. 75% tank, 25% mods?


just my .02

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This thread is for open discussion/debate on rules indeed. Please continue doing so. I have a shoot to go do this morning, but will be back again early afternoon to reply/add to to what has been discussed.




ps. thanks for keeping this discussion/debate lively yet civil!

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Originally posted by tylernt

Just enter the open/custom category. Won't hurt to try.




Why 18w? Why not allow the 20w (screw-in) since it is such a popular and easy way to light a tank? If not, can MattC at least wrap some electical tape around the bulb to reduce it's output to 18w equivalent?


Just curious. Thanks!


Thanx Tylernt!

I am not going to enter the open category, cause i WANT to make a stock tank, i just am not buying a new light. I also will just build my tank anyway--not for the contest. I do however see no reason the 18W rule can not be bumped to 20w. Essentially the stock cat. (could be ) a lower cost category, and the 20W bulbs are way cheaper than the 18W fixture. I think it is one of the most basic types of lighting out there for an AGA 2.5... Isnt that what stock means--basic?


JMO.. if the rule changes, im In...

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That's cool MattC. I bet the 20w has a good chance of being 'official' for the Stock category, especially since it's probably no brighter than 18w due to the restrike inherent in the quad bulb design. And I really don't think folks with the 18w will feel there is unfair competition from 20w screw-in users. Any objections from 18w users?


Originally posted by Snoop

whould stiking spunge in the filter be a mod

I think I saw Gilman say that the HOB can be run with or without the sponge. It's been a long thread though so I could be misremembering. ;) That does bring up a point though, should there be rules forbidding or requiring the use of carbon, diat. earth or other filtration material in the Stock category? I don't think so but it's something to think about.
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I don't really see a problem with the 20watt screw-in type bulb. If there are no other real objections, then the Basic Category lighting would be either a 20 watt (Screw-in) PC, 18watt PC, or some other smaller than 18watt PC lighting setup.


I don't see a problem with running a sponge or basic filter media and/or carbon in the HOB filter in the Basic Category either. Anyone who does, or thinks there should be restrictions of some sort......post here soon, the rules will be official before you know it.


As far as custom category being judged on mods, I am not really sure on how the judging criteria will work yet. I would honestly like to leave the judging open to the community with this contest (Poll type vote, possibly in rounds of some sort).


If I were to judge a set of custom tanks today with no real criteria, I believe that tank mods would definitely play a part in my decision as well as what the display actually looked like. Bottom line though......If the display looks bad, all the pumps, plumbing, and lighting in the world aren't going to be very impressive to me.


I am really glad that people are taking an interest in how this contest is run. This contest was thought up by the community, and I think the community should have a large hand in how it is run. Of course like anything with rules, some people will be unhappy with some of the specifics. I hope in the end though, there is enough compromise taking place to make it possible for those who want to be involved to enjoy taking part in this contest.



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Awesome! Thanx Gilman! Looks like Im back IN again! I have to say, Im really looking forward to this contest... (even though i probably wont win :( )

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