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Innovative Marine Aquariums

reef 'n ale's 37.5g custom

reef n ale

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Thanks Davina! I couldn't decide between a pine stand painted black or an oak stand with the run of the mill brown stain. So why not an oak stand with black stain! You still get the black, and the woodgrain! I'm dying to see it in person...


Thanks winnie! I spoke to Steve at SoCal last night and he was drilling holes. I think we're getting close...woo-hoooooo!!


Hey Jonathan! I can't wait to see your tank started. I'll keep an eye on the progress. At this point it looks like we may try FedEx Freight. Steve or Randy can correct me on this if I'm wrong, but I think my stand is going to be somewhat of a shipping experiment, to see how it goes. After this one, I think they'll have a better grip on cost and procedure for shipping a piece of furniture. I think it'll work out fine. The tank has an external overflow and I'll get back to you on the hole placement with a pic. $280 was just the tank man...


Hey lgreen, Chris is separating the T5's, yes. I don't know exactly how he's doing it, but I will end up being able to have T5 #1 come on, then T5 #2, then the halides(and,of course,the reverse at the end of the day). Should be pretty cool...do you think?



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ah, didnt know you went with the external overflow. that explains the price (still a good one). some places wanted $300-500 for the tank I asked for.

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Yeah, I was looking at a Clear For Life 40g. The price for that, adding an internal overflow, put it close to SoCal. So I ordered the better tank AND got the custom size with external overflow.



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Nice tank, I am going to get a 129 gallon made from them in around 8 months to a year. Can't wait. I am planning it with them now to get a jump on things.

Johnathan - your link isn't up

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Wow Freak, sounds cool. That sounds like a pretty big tank to ship to NC. I'm interested to see how that works out! Keep us posted.



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I'm gonna have to make the trek east to see that bad boy once you get it running. Very nice. Makes me wish I wasn't so ghetto with my tanks.

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Yeah d, the next road trip(after Saturday,of course)is you coming out this way. We can make a side trip to The Hidden Reef if you haven't been there. It's about the best LFS we have around here(that I know of). And BTW, I like your tanks...



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Coming along great! It is kinda like a smaller scale of my 129 gallon. SO far a lot fo stuff will be the same ( external overflow etc)

Can't wait to see this up and running

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Thanks Guys! I've got a whole box of PVC waiting! Hopefully the tank/stand/sump will be here within the next week or two. My god, what have I gotten myself into...:unsure:



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Congrats Rob! I saw on SoCal's website that they were finished with your tank and stand. Woohoo!

Because of the quality work that they've put into your tank with a number of other people here that recommend them, I've decided to go ahead and place an order for a thicker custom tank prolly tomorrow if not sooner. :)

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Well, my SoCal order is scheduled to be shipped today. I even get pics of the shipping process on my SoCal page! I feel so special...:)


Check it out on my SoCal link. vvv



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Thanks, again, to Steve and Randy for excellent customer service! Steve let me know, by phone, exactly when it was picked up. And just look at that super-professional packing... It can't be beat!



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wow this looks like a really exciting project, amazing start so far. I was thinking of something very similar for my next tank (but probably 20" wide i think). Keep up the great effort, I'll be watching this thread for inspiration!

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Thanks newbiecarlz! The 20" wide sounds like a cool idea. I'd love to see how that turns out. Get to work! ;)


Hey Ruth! I didn't know you were following this thread.: The waiting is killing me! It's supposed to be here Thursday(according to the shipper), so we'll have to see about that. I'm really in the mood to do some plumbing this weekend!:) WooHooooo...



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